Appeals (Syllabus 24) Flashcards
What courts do the rules on appeals apply to?
CoA civil division, the High Court and the County Court
What does appeal mean?
appeal by way of case stated
When does an appellant or respondent require permission to appeal?
where the appeal is from a decision of a judge in the County Court or the High Court, or to the Court of Appeal from a decision of a judge in the family court.
Except where the appeal is against-
(1) a committal order
(2) a refusal to grant habeas corpus or
(3) a secure accommodation order.
Where may an application for permission to appeal be made?
(1) to the lower court at the hearing at which the decision to be appealed was made; or
(2) to the appeal court in an appeal notice
If a lower court refuses an application for permission to appeal, how can an applicant appeal?
through a further application for permission made to the appeal court
If a lower court refuses permission to appeal what must the order specify?
the court to which any further application for permission should be made and the level of judge who should hear the application.
How will a court other than the CoA consider an application for permission to appeal?
on paper without a hearing unless the court otherwise directs.
If the County Court or High Court refuse permission without a hearing what can the person seeking the permission do?
request that the decision be reconsidered at an oral hearing.
What can a judge of the High Court, a Designated Ciil Judge or a Specialist Circuit Judge do when they refuse permission to appeal?
they can make an order that the person seeking permission may not request the decision to be reconsidered at an oral hearing if they consider that the application is totally without merit.
Which types of judges can order that there can be no oral reconsideration of the application for permission to appeal, due to the lack of merit of the appeal?
a judge of the High Court, a Designated Civil Judge or a Specialist Circuit judge
When should a request for reconsideration at an oral hearing be filed?
within 7 days after service of the notice that permission has been refused.
What is the test for second appeals?
permission to appeal will not be given unless the court considers that the appeal would have a real prospect of success and raise an important point of principle or practice or there is some other compelling reason for the CoA to hear it.
Is permission required for second appeals, and if so who from?
Yes, permission is required from the CoA for any appeal to that court from a. decision of the County Court, the family court or the High Court which was itself made on appeal.
What is an appellant’s notice?
where the appellant seeks permission from the appeal court, it must be requested in the appellant’s notice.
When must the appellant’s notice be filed at the appeal court?
in the period directed by the lower court or 21 days after the date of the decision of the lower court which is being appealed.
when must the appellant’s notice be served on each respondent?
as soon as is practicable but not later than 7 days after it is filed.
If an appellant seeks permission to appeal against a decision to refuse to grant an interim injunction under s.41 PCA 2009 what is the effect on the appellant notice?
the appellant is not required to serve the appellant notice on the respondent.
Does a respondent have to file and serve a respondent’s notice?
No but they may if they choose to.
When must a respondent file a respondent’s notice?
where the respondent is seeking permission to appeal from the appeal court; or wishes to ask the appeal court tot uphold the decision of the lower court for reasons different from or additional to those given by that lower court.
When must a respondent’s notice be filed?
within the period directed by the court, or 14 days after the respondent is served with the appellant notice
When is a respondent served with the appellant’s notice?
on the date where permission to a appeal was given by the lower court or permission to appeal is not required.
when must the respondent’s notice be served on the other parties?
as soon as practicable and in any event not later than 7 days after it is filed.
Can transcripts be obtained at public expense for the purposes of appeal?
Yes but the court must be satisfied that-
(1) the applicant qualifies for fee remission or is otherwise in such poor financial circumstances that the cost of obtaining a transcript would be an excessive burden; and
(2) it is necessary in the interests of justice for such a transcript to be obtained.
Can the time limit for filing an appeal notice be varied?
yes on application to the appeal court.
Will the appeal operate as a stay of any order or decision of the lower court?
No, not unless the appeal court or the lower court orders otherwise; or the appeal is from the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the Upper Tribunal.
What powers does an appeal court have?
the appeal court has all of the powers of the lower court and can-
(1) affirm, set aside or vary any order or judgment made or given by the lower court
(2) refer any claim or issue for determination by the lower court
(3) order a new trial or hearing
(4) make orders for the payment of interest
(5) make a costs order
What must the appeal court do if it strikes out, refuses an application for permission or dismisses an appeal and condors that the appellant’s mptoce os totally without merit?
it must record the fact that it considers the application, the appellant’s notice or the appeal to be totally without merit; and
the court must consider whether it is appropriate to make a civil restraint order.
How will an appeal be heard?
every appeal will be limited to a review of the decision of the lower court unless a PD makes a different provision or the court considers that it is in the interest of justice to hold a re-hearing in the circumstances of an individual appeal.
What won’t the appeal court receive?
oral evidence or evidence which was not before the lower court (unless ordered otherwise).
When will the appeal court allow an appeal?
where the decision of the lower court was wrong or unjust because of a serious procedural or other irregularity in the proceedings in the lower court.
What inferences can the appeal court draw?
any inference of fact which it considers justified on the evidence.
