Limitation (Syllabus 2) Flashcards
What is the date from which limitation is calculated?
Where a deadline is midnight, the cause of action for missing the deadline occurs at the stroke of midnight, not the following day. Where the cause of action accrues part way through the day, that day is excluded
What is the date when action is “brought”?
CPR 7.2 states that a claim form is issued on the date entered on the claim form by the court.
What happens if the claim form was received by the court at an earlier time than the date that the form is issued?
For these purposes he claim is brought for the purposes of the LA 1980 on the earlier date
Does a period of stay in the proceedings count towards the time limit for service of the claim form?
If the wrong fee is paid in relation to the claim form will this mean that the time period keeps running?
What is the time limit for actions founded on tort?
s.2 LA 1980 the time limit is 6 years from the date on which the cause of action accrued.
What is the time limit for actions founded on simple contracts?
s.5 LA 1980 the time limit is 6 years from the date on which the cause of action accrued.
What is the special time limit for claiming contribution?
s.10 LA 1980, the time limit is 2 years from the date on which the right accrued.
What is the time limit for personal injury claims?
s. 11 LA 1980 the time limit is 3 years from:
(1) the date on which the cause of action accrued; or
(2) the date of knowledge of the person injured
What happens if a person dies within the limitation period for a personal injury claim?
the limitation period is 3 years from:
(1) the date of death, or
(2) the date of the person representative’s knowledge.
What is the time limit for actions under Fatal Acidents legislation?
s. 12 LA 1980 the time limit is 3 years from:
(1) the date of death; or
(2) the date of knowledge of the person for whose benefit the action is brought.
What is the definition of date of knowledge?
s. 14 LA 1980. The date on which the person had knowledge that:
(1) the injury in question is significant; and
(2) the injury was attributable in whole or in part to the act or omission which is alleged to constitute negligence, nuisance or breach of duty; and
(3) the identity of the defendant; and
(4) if it is alleged that the act or omission was that of a person other than the defendant, the identity of that person and the additional facts supporting the brining of an action against the defendant.
Do all the facts in s.14 need to be satisfied?
Yes, however the 4 fact are exhaustive.
Date of knowledge 4 facts?
(1) the injury was significant; and
(2) the injury was attributable in whole or in part to the act or omission; and
(3) the identity of the defendant; and
(4) if it is alleged that the act or omission was that of a person other than the defendant, knowledge of the identity of that person
What is the special time limit for negligence actions where facts relevant to the cause of action are not known at date of accrual?
s. 14A LA 1980 the time limit is:
(1) 6 years from the date that the cause of action accrued; or
(2) three years from the earliest date that the claimant had the knowledge and right to bring an action (if this expires later than (1) above.
What is the knowledge required for bringing a claim in negligence?
There must be knowledge of both:
(1) the material facts about the damage in respect of which damages are claimed; and
(2) the other facts relevant to the current action
What is the knowledge required for bringing a claim in negligence?
There must be knowledge of both:
(1) the material facts about the damage in respect of which damages are claimed; and
(2) the other facts relevant to the current action
What are other facts relevant to current action?
(1) that the damage was attributable in while or in part to the act or omission which is alleged to constitute negligence; and
(2) the identity of the defendant; and
(3) if it is alleged that the act or commission was that of a person other than the defendant, the identity of that person and additional facts supporting the brining of an action.
In relation to negligence claims and the date of knowledge what claims are barred?
Claims that were barred before the new act came into force (1986).
What time of claims does s.14A cover?
only claims for negligence in tort, no claims for breach of duty of care arising out of a contract for example.
What is the overriding time limit for negligence actions that do no involve personal injuries?
the time limit is 15 years from the date (if more than one, the last of the dates) on which there occurred an act or omission-
(1) which is alleged to constitute negligence; and
(2) to which the damage in respect of which damages are claimed is alleged to be attributable.
What is the time limit to enforce a judgment?
s.24 LA 1980, the time limit is 6 years from the date on which the judgment became enforceable.
What sections of the LA 1980 can be used to extend limitation periods?
(1) s.28 extension in case of disability
(2) s.32 extension in the case of fraud, concealment or mistake
(3) s.33 discretionary exclusion of time limits for actions in respect of personal injury or death
What is the definition of a disability?
a person is deemed to have a disability whilst he is a child or lacks capacity (as per Mental Capacity Act 2005) to conduct legal proceedings
What is the extension of time limit for a disabiltiy?
the time limit is 6 years from the date in which the person ceases to be under a disability, or died
What is the extension of time limit where there has been fraud, concealment or mistake?
the time limit does not run until the claimant has discovered the fraud, concealment or mistake.
What section gives the court a discretionary power to exclude time limits for personal injury or death?
s.33 LA 1980.