4 direction punch
14 movements
4 direction block
16 movements
Ready Stance
Open parallel ready stance
In shape of a plus sign
Step sparring
Sambo Matsoki: attack and defense
3-step sparring (attack and defense; beginner 2 way alone)
Walking stance low block (kiap ready)/3 mid-section punches/reverse ready stance kiap/walking stance 3 blocks; 1 countere; kiap/reverse
Ap-cha-busigi——1board adult (front snap kick)
Yop-cha-jurigi——1 board junior (side piercing kick)
Self defense
2 releases from a straight grab to the wrist
2 releases from a cross grab to the wrist
White belt
Signifies innocence as that of a beginning who has no previous knowledge of Taekwon Do.
New Techniques
Walking Stance low outer forearm block
Walking stance middle front punch
Walking stance knife hand low block
Walking stance middle inner forearm block
Required knowledge
Taekwon Do Tenets
- Courtesy-to be polite to one another, to behave oneself according to etiquette, to respect other’s possessions
- Integrity-to know right from wrong, to be honest and proud
- Perseverence-patience to achieve a higher degree of perfection, don’t be a quitter; try and try again
- Self Control-control over one’s impulses, emotions, and actions
- Indomitable Spirit-a student of Taekwon Do will, at all times, be modest and honest; if confronted with injustice, he will deal with the belligerent without fear or hesitation regardless of whosoever and however many the number may be.