Statements of Case (Syllabus 8) Flashcards
When does CPR 16 (statements of case) not apply?
where the claimant uses the Part 8 procedure
What must the claim form contain?
(1) a concise statement of the nature of the claim
(2) the remedy which the claimant seeks
(3) where the claimant is making a claim for money, a statement of value
(4) where the claim is for a specified sum, a statement of interest accrued on that sum; and
(5) contain such other matters as may be set out in a PD.
What must a claim form in proceedings against the Crown contain?
(1) the names of the government departments and officers of the Crown concerned; and
(2) brief details of the circumstances in which it is alleged that the liability of the Crown arose.
Can the court grant a different remedy than what is specified in the claim form?
Yes, the court can grant any remedy that the claimant is entitled to.
What must the claimant state in the claim form if they are making a claim for money?
the amount of money claimed;
the amount that the claimant expects to recover; or
that the claimant cannot say how much is likely to be recovered.
What must the claimant disregard when calculating how much they expect to recover?
(1) that the court may make an award of interest or costs;
(2) that the court may make a finding of contributory negligence
(3) that the defendant may make a counterclaim or that the defence may include a set-off
(4) that D may be liable to pay money which is awarded to the claimant under s.6 Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Act 1997
What must the PoC include?
(1) a concise statement of the facts on which C relies
(2) if the claimant is seeking interest, a statement to that effect
(3) if C is seeking aggravated damages a statement to that effect
(4) if C is seeking provisional damages, a statement to that effect and his grounds for claiming them;
(5) any other matters set out in the PD
What are some examples of proceedings with special rules about statements of case?
defamation claims, possession claims and probate claims.
If a statement of case exceeds 25 pages what must also be filed?
an appropriate short summary must also be filed and served.
What details must be on the claim form?
the address at which the claimant resides or carries business, this applies even if the address for service is the solicitors.
if the defendant is an individual the defendant’s address, even if service is at his solicitors.
What can the court do if the claim form does not show a full address for the claimant(s) and defendant(s)?
the claim form will be issues but retained by the court and not served until the claimant has supplied a full address
What is the full name of a party that should appear on the title of the claim form?
(1) for an individual his full unabbreviated name and the title by which he is known;
(2) in the case of an individual carrying on business in a name other than his own name- the full name of the individual and the full trading name
(3) for a company or corporation - the full name by which they are known
What must the claim form state if the PoC are not included or attached to it?
that the PoC will follow
Do the PoC need to be verified with a statement of truth?
What must be included in the PoC for personal injury claims?
(1) the claimant’s date of birth, and
(2) brief details of the claimant’s personal injuries
(3) a schedule of details of past and future expenses and losses must be attached to the PoC
(4) any evidence from a medical practitioner which is relied on should be served with/attached to the PoC
What should be included in the PoC for a provisional damages claim?
(1) that the claimant is seeking an award of provisional damages under either section 32A Senior Courts Act 1981, or section 51 County Court Act 1984.
(2) that there is a chance that at some future time the claimant will develop some serious disease or suffer a serious deterioration in his physical or mental condition, and
(3) specify the disease or type of deterioration in respect of which an application may be made on a future date.
Where a clam is made for an injunction or declaration in respect of any land or the possession, use or enjoyment of land what must the PoC state?
whether or most the injunction or declaration relates to residential premises and identify the land (with reference to a plan if necessary).
What should be attached to the PoC if a claim is based upon a written agreement?
a copy of the contract or documents constituting the agreement should be attached
What should the PoC set out if the claim is based on an oral agreement?
any contractual words used and sated by whom, to whom, when and where the acts constituting the conduct were done.
What must be included in the PoC if a claimant wishes to rely on evidence of a conviction of an offence or a finding of adjudication of adultery or paternity?
(1) the type of conviction, finding or adjudication and its date.
(2) the court or Court-Martial which made the conviction, finding or adjudication, and
(3) the issue in the claim to which it relates.
What matters must be set out in the PoC if the claimant intends to rely on them?
(1) any allegation of fraud
(2) the fact of illegality
(3) details of any misrepresentation
(4) details of all breaches of trust
(5) notice or knowledge of a fact
(6) details of unsoundness of mind or undue influence
(7) details of wilful default; and
(8) any facts relating to a claim for mitigation expenditure.
What must the PoC state when the claim is for a sum of money expressed in a foreign currency?
(1) that the claim is for payment in a specified foreign currency
(2) why it is for payment in that currency
(3) the Sterling equivalent of he sum at the state pop the claim, and
(4) the source of the exchange rate relied on the calculate the sterling equivalent.
In clinical negligence claims do the words clinical negligence need to be inserted at the top of every statement of case?
