States of Matter Flashcards
What are the 3 states of matter?
What are atoms like in the different states of matter?
solid- vibrate in a fixed position
liquid- arranged in a random way
gas- don’t have a fixed shape
What state of matter can be compressed?
What is sublimation?
Sublimation is the process by which solids turn into gases without melting
into a liquid first.
What does viscosity mean?
Viscosity is a measure of how easily a liquid flows. An example of a viscous
substance would be syrup. It pours very slowly. We say that syrup has a high
What state of matter has the quickest diffusion?
What happens when objects get hot?
They expand
What happens when objects get cold?
They contract
Why don’t we get squashed with air pressure?
The pressure inside us pushing out balances the air pressure on the outside
pushing in.