stars and astrophysics Flashcards
define a planet?
objects with mass sufficent for their own gravity to force them to take spherical shape, where no nuclear fusion occurs, and the object has cleared its orbit of other objects
define dwarf planets?
planets where the orbit has not been cleared of other objects
define planetary satellites
bodies that orbit a planet
define asteroids?
objects which are too small and uneven in shape to be planets with a near circular orbit around the sun
define comets?
small irregularly sized balls of rock, dust, and ice. they orbit the sun in eccentric elliptical orbits
define solar systems?
the systems containing stars and orbiting objects like planets
define galaxies?
a collection of stars, dust, and gas. each galaxy contains around 100 billions stars and is thought to have a supermassive black hole at its center
define nebulae?`
gigantic clouds of dust and gas. they are the birthplace of all stars
how are the protostars formed?
in nebulae, there are regions that are more dense than others. over time, gravity draws matter towards them and, combined with the conservation of angular momentum, causes them to spin inwards to form a denser centre. GPE is converted into thermal energy, which heats up the centre. the resultant sphere of very hot, dense dust and gas is a protostar
how are main sequence stars formed from protostars?
for a star to form, the temperature and pressure must be high enough for hydrogen gas nuclei in the protostar to overcome the electrostatic forces of repulsion and undergo nuclear fusion to convert hydrogen into helium. when fusion begins, the protostar becomes a main sequence star, where the outward pressure due to fusion and the inward force of gravity are in equilibrium
describe how a low mass main sequence star becomes a red giant?
low mass stars are classed as having a core mass between 0.5M and 10M. as these stars have a smaller, cooler core, they remain in the main sequence for longer. once the hydrogen supplies are depleted in the core, the gravitational forces inward overcome the radiation and gas pressures so the core collapses inwards until the pressure is great enough for fusion of hydrogen to helium to occur in a shell around the core (not in core itself as no hydrogen there ). as result the fusion radiation will cause the outer layers to expand and then cool, which gives them the red colour
describe the evolution of a red giant to a white dwarf?
when the star runs out of fuel it expels its outer layers, creating a planetary nebula. the core that remains contracts further, becoming a dense white dwarf. the white dwarf has a temperature of around 3000K, and no fusion occurs. photons which were produced earlier in the evolution leak out, dissipating heat. as the star collapses, electron degeneracy pressure ( caused as two electrons cannot exist in the same state) prevents the core from collapsing. as long as the core mass is below 1.44M, then the white dwarf is stable - this is the Chandrasekhar limit.
describe the evolution of a high mass main sequence star into a red supergiant?
it occurs when stars mass is in excess of 10M. as the hydrogen supplies deplete, the core contracts. since the mass is greater, the core gets much hotter than a red giant, allowing helium fusion into elements heavier then carbon ( up to iron) to take place. the core then expand (due to increased fusion radiation and heat) and this process continues until there is an iron core as iron nuclei’s cant fuse
describe the process of the death of a high mass star?
when all of the fuel in a red supergiant is used up, fusion stops. gravity becomes greater than the outward pressure due to fusion, so the core collapses in on itself very rapidly and suddenly becoes rigid (as matter can no longer be forced any closer). the outer layers fall inwards and rebound of the rigid core, launching them out into space as a shockwave. the remaining core of a supernova is either a neutron star or a black hole depending on its mass
describe the evolution of a red supergiant to a neutron star and black hole?
if the remaining core mass is greater than 1.44M, gravity forces protons and electrons to combine and form neutrons. this produces an extremely small, dense neutron star. if the remaining core is greater than 3M, the gravitiational forces are so stron that the escape velocity of the core becomes greater than the speed of light. this is a black hole which even photons cant escape
describe the process of electrons exciting in discrete energy levels?
electrons bound to an atom can only exist in certain discrete energy levels. the electrons cannot have an energy value that is between two levels. each element has its own set of energy levels. when an electron moves from a lower energy state to a higher energy state, it is excited. this requires the input of external energy ( e.g heating or absorbing a photon of the exact energy required)
all energy levels are negative, true or false?
