Networks Flashcards
<p><p>What stops external sources from accessing your computer?</p></p>
<p><p><p>What does LAN stand for?
Local Area Network.
What does WAN stand for?
Wide Area Network.
Why is LAN more vulnerable if your computer has contracted malware?
There is a firewall blocking access from WAN network computers however there is little security between LAN computers on the same network. This means worms and Trojans can easily be transferred between computers on the same network.
<p><p><p>Why are LAN networks better than WAN networks?</p></p></p>
<p><p><p>LAN networks allow data to be transmitted more easily between computers than WAN networks.</p></p></p>
<p><p><p>What does a NIC do?</p></p></p>
<p><p><p>A piece of hardware that generates and interprets wireless signals from networks and signals to be sent to networks.</p></p></p>
<p><p><p>What does NIC stand for?</p></p></p>
<p><p><p>Network interface card.</p></p></p>
<p>What is a hub?</p>
<p>A piece of hardware that uses Ethernet wires to connect computers to itself and transmits signals from a network to the computer.</p>
<p><p>What is a Topology?</p></p>
<p>The layout of a network, There are many types.</p>
<p>Name the main three types of a Topology.</p>
<p><b>Bus</b>,<b>Ring</b> and <b>Star</b>.</p>
<p><p>What is found at the end of a Bus Topology?</p></p>
<p><p>A <b>terminator.</b> </p></p>
<p>What are some of the disadvantages of Client-server networks? ( 5 )</p>
<p>-A knowledgeable administrator is needed
- Only the administrator can set up access and the security rules
- May need a separate person to carry out this role
- There is more infrastructure to set up with wiring cabinet to install and may require building work
- If the server malfunctions, it will have a dramatic impact on the work than if a peer is lost on peer-to-peer</p>
<p><p>What does TCP/IP stand for?</p></p>
<p><p>Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol.</p></p>
<p><p>What do Protocols do?</p></p>
<p><p>They allow for multiple computes to communicate with each other. </p></p>
<p><p>What is a stand alone computer?</p></p>
<p><p>A computer that is not connected to another.</p></p>
<p><p>What is a network?</p> </p>
<p><p>A set of connected computers and other devices used to share resources e.g information, application software and hardware.</p></p>
<p><p>What is a workgroup?</p></p>
<p><p>Groups of users who can easily send data to each other over a network.</p></p>
<p><p>What is software sharing?</p></p>
<p><p>When a common software is installed onto a server.</p></p>
<p><p>Why do we use software sharing?</p></p>
<p><p>So when the software needs updating, there is no need to go round updating loads of computers.</p></p>
<p><p>Why might users not want to use software sharing?</p></p>
<p><p>Because they may prefer to use their own choice of software.</p></p>
<p><p>What do companies use to ensure security is not breached? </p></p>
<p><p>A standard security policy</p></p>
<p><p>What happens to systems if you break the &quot;backbone&quot; in a Bus Topology? </p></p>
<p><p>They will all disconnect from each other.</p></p>
<p><p>What are the advantages of Client-server over a peer-to-peer network?</p></p>
Central control of security,
Easier to supervise network performance,
Easier to preform software upgrads</p></p>
<p><p>What does DNS stands for?</p></p>
<p><p>Domain Name System.</p></p>
<p><p>In which network topology means that if one system goes down, the whole network goes kaput</p></p>
<p><p>What is passed along in a ring Network? </p></p>
<p><p>A token.</p></p>
<p>Can you name two disadvantages of a network?</p>
<p>1. You may share viruses unintentionally.
