Stalin Flashcards
Stalin [1929-53]
Relations with poland till ww2
– Tense
• Nazi Anti-Comintern and Lebensraum policys = Germany challenge Russ Auth (Pol in between) + Expantionism to Pol + Czechoslovakia for Living space
• Cuz Anti-Apeasement + Purges, B+F alienate Russ, so Must Deffend Pol Alone, Also Russ × invited to Munich Peace Conference
• 1934 supposed Polish German non aggression pact
1939 Aug Nazi Soviet Non-Aggression pact
– Allow Nazi to invade Pol, Russ secret gets East Pol
• 1st Sept 1939 Nazi invade Pol
– Russ Troops on East Pol borders so × invade past Pol + War Prep time for russ
• Pol Gov flees to London
Stalin [1929-53]
Gov+ Social
Pol, Katyn forest massacre 1940
• April 1943 Germany fines mass graves of 4231 Polish officers in Katyn Forest
– all hands tied behind w/ Bullets in head
– G planes NKVD in spring 1940
– R blame German soldiers
– London poles ask int nat Red Cross investigation
– are accused them of collaborating w/ Germany
• R severs diplomatic relations with the London Polish government
• so after summer 1944 Russ counter offensive pushing Germany back to Poland
+ capture Lublin and Warsaw with help of non-communist Polish home army in Warsaw (Later betrayed By R) and communist national liberation committee(NLC) in Lublin
= liberated by Russians during the advance
• = London poles not retake gov and as predicted NLC equals puppet Soviet States
Stalin [1929-53]
gov pol
Yalta and Potsdam feb jul 1945
Yalta Feb 1945
– Stalin demands East Polish border equals Curzon line + government = soviet-backed NLC
– Roosevelt + Churchill says yes and London polls are abandoned
Potsdam July 1945
– Stalin persuade Truman + attlee to accept Oder-Niesse line for western border
(Inside “ethnic germany”)
= agrees
• Poland now fully controlled by Soviet style/influenced government
Stalin [1929-53]
Gov, Culture and religious
Post ww2
• feb 1947 provisional constitution instigated
– create council of state who have almost total legislative + executive power dom by stalin influenced Polish workers party (PPR)
– Aug 1948 PPR = 1 party state
– anyone question move from social democracy to one party state EG church slash trade unions = arrested
(Culture + Religion)
Stalin [1929-53]
Eco (+Culture)
post ww2
– 1950 30k workers strike at various times
– sent to new concentration camps in Mielcin and Jaworzno
(Eco, Culture)
– new Soviet type eco + social reforms in Poland
EG collective farms
1952 = Soviet style constitution (Likley sim to 1936 stalin constitution)
Poland now = People’s Republic of Poland
a soviet satilite state
Stalin [1929-53]
Finn gov
Tensions in Gulf of Finland
1930s Stalin puts fin under pressure by restricting shipping in seas between lake Lagoda and Gulf of Finn
Stalin [1929-53]
Finn Gov
Winter war 1939-40
• WW2 Finn refuse stalin’s request to allow soviet union military bases in Finnish teritory
• Stalin Bombs Capital: Helsinki, Nov 1939
– Starts The Winter War Nov 1939- March 1940
– Shows soviet weakness in Limited Military conflict: 50k Soviet deaths
– Finn ceaded border space to Russia allowing Russ to force the Baltics into the Ussr by summer 1940
Stalin [1929-53]
Finn Gov
Treaty of Friendship 48
Post ww2 Finland and Russia sign the Treaty of Friendship, co-operation and Mutual assistence in 1948
gaining Neutral status and not being botherd by Russia again
Stalin [1929-53]
Gov Baltics
Annexation and constitution and Deportation till end of war
in early 1940 Baltics anexed by russia and given 1936 constitutional system
become a new member of the RSFRS(USSR) and given same rights as existing members
incl the right to secede from USSR
But behaviour of gov is tightly ctrl by Moscow
Reppressed during late ww2 with mass deportings due to fear they were Nazi colabing
but situatuion and relation stablised post war under Soviet ctrl
Stalin [1929-1953]
Cent Asia [Gov]
Use of Cent asia as dumping ground
• Stalin loved to use The harshness and remotness of Cent Asia as a dumping ground for political opposition / groups
for example
in 1945 to punish crimean tartars for being suspected of collaborating with Nazi germany
they were deported to Khazakstan
many die
Stalin [1929-53]
Ukr [eco/gov]
Holodomor 1932 (part of 1932-4 famine)
• Ukrainian peasants understood how important they were to grain production so they always opposed changes that they believe to be unjust
e.g. stalin’s collectivization which they oppose
Stalin blames opposition on Kulaks = Ukr Kul suffer most in purges (30s)
• privately Stalin knew the Ukr peasnts were opp him so punish them = creates a man-made famine in Ukraine in 1932 known as the holodomor
– Holodomor took place during 1932-1934 famine too across USSR
– From whole famine Russ: 2.5 mill die
– Ukr: 3.9 mill
Stalin [1929-53]
Ukr [gov]
1936 constitution
In the 1936 Constitution Ukraine retained its status as a republic as it was in 1924 constitution
Stalin [1929-53]
Ukr [gov]
ww2 + Ukr
• during World War II some Ukr accused of German collab either executed or exiled to far north
Stalin [1929-53]
Cauc [Pol]
1936 constitution and Georgia
• under the 1936 Constitution Georgia is a full Republic just like the rest of the USSR