What power does Section 35A Senior Courts Act confer?
the power to award interest on debts and damages
What type of interest is awarded by the court usually under s.35A Senior Courts Act?
simple interest at such a rate that the court thinks is fit
When will interest of a debt not be awarded under s.35A Senior Courts Act?
where the period under which the interest would be awarded, interest on the debt already runs.
Can interest be calculated at different rates for different periods under S.35A Senior Courts Act?
What power does s.69 County Courts Act 1984 confer to the court?
the power to award interest on debts and damages.
What should be contained in the defence?
The defendant must state which allegations from the PoC:
(1) he admits
(2) he denies
(3) he cannot admit or deny and requires C to prove
What happens if a defendant fails to deal with an allegation?
he will be deemed to admit that allegation.
What must a defendant do if he denies an allegation?
state his reasons for doing so and put forward his version of events if they are different to that of the claimant.
What happens if a defendant fails to deal with an allegation but has set out in his defence the nature of his case in relation to the issue to which that allegation is relevant?
he will be taken to require this allegation to be proved.
What are the consequences for not filing an acknowledgment of service?
If a defendant who fails to file an AoS within the specified period and does not file a defence in the required time, the claimant may obtain default judgment if Part 12 allows it.
What is the period of time in which an AoS should be filed?
(1) the general rule is that the period for filing is where the defendant is served with a claim form which states that PoC are to follow, 14 days after service of the PoC; and
(2) in any other case, 14 days after service of the claim form.
What is the rule of set-off?
where a defendant contends that he is entitled to money from the claimant and relies on this as a defence and set off against the claim, the contention may be included in the defence and set off against the claim, whether or not it is also a Part 20 claim.
Is a set-off by a defendant a defence?
what happens if a claimant does not file a reply to the defence?
The claimant will not be taken to admit the matters raised in the defence
What if a claimant files a reply to a defence but fails to deal with a matter raised in the defence?
the claimant will be taken to require that matter to be proved.
What is the court’s power to dispense with statements of case?
if a claim form has been issued and served in accordance with CPR r.7.2 and 7.5 the court may make an order that the claim will continue without any other statement of case
Does a defendant need to deal with every allegation in the PoC in their defence?
Yes they should.
Does the defence need to be verified with a statement of truth?
Where the claim is for personal injuries and a medical report is attached, what should the defendant do in the defence?
state whether he agrees, disputes, or neither agrees nor disputes but has no knowledge of the matters contained in the medical report. If he does dispute any part of the medical report he must give his reasons for doing so and whether he intends to rely on a medical report he has obtained himself.
Where the claim is for personal injuries and the claimant has included a schedule of past and future expenses and losses what should the defendant do if they disagree?
the defendant should include in or attach to his defence a counter-schedule stating which of those items:
(a) he agrees;
(b) he disputes, or
(c) neither agrees or disputes but has no knowledge of, and where any items are disputed, supplying alternative figures.
What may a party refer to in their statements of case?
(1) any point of law on which his claim or defence is based
(2) give in his statement of case the name of any witness he proposes to call and
(3) attach to or serve with this statement of case a copy of any document which he considers is necessary to his claim or defence, as the case may be
Does the defendant need to file a defence when Part 8 procedure is being used?
if a defendant wishes to defend all or part of a claim what must they do?
they MUST file a defence
What is the consequence if a defendant fails to file a defence?
the claimant may obtain default judgment if Part 12 allows it
Can the period for filing a defence be extended?
Yes the claimant and defendant may agree to extend the period for filing by up to 28 days.
If the claimant and defendant agree to extend the deadline for filing the defence, what must the defendant do?
notify the court in writing
Who must the defence be served on?
every party in the proceedings
What Part of the CPR applies to a defendant wishing to make a counterclaim?
Part 20
If a claimant files a reply to the defence, what must they do?
file it with a directions questionnaire and serve the reply on the other parties when it is filed
Can a party file or serve a statement of case after a reply?
No, not unless the court grants permission to do so
What happens where the only claim is for a specified amount of money and the defendant states that he has paid the claimant?
the court will send notice to the claimant requiring him to state in writing whether he wishes the proceedings to continue
What happens where the claimant fails to respond to the court’s question of whether he wishes proceedings to continue in light of D’s defence that money was paid?
If C fails to respond within 28 days after service of the court’s notice the claim shall be stayed.
What happens where 6 months ave expired since the end of the period for filing a defence, D has not served or filed an admission or a defence or a counterclaim, and C has not applied for default judgment?
the claim will be stayed. For this to be lifted the parties will have to apply to the court
What is the general layout of the defence and counterclaim when served under Part 20?
they are to be served in the form of one document with the counterclaim following on from the defence.
What happens when the claimant needs to file the reply and directions questionnaire, but the reply is due earlier than the directions questionnaire?
the court will normally order that the defence to counterclaim must be filed by the same day as the reply. Where the court does not make such an order the reply and defence to counterclaim may form separate documents.