2. You may need to pay for a technician to set up or fix your network.
<p><p>What is a shared database?</p></p>
<p><p>A database saved on one central server, in which all users with access to the server have access to the latest database.</p></p>
<p><p>Which direction along a bus network is a message sent?</p></p>
<p><p>Both directions ( but only one computer accepts it )</p></p>
<p>What does MAC address stand for</p>
<p><b>Media Access Control</b></p>
<p>What is Packet switching?</p>
<p>When Data is sent around multiple routers, as they are sent in packets.</p>
<p>What component is used at the centre of star networks to direct traffic?</p>
<p>A switch.</p>
<p>Where are MAC addresses used?</p>
<p>They are given to any piece of networking hardware, E.G: WIFI card, Router</p>
<p>What is a NIC?</p>
<p>NIC (Network Interface Card) is now usually integrated onto the motherboard of a computer. It generates signals that are transported and presented to the carrier on a network.</p>
<p>What is a Terminator?</p>
<p>It is a device that stops signals from bouncing and is usually found at the end of a bus network.</p>
<p>What is a Repeater?</p>
<p>It restores a signal that is sent and continues sending the message. This is usually used when a signal weakens and starts to become corrupted.</p>
What is a Server?
Provides services to the clients or the computer.
What does Network Media do?
It connects the devices on a network.
What is a Bridge?
Bridges connect different segments of a network and help to speed up a networks performance. They are used reduces the amount of unnecessary traffic.
What does UTP stand for?
Unshielded Twisted Pair, Often used to connect LAN networks.
What is a Router?
A device that sends data between networks or part of a network.
<p>Why is copper cable useful for large scale LANs? </p>
<p>It is thin which makes it easy to pass through conduits.</p>
<p>What do coaxial cables protect signals from?</p>
<p>Outside interference. </p>
What is Packet switching?
It is when data is sent in bundles.
<p>What is a Switch?</p>
<p>It is essentially a high-speed bridge. It achieves this by having a completely dedicated CPU which is designed to perform such operations.</p>
What is a Server?
Provides services to the clients or the computer
What are the advantages of distributed systems?
With networked computers, data and software can be held anywhere. This means that problems can be divided between users and worked on anywhere.
What actually is a VPN?
VPN is a network that is constructed by using public wires — usually the Internet — to connect to a private network.
<p>What is Packet switching?</p>
<p>It is when data is sent in bundles</p>
What actually is a VPN?
VPN is a network that is constructed by using public wires — usually the Internet — to connect to a private network.
Advantages Device Sharing?
There is no need to buy a peripheral for every user in the company, with a network devices are shared.
Define Bandwidth
(Bandwidth (computing)) In computer networking and computer science, bandwidth, network bandwidth, data bandwidth, or digital bandwidth is a measurement of bit-rate.
What is a File and Print Server?
<b>Allows users to run software</b> from their workstations, and store their data<b> centrally on the server.<b></b></b>
What is a File and Print Server?
<b>Allows users to run software from their workstations, and store their data centrally on the server.<b></b></b>
What is the most popular way to set up a network?
A star network
What are the advantages of distributed systems?
With networked computers, data and software can be held anywhere. This means that problems can be divided between users and worked on anywhere.
What is a Mail Server?
This is a server which stores your messages. Examples of this would be Gmail and Hotmail
What is a peer-to-peer network?
A network where all devices are equal, there is no shared security, that is up to each individual device.
Communications advantages? (3)
- Networks allow for video conferences, saving time and money.
- Easily sending E-Mails.
- Instant messaging and general voice communication.
What are the advantages of Fibre Optic cables?
It is not subject to interference, its signal loses less strength and has more bandwidth, and it does not deteriorate as much in open air as metal cables.
What’s the object-oriented way to become wealthy?
What is a Web Server?
Increasingly, large networks run TPC/IP. This allows them to be run as intranets using the same features as the wider internets
What does Service Set Identifier do?
Prevents people from knowing there is a wireless access point in the area.
Advantages of software sharing?
Software, such as word processors, only have to be brought once and can be shared on all the devices in the network.
What measures bandwidth?
Bits, typically mega and kilobits
What is an Application Server?
A server that is the location of a database and the software that handles it
Is this a troll.
No, it’s a statement