Stalin's Rise To Power (1924-29) Flashcards
What did Lenin say about Trotsky in his testament?
Most capable man in the present Central Committee
What did Lenin say about Stalin in his testament?
Regretted promoting him to General Secretary warning the power it gave him
Encouraged to ‘find a way of removing Stalin from his post’
What did Lenin say about Kamenev and Zinoviev in his testament?
Reminded the Central Committee they had been disloyal to the party before October Revolution
What did Lenin say about Bukharin in his testament?
Didn’t fully understand Lenin’s ideology
What made up Stalin’s powerbase? (5)
General Secretary
Head of the Workers and Peasants Inspectorate
Commissar for Nationalities
Member of the Orgburo, Secretariat, Politburo
Control of the party organisation
Why was being General Secretary an advantage?
Had access to information about members which he could use to get loyalty + support
Why was being Head of the Workers and Peasants Inspectorate an advantage?
Had the power to sack party members; Could remove Trotsky supporters, Government members who wanted to keep their jobs would be loyal to him.
Why was being Commissar for Nationalities an advantage?
Was able to manipulate this position to gain great loyalty from those he was responsible for
Why was being a Member of the Orgburo and the Secretariat an advantage?
Could control appointments to positions of responsibility in the party structure - could put supporters in key positions
Why was having control of the party organisation an advantage?
Could select who attended Party Congress Meetings and could pack the congress with his supporters
Strengths of Trotsky
Responsible for consolidating communist rule Mastermind w/ Lenin behind 1917 takeover Excellent Revolutionary Record Re-organised Red Army 1918-21 Leading figure post 1905 revolution Organised general strike 1905 1905 St Petersburg Soviet Leader
Weaknesses of Trotsky
Former Menshevik
Jewish (long history of Anti-Semitism in party)
Ideological Clashes w/ Lenin
Caused party factions
Urban: Alienated from Party
One of most Western in party due to exile to Europe
How did Stalin use fear of Trotsky to his advantage?
It helped him make an alliance with Kamanev and Zinoviev in the Triumvirate
Why did Stalin place himself close to Lenin during his illness 1922-23?
So he could claim he knew what Lenin wanted
Strengths of Stalin
Mastered theories of Marxism-Leninism
Underrated by opponents
Very good at concealing his intentions
Held crucial position of General Secretary; good at gaining loyalty of trusted subordinates
Weaknesses of Stalin
Most colleagues saw him as crude + violent
Played minor role in 1917 Revolution (overshadowed by Trotsky + Bukharin)
Colleagues knew Lenin had turned against him
Strengths of Kamamev
After Lenin’s stroke 1922, he entrusted many of his personal papers to him - close to Lenin
Thoughtful + intelligent
Good at smoothing out difficulties among colleagues
Ability to get things done
‘Old Bolshevik’ - helped form Party policy
Strong Moscow power base
Weaknesses of Kamanev
Gained reputation of inconsistency, opportunism, ‘flip-flopping’ by opposing Lenin 1917 then later switching alliances between Stalin and Trotsky
Too closely linked to Zinoviev (who was more popular)
Regared as ‘too soft’ and lacking drive to be sole leader
Seriously underestimated opponents (Stalin)
Strengths of Zinoviev
One of Party’s best speech makers
Role as party boss in Leningrad gave him strong political power base, second in importance to Moscow
‘Old Bolshevik’ - commanded respect for contribution to revolution
High in Lenin’s favour pre-1924 ‘closest +most trusted assistant’
Weaknesses of Zinoviev
Opposition to Lenin over timing of Bolshevik coup (+ joint resignation w/ Kamanev + Rykov 1917) held against him
Seriously underestimated rivals (especially Stalin) - He and Kamanev left it too late before switching support to Trotsky
Strengths of Bukharin
Expert on economics + agriculture at time when debated about peasantry were major concern
Trusted + respected by Stalin
Regarded as best theoretician in the Party
Popular within the party; close to Lenin for a long time; friendly w/ Trotsky, close associate of Stalin 1920s
Weaknesses of Bukharin
No power base as he tried to remain on good terms w/ everyone to avoid factions Underestimated Stalin (target for Stalin's enmity as he was more popular in Party than him) Tactical mistakes e.g. leaving it too late to make alliance w/ Kamanev + Zinoviev
Strengths of Rykov
Extensive support from Sovnarkom - deputy Chairman 1923, Chairman 1924
Widely respected ‘Old Bolshevik’ active since early days
Shown administrative ability in implementation of War Com + managing switch to NEP
Weaknesses of Rykov
Conciliator more than plotter
Overshadowed among moderates by Bukharin’s popularity + ability
Lacked power base
Largely ceremonial position in collective leadership
Policy of heavy taxes on vodka socially correct but politically unwise (opposition in party)
Argued w/ Lenin 1917 (held against him)
Underestimated Stalin until it was too late
Strengths of Tomsky
Respected ‘Old Bolshevik’
Popular in Party for working-class origins
Natural ally to Rykov +Bukharin
Weaknesses of Tomsky
Blinded to danger of Stalin by hatred for Trotsky
Alliance with Stalin, Rykov, Bukharin in purging left-wingers from Party 1926 handed massive political power to Stalin
Power base in Trade Unions made him an obvious target for Stalin’s jealousy
Support for NEP used against him when grain crisis of 1927 hit economy