At an appeal hearing can a party rely on any matters not included in the appeal notice?
Not unless the court gives permission
When does the general rule that appeals are limited to a review not apply.
If statutes require for an appeal to take place by rehearing, if a PD provides otherwise, or the court considers that it would be in the interests of justice to hold a re-hearing
Should the court set out its reasons for a decision?
Yes, otherwise it makes a review of the court’s decision difficult upon appeal.
What are the four principles when considering the difference between review and re-hearing?
(1) the precise meaning and application of review and re-hearing will depend upon the circumstances of the case.
(2) rehearing means a re-hearing in the fullest sense of the word.
(3) review is not to be equated with judicial review
(4) the power of the appeal court to receive fresh evidence arises both on a re-hearing and a review.
What section of the Access to Justice Act 1999 enables the Lord Chancellor by Order to specify the destinations of appeals?
section 56
What power does s.56 Access to Justice Act 1999 confer?
it enables the Lord Chancellor by Order to specify the destinations of appeal in different cases.
What would be the destination of appeal if the case took place in the County Court in front of a District judge?
the case would appear before a circuit judge in the County Court
Where would an appeal against a decision in the County Court in front of a Circuit Judge appear?
before a High Court judge
Where would an appeal from a decision of a Master, Registrar or District judge in the High Court appear?
before a High Court judge
where would an appeal against a decision of a High Court judge in the High Court appear?
in the CoA
Where would an appeal against a decision of a District Judge in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court appear?
in front of an enterprise judge
Where would an appeal against a decision of an Enterprise Judge in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court appear?
in the CoA
For insolvency proceedings, where would an appeal against the decision of a District judge in the County Court appear?
before a High Court Judge (if it is corporate insolvency, could also be a Registrar).
For insolvency proceedings, where would an appeal against the decision of a Circuit judge in the County Court appear?
before a High Court judge
For insolvency proceedings, where would an appeal against the decision of a District judge/Master/Registrar in the High Court appear?
before a High Court judge
For insolvency proceedings, where would an appeal against the decision of a High Court judge in the High Court appear?
before the CoA
In Family proceedings, where would an appeal of a decision of a District judge appear?
before a high court judge (family division).
In Family proceedings, where would an appeal of a decision of a High Court judge (family division) appear?
in the CoA
What happens when an appellant files the appellant notice in the wrong court?
a court officer may notify that party in writing that the appeal court does not have jurisdiction in respect of the notice. They first must confer with a judge of the appeal court or if CoA, with a court officer who exercises jurisdiction of that court.
If there is an appeal from a Master, who must it be heard by?
applications for permission to appeal must be heard by a Group A judge.
If permission is granted the appeal must be heard by a Group A judge or a Group B judge in if they are authorised to hear the appeal.
In relation to appeals from from Registrars who must applications for permission to appeal be heard by?
A group A judge
For permission to appeal from District judges of the High Court who can hear applications for permission to appeal?
a Group A judge
For permission to appeal from District judges of the High Court who can hear the appeal?
A Group A judge, Group C Judge or in exceptional circumstances a Group D judge.
Where the lower court is the County Court who must hear an application for permission to appeal?
a Group A judge
Where the lower court is the County Court can hear the appeal?
(1) where the appeal is from a Recorder, a Group A or in exceptional circumstances a Group C judge.
(2) in all other cases, a Group A judge, or in exceptional circumstances a Group D judge.
Who must hear appeals where the appeal centre is the Royal Court of Justice?
the Registrar
If there is an appeal from a. District Judge in proceedings brought pursuant to the Companies Act how will an appeal to the High Court be dealt with?
the application for permission to appeal would be heard in-
(a) if the appeal centre is the RCJ, by a salaried Registrar in Bankruptcy; or
(b) in any other appeal centre, by a Group C judge or Group A judge provided that the judge is one who could hear the appeal.
Who hears appeals in the County Court?
Circuit judges and recorders.
What can the court take into account when the application for permission to appeal is from a case management decision?
(1) the issue is of sufficient significance to justify the costs of an appeal
(2) the procedural consequences of an appeal outweigh the significance of the case management decision
(3) it would be more convenient to determine the issue at or after trial
What is the purpose of a skeleton argument?
to assist the court by setting out as concisely as practicable the arguments upon which a party intends to rely
What must a skeleton argument do?
(1) be concise
(2) define and confine the areas of controversy.
(3) be set out in numbered paragraphs
(4) be cross-references to any relevant document in the bundle
(5) be self-contained and not incorporate by reference material from previous skeleton arguments.
(6) not include extensive quotations from documents or authorities.
What is the relevance of costs and skeleton arguments?
the cost of preparing a skeleton argument which does not comply with the requirements set out in PD52A or was not filed within the time limits provided will not be allowed on assessment except as directed by the court.
What should a statement of costs show for the skeleton argument?
the amount claimed for the skeleton argument separately.