Stances Flashcards
Attention Stance - Charyot Sogi
- Feet form a 45 degree angle (heels together)
- Drop fists down naturally, bending elbows slightly
- Fists are clenched slightly
- Eyes face the front, slightly above the horizon line
- Used before and after each exercise
Bow Posture - Kyong Ye Jase
- Bend body 15 degrees forward
2. Keep eyes fixed on opponent’s eyes
Crouched Stance - Oguryo Sogi
- Full or side facing in attack and defense
- Variation of the diagonal stance and makes use of leg tension by bending the knees inward
- Distance between feet is flexible
- Advanced foot determines stance
- Advantages - shifting into other stances quickly and presents flexible guarding posture to make opponent move in free sparring
- Weakness of the knee joints against attack from the sides
Bending Stance - Guburyo Sogi
- Preparatory stance for side or back kicks
- Used frequently for defense
- When standing with a right foot it is a right one-leg stance and vice-versa
Bending Ready Stance - Guburyo Junbi Sogi
- Stance is determined by the leg you are standing on
- Preparatory stance for side and back kicks
- Used for defense techniques
- full or half-facing
- Types of stance
A. Type A -
1. Principally used for a preparatory position of side piercing and side thrusting kicks
2. Base leg is slightly bent with other foot’s sole at inner base leg’s knee but not touching
3. Hands - middle guarding block
B. Type B -
1. Preparatory for back piercing kick
2. Distance between fist and thigh is 25 cm
3. Elbow bent 30 degrees
Close Stance - Moa Sogi
- Full or side facing
- Stand with feet together
- Hand position
A. Type A - 30cm between fist and philtrum (about 12 inches)
B. Type B - 15cm between fist and navel
C. Type C - 10cm between hands and abdomen
D. Type D - 30cm between fist and thigh
Diagonal Stance - Sasun Sogi
- Full or side facing in attack and defense
- Useful for shifting into a walking stance without moving foot
- Sitting stance except the heel o the front foot is placed on the same line with the toes of the rear foot
- Used for attacking and defending against the front or rear
- Advanced foot determines stance
Fixed Stance - Gojung Sogi
- Facing: always half-facing
- Length: 1 1/2 shoulder from reverse footsword of back foot to tip of toes on front foot (between toes)
- Width: Same as L-stance - 1 inch (2.5cm) from the heel of the rear foot to the reverse footsword of the front foot
- Weight ratio - 50/50
- Effective for attack and defense to the side
- Advanced foot determines stance
L-Stance - Niunja Sogi
- Facing: half-facing in defense and attack
- Length: 1 1/2 shoulder from footsword of the rear foot to the toes of the front foot
- Width: 1 inch (2.5cm) from the heel of the rear foot to the reverse footsword of the front foot
- Weight Ration: 70 on rear leg/30 on front leg - the leg with the most weight determines right or left stance
- Keep hips aligned with inner knee joint
- front foot is ready for kicking with slight shifting of body weight
- Advantage - half-facing, slight body weight shifting
- Toes of both feet - 15 degrees inward
L-Ready Stance - Niunja Junbi Sogi
- Facing: half-facing in defense and attack
- Length: 1 1/2 shoulder from footsword of the rear foot to the toes of the front foot
- Width: 1 inch (2.5cm) from the heel of the rear foot to the reverse footsword of the front foot
- Weight Ration: 70 on rear leg/30 on front leg - the leg with the most weight determines right or left stance
- Keep hips aligned with inner knee joint
- Front foot is ready for kicking with slight shifting of body weight
- Advantage - half-facing, slight body weight shifting
- Toes of both feet - 15 degrees inward
Low Stance - Nachuo Sogi
- Facing can be full facing or half facing in attack and defense
- Length: 1 1/2 shoulders + 1 foot from big toe to big toe (1 1/2 shoulder from big toes of back to heel of front)
- Width: 1 shoulder from center of the insteps
- Weight Ratio: 50/50
- Front toes straight, opposite toes 25 degrees outward (over this weakens leg joint against an attack from the rear)
- Tense the muscles of the feet with the feeling of pulling them toward each other
- Bent leg determines stance
- Advantage - ease of which one can extend the attacking tool
- Develop leg muscles
- Effective to adjust distance to and from target
One-leg Stance - Waebal Sogi
- Full or side facing in attack and defense
- Balance exercise
- Sometimes used in attack and defense techniques
- Stretch the stationary leg and bring the other reverse footsword on the knee joint or instep to the hollow
- Leg standing on determines the stance
Open Stance - Palja Sogi
- Full or side facing
- Are seldom used to to the looseness of the leg muscles and lack of stability
- Toes are pointing
A. Inner Open Stance - An Palja Sogi - toes are slightly inward
B. Outer Open Stance - Bakat Palja Sogi - toes are outward about 45 degrees
Open Ready Stance- Palja Junbi Sogi
- Open stance with both fists brought naturally over the thighs
