Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 ( Flashcards
What type of movement is primarily used in the melody?
The melody primarily has a stepwise (conjunct) movement, although there are some leaps.
What are rising sequences in music?
Rising sequences occur when a short phrase is repeated, going one note higher each time.
What are scalic runs?
Scalic runs are sequences of notes going up and down a scale.
What types of ornaments are used in the piece?
The piece includes ornaments such as grace notes (appoggiaturas) and trills.
What is the main tonality of the piece?
The main tonality for the piece is D major.
What key is the B section in?
The B section is in the relative minor key of B minor.
What key does the final A section return to?
The final A section returns to D major.
To which keys does the piece modulate frequently?
The piece modulates often to the dominant (A major) and the dominant of the dominant (E major), indicated by the addition of accidentals.
What type of harmony is used in the piece?
The harmony uses standard chords of the time and is diatonic, meaning all notes/chords come from the key signature.
What are perfect cadences?
Perfect cadences announce the ends of sections, such as the perfect cadence in B minor at the end of the B section.
Which chords are mainly used in the harmony?
The harmony mainly uses chords I, IV, and V, with occasional use of ii and vi.
What is the function of the harmony?
The harmony is functional, using perfect cadences to move between closely related key signatures.
What types of chords are primarily used?
The harmony uses mainly root position and first inversion chords.
What are suspensions in music?
There are occasional suspensions in the harmony.
What instruments are used in this piece?
This piece uses a solo flute and violin, a harpsichord, and a string orchestra (including violin, viola, cello, and double bass).
What is the group of solo instruments called?
The group of solo instruments (violin, flute, and harpsichord) is known as the concertino.
What is the string orchestra referred to as?
The string orchestra is known as the ripieno.
What role do the bass/cello and harpsichord play?
The bass/cello and harpsichord sometimes act as the basso continuo, with the bass instruments playing a bass line and the harpsichord realizing the chords on top.