Standard Bash functions Flashcards
modify permissions
add execution permission
chmod +x
show username
show ip configuration
ip addr/ifconfig
get updates
sudo zypper update
install program
sudo zypper in <program></program>
search for program to install
sudo zypper se <keyword></keyword>
show relevant commands for keyword
apropos <keyword></keyword>
redirect standard output and overwrite existing file
> /1>
command: >
redirect standard output and overwrite existing file
redirect standard input and overwrite existing file
redirect stdout and append to file
> >
output list of measurement joint poses
parse jp <series></series>
output list of measurement tracker values
parse tv <series></series>
show all IPs in network
sudo nmap -sn
see if IP can be found in network
ping <IP></IP>
show all open files
lsof (remember, that everything is a file in Linux)
filter output of command for certain string
| grep <string></string>
grep <string></string>
redirect standard error to file
command: 2>
redirect standard error to file
get version of installed program
rpm -q <program></program>
ignore output of command
> /dev/null
output string to console
echo “<string>"</string>
output content of file
cat <file></file>
output last x lines of file
tail -n x <file></file>
output first x lines of file
head -n x <file></file>
see all iepcs connected to tinycray
iepc watch / watchServer
show alle devices connected to CPU
show all files with names containing “string” in current folder + subfolders
find . -name “string”
in Zwischenablage kopieren
| cb