State Responsibility Flashcards
Explain the rules of State Responsibility
Also called secondary rules
Address legal relationship arising from the breach of a primary rule.
What is ARSIWA?
Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts. Adopted by International Law Commission and endorsed by UN general assembly. Largely reflects custom.
What are the elements of an internationally wrongful act of a State?
Article 2 of ILC Draft Articles
The action is:
attributable to the State
Constitutes a breach of an international obligation of the State
When is there a breach of an obligation?
Article 12 of draft articles.
Act of State is not in conformity with what is required of it by that obligation.
When may the acts of a private individual entail State responsibility?
Art 9- Conduct carried out in absence of official authorities
Art 11- Retrospective approval by the State of the act of the individual
Art 8- Conduct directed or controlled by the State.
What does article 9 of the draft articles give rise to?
State responsibility because of actions of private individuals in absence of official authorities. Person must be exercising elements of governmental authority in the absence of official authorities.
What does Article 11 of the Draft articles give rise to?
State responsibility over a private individual when the conduct has been acknowledged and adopted by the State.
What does article 8 of the Draft articles give rise to?
State responsibility over private individuals who’s conduct was directed or controlled by the State.
Bosnian Genocide judgment
For States to be accountable for the actions of private individuals under article 8, it must be shown that ‘effective control’ was exercised. para 400
What circumstances preclude wrongfulness?
Consent Self Defence Countermeasures Force majeure Distress Necessity
What is article 20 of the ILC’s draft articles?
Consent precludes wrongfulness
What is article 21 of the ILC’s draft articles?
Self defence precludes wrongfulness
What is article 22 of the ILC’s draft articles?
Countermeasures in respect of an internationally wrongful act preclude wrongfulness
What is article 23 of the ILC’s draft articles?
Force majeure precludes wrongfulness
What is article 24 of the ILC’s draft articles?
Distress precludes wrongfulness. The author must have had no other reasonable way to act in a situation of distress .
What are the forms of reparation?
Restitution in kind and restitutio in integrum Compensation, Damages Satisfaction Declaratory judgments Interest Countermeasures
What are the limits of countermeasures?
Art 49
Must be against responsible State
Must be non-performance of international obligations
Counter measures shall permit the resumption of the performance of these obligations
What is Art 51 of the draft articles?
Counter measures must be proportionate to the wrongful act