Interim Injunctions (Syllabus 17) Flashcards
Where is the power to order an interim injunction contained?
CPR r.25.1
What is an injunction?
a court order prohibiting a person from doing something or requiring a person to do something.
What should the claim form contain?
the claim form must specify the remedy sought and therefore should include any claim for an injunction as a final order.
If a claimant cannot define the relief sought with a sufficient degree of precision what will happen?
No injunction will be granted.
What statute gives the courts jurisdiction to grant injunctions?
s. 37 Senior Courts Act states that the High Court may by order, whether interlocutory or final, grant an injunction in all cases in which it appears to the court to be just and convenient to do so.
s. 38 County Courts Act provides that the court may make any order which could be made in the High Court if the proceedings were in the High Court.
What must a litigant who ceases to be bound bu their undertaking apply for?
they should apply for release from it or discharge of it and may accompany the application with an offer of undertaking in different terms.
Can a litigant who has given an undertaking to obtain an injunction entitled to pursue an appeal agains that undertaking?
Not usually, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
What are the two possible routes to dispute the contents of an undertaking before an appeal court?
(1) to decline to give the undertaking, accepting that the injunction will be refused; or
(2) to refuse to give the undertaking, but to invite the judge to make an order in equivalent terms or to amen the injunction conditional on fortification.
What is an undertaking?
a promise which a litigant volunteers to the court, the court has no power to vary the terms of a voluntary promise.
When might an order for an interim remedy be made?
at any time including-
(1) before proceedings are started; and
(2) after judgment has been given
How can a party apply for an interim remedy?
(1) the court may grant an interim remedy on an application made without notice if it appears to the court that there are good reasons for not giving notice.
(2) an application for an interim remedy must be supported by evidence unless the court orders otherwise.
What is the test in American Cyanamid?
(1) is there a serious question to be tried; if yes, then two other questions arise
(2) would damages be an adequate remedy for a party injured bu the court’s grant of, or its failure to grant, an injunction?
(3) if not, where does the balance of convenience lie?
What is the American Cyanamid test for?
the procedure to be adopted bu the court in hearing an application for an interlocutory injunction
What is the meaning of whether there is a serious question to be tried?
Is there a serious issue that might be raised a trial, so is a trial likely to take place.
Can the court grant interim relief pending an appeal?
Yes the court has a jurisdiction to grant interim protection by interim injunction to a party who has been unsuccessful at trial pending an appeal.
How should the balance of convenience be determined?
(1) the court should first consider whether if the claimant succeeds at trial, they would be adequately compensated by damages for any loss caused bu the refusal to grant an interim injunction.
(2) if damages would not be an adequate remedy, the court should consider whether if the injunction were granted, the defendant would be adequately compensated under the claimant’s undertaking to damages.
(3) it is where there is doubt as to the adequacy of he respective remedies in damages that the question of balance of convenience arises.
(4) where the factors seem balanced it is a counsel of prudence to take such measures as are calculated to preserve the status quo.
What is the balance of convenience also described as?
the balance of risk of doing injustice
Where factors seem to be evenly balanced, what is usually the solution?
to preserve the status quo
When should the relative strength of each parties case be considered in determining the balance of convenience?
As an absolute last resort.
If the grant or refusal of an interlocutory injunction is likely to dispose of the issue what must the court consider?
the likelihood of the claimant succeeding at trial.
What is the effect of delay on trial?
in a given case, the question whether or not the grant or refusal of an interlocutory injunction will in effect dispose of the action finally may be affected by the length of delay to trial.
Can the guidelines in American Cyanamid be varied?
Yes, in certain circumstances.
What is a mandatory injunction?
an injunction that directs that a positive act should be done to repair some mission or to restore the prior position by undoing some wrongful act.
What is the test laid out in Nottingham Building Society?
(1) the overriding consideration is which course is likely to involve the least risk of injustice if it turns out to be wrong
(2) in considering whether to grant a mandatory injunction, the court must keep in mind that an order which requires a party to take some positive step may carry a greater risk of injustice.
(3) it is legitimate, where a mandatory injunction is sought, to consider whether the court does feel a high degree of assurance that the claimant will be able to establish this right at a trial.
(4) but, even where they are unable to feel any high degree of assurance that the claimant will establish their rich, there may still be circumstances in which it is appropriate to grant a mandatory injunction at an interlocutory stage.
Can the court order a party to give an undertaking in damages?
No, it is something that an applicant must be willing to do of their own accord.
Can there be terms attached to the granting of an interlocutory injunction?
Yes they can be granted either unconditionally or conditionally.
Who is a cross-undertaking given to?
not from applicant to respondent; but from applicant to the court.
What should the undertaking in damages extend to?
it extends to compensating losses suffered bu the defendant restrained by the order.
What will happen if an applicant is unable to offer a credible undertaking?
The court will not deny a person who is entitled to an injunction one if they are legally aided and of limited means