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro [cul, gov,eco]
Motivation to expand
• Stalin’s motivation in retaining these areas control is
economic benefits,
buffer States between Russia and the Western ideological countries
to decrease the ussr’s chance of invasion
red guard push Germany out areas so they were already there
Communist expansion = ▼ west/east relations
– Truman hate com so Marshall aid 2 countries at risk of com + containment policy
Keep control over satellite States with:
pro Soviet governments,
nkvd repressed opposition,
be prepared to use military to maintain control,
Cult of Personality (stalin = liberator from nazis (except Yugo cuz Tito))
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro [eco+gov]
Cominform 48 and comecon 49
• 1948 common form created to promote the unity of European communist parties and sovietise satellite States
• leaders of satellite States met in Moscow
+ Soviet Ambassadors in these States to directly interfere with them
= ctrl
• in response to Marshall aid: Stalin said × so comecon 1949 happens
– economically integrate Eastern Europe and USSR:
– establish 5 Year plans, centralized economies and collectivization in Euros
(starts seeing actual progress by 1959 tho) [eco]
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro [Gov]
1955 Warsaw pact
• in response to the formation of NATO in 1949
• the Warsaw pact was made in 1955 a military alliance of satellites of USSR
• = control of Eastern Bloc retained via treaties plus agreements directly with USSR:
– × join hostile alliences
– Mutual deffence agreement
– recognised equality, sovereignty and no interfer each other (except for obviously Russia)
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro [cul]
Yugoslavia tito vs Stalin
• Yugoslavia formed in 1920 = strong nationalism
• Marshall Tito wants yogo autonomy + hate Stalin Stalin ≠ liberator from Germany as it was Tito so he has pop support
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro, Yugo [Eco/gov]
Yugo off Cominform = Communes
• Tito hate centralised economy + stalinism and USSR not trade with Yugo
• Stalin ≠ Tito either:
– remove Hugo from common form 1948 + comecon 49 = × eco support
– (try ▼ Yugo living standards so stalin policys = saviour)
• Tito does own Comecon + gets finance aid from int nat monetary fund (IMF)
– Yugo loves tito so:
Real Marxism:
– Hands control of industries from state to workers councils
– est communes of 5-100k ppl
– commune assembly (Responsible for Eco policies) under its guidance communes can: org own: welfare, Ed, health, cultural programs
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro Yugo [Gov]
Responses to Yugo’s communes
• yugoslav’s like this but Russia was split:
– Com = good
– think a lil like Capitalism cuz some workers earn more based on eco role (Sci vs shopkeeper)
(They mad cuz its actualy communism)
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro Czechoslovakia [gov+eco]
Czechoslovakia’s new gov
• Czechoslovakia was a very diverse place with many cxechs, slovaks, hungarians, Ruthenians and Germans = many Nationalities
• post ww2: free elections 1946 = coalition gov formed mainly com (⅓ seats in parl +cab) + other left wing parties
• PM = Klement Gottwald (Com)
– but tother gov positions not com = New gov want eco policies like Martial Aid
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro Czechoslovakia [Gov]
Com Coup feb 1948
• before next election in Czechoslovakia com = coupe in 1948 February
– cuz new gov blamed for abandoned martial aid policy which ppl thought = important to ▲ living standards = ▼ public support
– com lost cooperation of non-com cabinet members
– non-com Cab members = protested the demotion of eight police officers who resisted communist politician manipulation
– despite non-com tried to stop this, com = influence institutions of Law and Order such as the police, also trade unions, Army ect. so the gov = last step to take over CZ-S
– Stalin asked them to do the coupe (Not want ▲ west realtions with Martial aid CZ-S)
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro, CZ-S [Gov]
Post Coup and NATO
• after the Communist checkers Slovakian coup in February 1948 all non-communist politicians resigned from the Coalition
except for the president (Beneš)
who chose the new cabinet, and steped down after rigged [all ppl = Com and follow moscow orders] may election, repplaced with Gottwald
and the Foreign Minister Masaryd who was murdered (covered up as suicide)
• deemed Czechoslovakia was the last eastern European democracy to fall behind the iron curtain
• outrage of the coup led to B, F,Lux , belg, Netherlands = sign Brussels pact March 1948 = special agreement w/ USA = NATO forms = Cold war
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro HUN [Gov]
rigged elections
• post World War II “free elections” Com = <⅕ of Votes but still dominate cabinet
Due to Stalin influence
if com × stalin = punish = EG Foreign Minister rajk was hung
1949 ¼ mill com party members = expelled
Gov = governed by Rākosi
Stalin [1929-53]
Potsdam Jul-aug and Yalta Feb
• decided four zones of Germany would be administered by the allies and the soviets in Germany and Berlin
