Stalin Flashcards
What problems were there with housing?
- Overcrowding similar to Tsarist period
- In 1930s Moscow 25% population lived in 1 room shared between 2+ households
- Living space had fallen from 8.5m²in 1905 to 5.8m² per person
What did the3 1936 constitution aim to do?
-Give the people more representation and autonomy, but the new social structure was still dominated by key members of Communist party.
When was the Great Terror?
What did the Great Terror involve?
The use of show trials and purges to instil fear in the Russian people.
What were the secret police called and what did they do?
- Involved in purging certain groups (including army/communists)
How many people were sent to Gullags?
Over 40 million people
What happened to Domestic policy between 1941 and 45?`
Focused on coping with problems created by participating in ww2. Russia invaded by Germany.
When was the Cold War?
How did Stalin cope with the cold war?
An internal reconstruction programme
What were the successes of the 5 year plans?
- Improvement of communications
- Discovery/exploitation of new resources
- Produced ‘show pieces’ such as Magnitogorsk
- Machinery output increased x4
- In 1st F.Y.P unemployment had dwindled from 1.7 million in 1929 to nearly 0.
What were the failures?
- Unrealistic goals which weren’t reached
- Propaganda used to promote false success.
When was he in power?
What were the 5 year plans?
- Command economy, more rational use of resources, quotas & targets
- To modernise Russia and Catch up with the west
- Heavy industry targeted at expense of consumer goods
- Equipped for war/being super power
- Growth in towns, housing construction etc.
- Large scale construction projects.
Give Details on Stalin’s collectivisation policy
- Started in 1929
- Smaller farms brought together to form bigger, communal farm units
- Aim was to increase food production to serve needs of industrial proletariat worked on collectives.
When was the famine?
What happened to the Kulaks?
- Dekulakisation as they opposed collectivisation
- Disrupted production/led to migration
- In Kazakhstan the population fell by 75% as peasants moved to China.
What did Stalin do in terms of educational reform?
-Compulsory primary school attendance 1930
-Scrapping of fees 1939
-Creation of correspondence courses
However, gymnasia reintroduced
How were his educational reforms successful?
-In 1931, 2.5 million pupils went to secondary schools compared to 6.9 million in 1932.