- Seldom used due to the looseness of the body and muscles
Parallel Stance- Narani Sogi
- Facing: full or side facing
- Length: 0
- Width: 1 shoulder from footsword to footsword
- Weight Ratio: 50/50
- Keep toes pointing toward the front
Parallel Ready Stance
- Parallel stance with fist brought naturally over the abdomen
- Distance between the fist -5cm
- Distance between fist and abdomen- 7cm
- Distance between elbows and floating ribs- 10cm
- Do not extend the elbow to the side any more than is necessary
- Hold the upper arms forward 30 degrees while bending the forearms 40 degrees upward
Ready Stance - Junbi Sogi
- Parallel, Walking, Sitting, L-, X-, Close, and Bending
- Used in fundamental and pattern exercises - exclusively
- Not a direct part of any action
- Positions a person before he begins his motion or allow time for concentration of spirit
Rear Foot Stance- Dwitbal Sogi
- Half-facing in attack and defense
- Used for defense and occasionally attack
- Length: 1 shoulder between small toes
- Weight ratio: most of weight on rear foot
- Bend rear leg- knee over toes, placing the heel slightly beyond the heel of the front foot
- Bend front leg, touch ground slightly with ball of foot
- Front toes 25 degrees, rear toes 15 degrees inward
- Knee of rear leg points slightly inward
- Rear foot determines stance
- Advantage - ability to kick or adjust the distance from the opponent with the front foot which can move spontaneously without shifting the body weight
Sitting Stance- Annun Sogi
- Facing: full or side facing in attack and defense
- Length: 0
- Width: 1 1/2 shoulders from reverse footsword to reverse footsword (between the big toes) double width weakens and hampers speedy movement
- Weight ratio - 50/50
- Toes to front
- Extend knee outward, bend until knee caps come over the ball of the foot
- Infuse the strength into inner thighs and tense inward by scraping the ground with the side soles
- Push both the chest and abdomen out and pull the hip back tensing the abdomen
- Stable stance for lateral movement
- Advantage: is to shift into walking stance without moving the foot
- Used for punching exercise and muscle development of the legs
Sitting Ready Stance- Annun Junbi Sogi
- Primarily used for side stepping exercise
2. Hand position- same as in walking ready stance
Vertical Stance- Soojik Sogi
- Facing: half-facing in attack and defense
- Length: 1 shoulder from reverse footsword to tip of front toes (foot to either front or side at a distance of 1 shoulder width between the toes
- Width: 0
- Weight ratio: 60 rear leg/ 40 front leg
- Toes of both feet - 15 degrees inward
- Keep legs straight
- Rear foot determines stance
Walking Stance - Gunnun Sogi
- Facing can be full facing or half facing in attack and defense
- Length: 1 1/2 shoulders from big toe to big toe (over this movement is slow and weak against attack from side, and weak against attack from front or rear)
- Width: 1 shoulder from center of the insteps
- Weight Ratio: 50/50
- Bend front leg - knee cap forms a vertical line with heel, extend opposite leg fully
- Front toes straight, opposite toes 25 degrees outward (over this weakens leg joint against an attack from the rear
- Tense the muscles of the feet with the feeling of pulling them toward each other
- Bent leg determines stance
- Strong stance for front and rear attack and defense
Walking Ready Stance - Gunnun Junbi Sogi
- Distance between fist and thigh 30cm
2. Elbow bent 30 degrees
X-Stance - Kyocha Sogi
- Attacking the side or front in a jumping motion
- Used for blocking and serves as a preparatory stance for moving into next maneuver
- Cross one foot over/behind the other, touching the ground slightly with the ball of the foot
- Weight Ratio: place the body weight on the stationary foot
- One foot always crosses over the front of the other with the exception of a jumping motion
- Foot that the weight is on determines the stance
- Other foot is placed in front of stationary foot
- Full, side or half facing in attack and defense
X-Ready Stance- Kyocha Junbi Sogi
- Used for blocking and serves as a preparatory stance for moving into next maneuver
- Cross one foot over/behind the other, touching the ground slightly with the ball of the foot
- Weight Ratio: place the body weight on the stationary foot
- One foot always crosses over the front of the other with the exception of a jumping motion
- Foot that the weight is on determines the stance
- Other foot is placed in front of stationary foot
- Full, side or half facing in attack and defense
Basic Principles for a Proper Stance
- Keep back straight, with few exceptions
- Relax the shoulders
- Tense the abdomen
- Maintain a correct facing: full, half , or side
- Maintain equilibrium
- Make use of the knee spring properly
Controlling factors of a proper stance
- Stability
- Agility
- Balance
- Flexibility
Stance Mould - Sogi Pan
- Simple model of various stance fixed on a flat board
- Useful for learning and reinforcing a correct stance
- Use a mirror as well