Standpoint Theory and Speech Communities Flashcards
Suzanne Langer
Speech Communities
Members of a social group have a way of communicating that people outside the community do not understand. This is called what?
Speech Code
Communication Rules
Regular patterns in the communication used by particular groups. These rules are socially constructed and can be learned.
According to the speech communities theory why are misunderstandings likely to occur?
When people who occupy different social groups communicate.
Code Switching can be
- inadvertent
- a way to fit in
- strategic
- a way to communicate privately
- used to convey a thought
3 critiques of speech communities
- obscures human diversity
- fosters division among social groups
- theory is not sufficiently critical
Standpoint Theory claims that
the social, material and symbolic circumstances of a social group shape the standpoint members of that group.
3 key ideas in standpoint theory
- a standpoint is a place from which we view the world that determines what we focus on as well as what we don’t know
- the social groups we belong to shape how we see the world and how we communicate
- societal inequalities generate distinctive accounts of the world
According to standpoint theory why do groups in positions of lesser power in society have a more accurate understanding of social life than groups with more power?
- Their security and well-being depends on their understanding of how the status-quo operates
- No reason to maintain social hierarchy as it does not serve them well
Standpoint theory is a theory about
Partial Perspective
Individuals only view things from particular vantage points, each vantage point only provides a partial understanding of the social whole
A person in a normally marginalized social position who has gained access to a more privileged location
Outsider Within
Double location leads to
double consciousness
Knowledge is plural and depends on social location
situated knowledges
The ability to see more than what’s available t one’s own specific location
2 critiques of standpoint theory
- privileges marginalized standpoints
- obscures human diversity
According to _____ language is key to building shared culture?
Suzanne Langer
Socially constructed
Speech Communities
A system of communicating that outsiders of that community do not understand is a?
speech code
Individuals with a more accurate standpoint are those with
less power in society