Star Wars - John Williams Flashcards
Who writes catchy, memorable melodies for film scores?
John Williams writes catchy, memorable melodies, which is one reason why his film scores have been so popular.
What is the initial musical element in the piece?
The piece starts with a fanfare (grand and heroic).
Which instruments play the leitmotif?
The leitmotif is played by trumpets and other brass.
What intervals are used in the leitmotif?
It uses intervals of 4ths and 5ths and lots of 7ths.
How is the B theme characterized?
The B theme is scalic and played by the violins and other strings.
What concludes the B theme?
There is a full descending scale to end the B theme.
What happens to the A theme upon its return?
The A theme returns but with small changes.
What melody appears in the ‘rebel blockade runner’ section?
There are not many main melody ideas—just a short piccolo melody during the ‘star filled sky’ section.
What is notable about the fanfare-like intro?
The fanfare-like intro uses rapid repeated notes using tonic (Bb) triplets, which are used throughout the main theme.
What technique is used in the fanfare?
It also uses imitation (the melody ideas are repeated by different brass instruments).
What is the structure of the main theme?
The main theme consists of a 4 bar idea which balances stepwise motion and leaps.
What rhythmic elements create excitement in the main theme?
There are repeated use of triplets and long minims to create excitement and tension.
How does the B theme contrast with the A theme?
The B theme is contrasting to the A theme—it feels less forceful.
What does the B theme include?
It uses scalic patterns, but does contain some leaps and triplets to remind us of theme A.
What is featured at the end of the B theme?
At the end of the B theme there is a descending Bb minor melodic scale.
What rhythmic feature do both themes use?
Both themes use an anacrusis.
What is the tonality of the main theme?
The main theme is in Bb major.
How does the tonality change during the ‘rebel blockade runner’ section?
During the rebel blockade runner section, the tonality is less clear, using more unstable harmonies.
What harmonic characteristic is present when the spaceships appear?
There is lots of use of dissonance.
What is the harmonic quality of the piece at times?
The piece is almost atonal at times.
What key does the piece switch to when the planets are revealed?
The piece switches to C major (with an added Ab) for a short while.
What note is emphasized when the spaceships appear?
The music is more based around the note C, which is heard as a bass pedal.
What is the harmony of the main theme primarily based on?
The harmony of the main theme is mostly diatonic (uses chords and notes that fit with the key signature).
What type of chords accompany the melody?
The melody is accompanied by mostly major and minor chords.
What is notable about the cadences in the piece?
There are not many perfect cadences, which we normally expect in this kind of music.
How does the harmony change after the main theme?
After the main theme, the harmony is complicated and often feels dissonant and atonal.
What type of harmony is used in the fanfare and A theme?
The harmony in the fanfare and A theme uses quartal harmony—chords made up of notes that are 4 steps apart.
How are the chords in the main theme characterized?
In the main theme the chords are syncopated.
What happens when the A theme repeats?
When the A theme repeats, it is slightly changed to create a descending bassline.
What kind of chords are used when the larger spaceship appears?
The ‘Mars’ like hammered unison chords are dissonant (clashing).
What interval is featured in the dissonant chords?
This also uses a tritone (an augmented 4th.. the devil’s interval!).
What chords are used that are not in the key of Bb major?
The theme does use some chords not in the key of Bb major, such as the Ab major at the end of the first A theme and the Db major in the B section.
What is played tremolo in the intro and A theme?
In the intro and A theme there is an inverted tonic pedal played tremolo in the violins.
What pedal is played by the brass instruments in the B theme?
In the B theme there is a dominant pedal played by the brass instruments.