Standards Flashcards
<p>What is a DeFacto standard?</p>
<p>DeFacto is the use of data or methods that are not necessary but is not needed to be followed but is set as a method that is used as it allows hardware or software to be used on multiple computers without needing to be changed. E.g. USB exports or qwerty keyboards.</p>
<p>Name an advantage of a proprietary standard?</p>
<p>Universal standards to everyone on that operating system</p>
<p>What is an open standard?</p>
<p>It is a publicly open server which can be modified by users </p>
<p>What is an Industry standard?</p>
<p>Requirements followed by all members of a specific industry or company, it allows all products of an industry to interact with each other.</p>
<p>Name a DeFacto standard product.</p>
<p>Qwerty keyboard
<p>Why are standards important?</p>
<p>Standards help to maintain a high standard of product and keep all products moving at the same level of progress and force lesser companies to maintain the same standard of product.</p>
<p>What is a NIC?</p>
<p>NIC (Network Interface Card) is now usually integrated onto the motherboard of a computer. It generates signals that are transported and presented to the carrier on a network.</p>