Law of the Sea Flashcards
What are the maritime zones?
Territorial sea- Article 3 UNCLOS
Contiguous zone-
Article 33 UNCLOS
Exclusive Economic Zone-
Article 56 and 57 UNCLOS
What is the territorial sea?
Measured from the low water baseline, must not exceed 12nm. Is the State’s territory essentially. May sometimes be measured in other ways.
What is the Contiguous Zone?
Zone contiguous to territorial sea, extends for a further 12nm or 24 nm from the low water baseline.
What may a coastal State do in the contiguous zone?
Exercise control necessary to:
a) Prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations
b) Punish infringement of the laws and regulations committed within its territory or territorial sea
What is the Exclusive Economic Zone?
No more than 200nm from the baseline. Subject to specific restrictions.
What can the coastal State do in the Exclusive Economic Zone?
Has sovereign rights for exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing natural resources.
Includes sea bed and its subsoil
What are the High Seas?
Any mass of salt water that is not part territorial see or internal waters. Article 87 UNCLOS
What is the right of innocent passage?
UNCLOS Art 17- Ships of all States enjoy right of innocent passage through the territorial sea.
What are the rules for maritime delimitation?
States are free to apply the equidistance principle or others to delimit. When coasts are adjacent, neither can extend the territorial sea beyond the median line as per article 15 UNCLOS.
Who can pass through the EEZ?
Anyone- same as High Seas
Who has jurisdiction over territorial sea?
Coastal State but this doesn’t extend to those exercising peaceful passage- Article 27 UNCLOS.
What is the Sic Utere principle?
States should respect the environment of other States.
What is the Prevention principle?
Cornerstone of international environmental law. Stockholm Convention. Harm should be prevented as irreversible.
What is the principle of cooperation?
There should be consultation between States when there’s a risk of transboundary environmental harm.
What is the issue with environmental customary law?
Only really applies after the damage is done.
What are the principles of environmental customary law?
Due Dilligence Polluter-pays Precautionary Prevention Sic Utere Cooperation
Anglo Norwegian Fisheries Case
Norway has unconventional coastline
Issue of how the territorial sea should be measured. The UK argued that they should be allowed to fish in the disputed water following 12nm low water baseline.
ICJ ruled in Norway’s favour. The geographical peculiarities could not be ignored.
Corfu Channel Case
Every state is obliged not to knowingly allow its territory to be used to commit acts against the rights of any other state. This meant Albania was obliged to warn others that its territorial waters were mined.