Nicholas II Flashcards
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Eco + gov
Poland + Ukriane + Finns
1905 Rev
• 1905 Revolution = strikes Polish factories reached Peaks of over 400k workers = 93% of Poland
• June 1905 general strike in odessa Ukraine, all classes strike together
• due to tense situation in Revolution and seeing nicholas’s power slip away from him
– Poland, Finland and other nationalities demanded independence
– none were granted
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
poland dumas
In the 1st Duma in 1906 and the 2nd Duma in 1907
The SD party were represented
And within them they represented the workers of Poland as well as other nationalities
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
gov/ eco
Poland WW1
• during the First World War Germany and Austria Hungary took Warsaw and vilna from Russia in sept 1915
Centers of Vistula region (Poland) that are important and contain large % of Russian Empires industry
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Finland Gov + Culture
Bobrikov and The Imperial Manifesto 1899
• 1898: Finnish Govenor General the Reactionary Nikolei Bobrikov appointed w/aim of Bring Finn closer to Tsarist Rule.
– This done with:
The Imperial (Febuary) Manifesto 1899
• Tsar can bipass Finn Diet to impose legislation in Finn
– Tsar can govern w/o concent of local authorities
– Fin Sec of State abolished
– Finn can be conscripted to tsar army
– Fin Language Banned
Upsets Finns = ▲ Nationalism
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Finnland Gov + Eco + Cul
Bobrikov’s powers + Russification
• Govener general Bobrikov can
– Dissmiss Finn Judges, police officers, cival servent, for being disloyal to Tsar
– Russians had the right to purches Finn Land
(Possible Eco cuz industry built maybe)
– Finn postal service incorperated to Imperial post office of the Tsar
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Finland Gov
Opposition and Reversal
• Inital Finn ressistance = non-violent
• 1904 Bobrikov assasinated by Young Finnish Patriot
• 1904 Finn nationalists get incontact with Revolutionary groups across empire to oppose Tsar cuz this is too far
Nii recognises this:
Imperial Manifesto 1905
– Reverses Bobrikov’s measures to reduce tension with Fin
– e.g. no req military service for finns + Diet can exist again
Finland obtained Full Automony 1905
but Stolopyn reversed it the same year
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Finland Gov
New created opposition
1907 Fin Gov removes Russian Terrorists and Revolutionaries
but Bobrikov’s replacment: Govenor General Zein
says they are still their and uses it to gain support to remove Finn gov
(doesn’t happen tho)
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Culture Baltics
De-germanification of the Baltic states
• 1900 = German influence ▼ = ▲ in Latvia, lithuania and Estonia
but overall nationalism in the Baltics not strong enough for Fight independece
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Cent Asia [Eco]
Stolypin’s policy 1910
Stolypin encoraged ▲ migration to Asia by Euro Peasnts to thurther ▼ land demands
(Take natives land = resent)
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Cent Asia [Gov+Rel]
Islam in the Duma
• the all Russian Muslim League was in the first duma (Ap-Jul 1906)
but they were banned from the dumor in 1907 when the electoral College changed
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Cent Asia [Gov+Rel]
Central Asian Revolt 1916
1915-17 Russ Gov try get Cent asia to help in WW1
e.g. June 1916 = Conscription men age 14-43
– Cent asians deemed unfit for combat = given other jobs
Muslims hated:
– Russ undermined their military capability
– Conscriptuon started in the holy Ramaden perioid
Led to:
Central Asian Revolt july 1916- Feb 1917
About Resistance from Politics and Religious changes
with the Ramadam conscription
Technicaly ends in Feb 1917
but fighting continues Post oct rev where Order is 100% restored
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Ukr [gov]
Black earth region revolts 1906-7
+ Stolypin
• 1906-7 the black earth region in Ukraine experienced many peasant uprisings due to unhappiness with conditions and practices and other grivances
this was solved with Stolypin’s necktie + range of reforms to agriculture (1908-14) (see eco)
such as allowing peasants to leave the Mir without permission
+ stolypin allowing ukrainians + other Euro peasants to migrate to central Asia for land
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Cauc [Gov]
Opp partys in caucuses
• populist movements existed against repression such as:
– dashnacks, who had own Militia use against intruding Russ officials
- Georgian Mensheviks, nationalist Georgia + German Alliance
= Both hate Nich II
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Cauc [Cul+ Rel]
Church funds, schools and new schools
• in 1903 the Armenian churches funds were confiscated by Tsar
• 1896 all Armenian church schools closed and replaced by Russ schools supervised by Tsar min of Ed
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
census data and most on earth
• According to the 1897 census, 93.9%
of Russia’s Jews lived in this area.
• In the late 19th century, a majority
of the world’s Jews lived within the
Russian Empire.
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
The Protocols of the elders of zion
propoganda against Jews
In 1902 the Police produced “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”
a fake document which claimed that the Jews were trying to take over the world
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Big pogrom in Kishinev 1903
1903: Kishinev
• mob led by priests killed 120 Jewish people 500 were injured
– babies with torn apart and the police didn’t even try to stop it
– Jewish people fled the city
– many went to Palestine this emigration was encouraged by the Russian Empire
– this story was even in the New York Times making is an international moment
• after this attack there were further attacks within the pale in 1905 as well causing even more emigration to Palestine or even Western Europe
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Belis case 1913
international condemnation of Russia following the 1913 Beilis Case.
• Beilis was accused of the ritual murder of a 13 year old Ukrainian boy.
• 7/12 jurors belonged to an anti-semitic organisation.
• Beilis was acquitted when the integrity of a key witness was
brought into question.
• He and his family left Russia, first for Palestine and then for the
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
Jews in the Dumas
• There were no restrictions based on race/ethnicity for the first and second duma elections.
• In first duma, there were 12 Jewish deputies
• in the second duma there were 4 Jewish deputies.
• After the changes to the electoral system 1907,
• there were 2 Jewish deputies in the third duma,
• 3 in the fourth duma.
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
far east
• by the 1890s Japan had emerged itself as a major Russian rival
which led to the Russo Japanese war 1904-5
to which Russia lost meaning it lost control of south mansura, port Arthur and south sakhalin
all of these were originally Chinese but they were lost to Japan as well as korea also losing to Japan
Nicholas II [1893-1917]
far east
tanu tavu
Tanu tavu was a Russian Protectorate in 1914- 1921