Potsdam July-Aug 1945
• Britain, USA, USSR agree to punish war criminals, demilitarize, denazification of Germany
but they × agree on how it will be governed or reparations
Stalin [1929-53]
euro Ger [gov]
German post war governace issue fixed
• the allied control Council solved the governance issue
with senior military officials from each nation responsible for their own zone
so not group up on Stalin + Russia to ▼ their influence in Ger
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro GER [gov/eco]
Germanys reperations solved
• USSR want Germany economy battered
but USA + B think = × to be able to buy imports so it would damage their economys too
so they came to deal that war reparations can only be gained from their own zones
but B + USA pay 10% of their repetitions to the Stalin regime
and pay +15% for any food plus raw materials moved out of the Soviet zone
= Bad for Germanys future but solves issue
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro GER [Gov]
Start of debate about zones into countrys
• June 1945- November 1946 stalin decides that × 2 Germanies but they should unite to 1 Soviet Germany
[Nov-Dec 1947]
• London conference
– soviets = United Germany under their influence
– USA + B = east/west formal division
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro GER [Eco]
Germanys economic zone Fuse concept Bizonia
[1st Jan 47]
• B + USA combine their economic zones into bizonia so ▲ wealth from inter-zonal trade
– French and Russian zones can join if want United German economy
• Moscow conference of foreign ministers [March-April 1947]
– USSR ≠ bizonia
• London conference [nov–dec 47]
– Bizonia and USSR zone rejected again
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro GER [eco/Gov]
German Currency and Blockade saga
[June 1948]
• allies = deutschmark currency in West Germany
– Russia uses the ostmark in East Germany
– West German blockade to stop capitalism going East
= × for West Germany as it relies on Railways from East Germany for supplys
• West decide to Air Drop food and raw materials to West Berlin
– so by January 1949 the blockade clearly failed
– dropped 8k tons of goods/day
• Stalin × fight war for Berlin
– says blockade ends if meeting of the council of foreign Ministers is called
– there is talks but ≠ solve the issue
– but the blockade is lifted anyway
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro GER [gov]
Formation of Germanys
• West German constitution is approved in spring 1949
– elections 4 new Parliament beginning August
– starting the formation of West Germany
• in retaliation to this the USSR establishes East Germany [October 1949]
Stalin [1929-53]
EURO Romania [Gov/cul]
Romania fall to USSR
• Romania = coalition government = communist dominated
• February 1945
– USSR forces King to have communist Prime Minister
– few months later communist is in control over Romania
– they abolished the Monarchy in 1947 [Gov/Cul]
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro BULGARIA [gov/cul]
Bulgarian fall to communism
• Bulgaria:
Com coalition
– rigged election 1945:
– communism wins majority = execute other political leaders [Gov]
– 1946 abolished monarchy [Cul/gov]
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro Albania [Gov]
Albania’s steep fall to communism
• Albania: communists gain power very easily with little opposition 1945
Stalin [1929-53]
Euro Greece [Gov]
Communists fail to take over greece
• Civil War:
royalists vs communists
• royalists were backed by Britain and the USA
• while Stalin pinky promised he wouldn’t help the communists
– in 1949 the Communist in Greece were defeated
Communism fails
Stalin [1929-53]
• Many Jewish victims of the Purges although they weren’t particularly singled
out for being Jewish. No-one was safe.
• Stalin was more anti-semitic than Lenin – he associated the Jews with Mensheviks rather than Bolsheviks.
• More pressure to use Russian language during the 1930s.
• In 1930s there was an attempt to build a Jewish National Republic in USSR in Far East but = too remote to attract many Jewish
• Over 2 mill Russ Jews were killed in the Holocaust.
– Official reports tended to emphasise that they were Russians rather than specifically Jewish.
– Only 800,000 of the 4.8 million Soviet Jews lived outside the territory occupied by the Nazis.
Stalin [1929-53]
drs plot
• Initial welcome for the creation of the state of Israel in 1948
– although when this triggered a wave of Zionism within Russia, there was some repression:
– eg Yiddish theatres, schools and publishers were shut down.
• Anti-Semitism in the allegations of Doctors Plot of 1952
– 6/9 accused were Jewish
– If stalin didnt die in 1953 then he prob would have oppressed them
Stalin [1929-53]
far east russ influences
• Tanu tavu was annexed to the USSR in 1944
• Mongolia was an independent state of
Mongolian people Republic
but it was continuously under Soviet influence throughout the entire period of the communists
Stalin [1929-53]
far east sino-soviets mao and stalin
Now became the Communist leader of communist China and 1949
signed the Treaty of friendship alliance and mutual assistants of Stalin in November 1949