TRUE, all energy level values are negative, with the ground state being the most negative. an electron that is completely free from an atom has energy equal to 0. this negative sign is used to represent the energy required to remove the electron from the atom.
what are emission line spectra?
a series of coloured lines on a black background.
how are emission line spectra formed?
when light passes through the outer layers of a star, the electrons in the atoms absorb photons and become excited. they then de-excite, releasing photons of a specific wavelengths. these photons are detected on earth and have wavelengths characteristics of the elements in the outer layers, shown as emission line spectra
what are continuous line spectra?
where all visible wavelengths of light are present. they are produced by atoms of solid heated metals
what are absorption line spectra?
a series of dark spectral lines against the background of the continuous spectrum, with each line corresponding to a wavelengths that are characteristic of the elements in the outer layers (as with emission spectra)
what happens when an electron is de-excited?
when an electron is de-excited, it releases energy as a photon with a specific wavelength. the energy released is the difference between the initial energy level of the electron and the final energy level of the photon. this means that transitions between different energy levels produce photons with different wavelengths
what are diffraction gratings?
components with regularly spaced slits that can diffract light. different colours of light have different wavelengths, and so will be diffracted at different angles.
state wiens displacement law?
the wavelength of emitted radiation at peak intensity is inversely proportional to the temperature of the black body. λT= 2.9x10^-3
state stefans law?
the power output of a star is directly proportional to its surface are and to its (absolute temperture)^4
define light year?
the distance travelled by light in a vacuum in one year. in meters this is 9.46x10^15m. (speed of light multiplied by the number of seconds in a year)
what is the doppler effect?
the change in wavelength and frequency of a wave as the source moves away from or towards the observer
what is the stellar parallax?
the apparent shift in position of an object against a backdrop of distant objects due to the orbit of the earth. it can be used to calculate distances of up to 100pc. beyond this point, the angles involved are so small they are hard to accurately measure.
define parsec?
the distance from which 1AU (average distance between the earth and sun) subtends an angle of 1 arcsecond (1/3600th of a degree)
what is the cosmological principle?
the cosmological principal states that the universe is isotropic and homogeneous, and the laws of physics are universal. isotropic means that the universe is the same in all directions to every observer, and it has no center or edge . homogenous means that matter is uniformly distributed- for a large volume of the universe the density is the same
what is red shift?
red shift is the shift in wavelength and frequency of waves from a retreating source towards/beyond the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum. cosmological redshift is evidence for the big bang
state hubbles law?
the velocity of receding objects is directly proportional to their distance from earth.
what is the V in v = Ho x d
recession velocity
what is the d in v = Ho x d
distance in Mpc
what is Ho in v = Ho x d
hubbles constant - 65kms^-1 Mpc^-1
what is dark energy?
when astronomers calculated the distance to some type la supernovae, they discovered them to be dimmer then expected. this suggested the expansion of the universe is accelerating, which has been attributed to dark energy. dark energy is thought to be energy that has an overall repulsive effect throughout the universe
what is the big bang theory?
scientists beleive that, 13.8 billion years ago, the universe exploded from an extremely hot ajd dense point and is still expanding now.
state evidence that lead us to believe the big bang is true.
cosmological microwave background radiation is the heat signature left behind from the big bang. the EM radiation released in the explosion shifted from extremely high energy waves into the microwave region as the universe expanded, stretching out the waves. CMBR has black body distribution with a peak that corresponds to a temperature of 2.7K. there was nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium which explains the large abundance of helium in todays universe.
what are quasars?
a quasars is nucleus of an active galaxy; a supermassive black hole surrounded by a disk of matter. as matter falls into the black hole, jets of radiation are emitted from the poles of the quasar.
what suggests that quasars are extremely powerful?
large optical red shift shows quasars are the most distant observable objects. from the inverse square law for intensity we know that they are extremely powerful, with the same energy output as serveral galaxies. they were initially found to be powerful radio sources but with further telescope developments we now know they emit all wavelengths of EM radiation.