Alexander II Flashcards
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Polish 1863 Revolt y start
- Poloski Nationalism up
-PM Wielopolski rejected independence demands
_Polish want emancipation like russia got - protests + attempted assasination of Wielopolski (who wanted partial independece so everyone thought he was a tsarist puppet)
- Wielpolski force opponents to conscription but they flee to the woods and do Rebelion till spring 1864
Alexander II [1855-1881]
polish revolt 1863
-0 major conflicts
- rebels threaten gov stability with gurilla conflict
- rebels suported by sympathetic russ officers + Land & Liberty Movement
-Rebel leader Jaroslaw Bubrowski is a russ officer
– nationalist Rebels fail get peasant support
– minor countryside disturbances
– 1864 Russ army stops it + execute leaders
Alexander II [1855-1881]
polish 1863 revolt initial reaction ideas
• interior minister gorchakov want Poland rule by Polish autocrats controlled by Russ tsar
• war min milyutin want Polish Gentry purged as thinks they lost countryside support
+ conspired w/ peasant ring leaders to bring down gov
– Russ officials to carry out administration + governance
+ Poland should be absorbed into Russia
– devised his own plan to punish poland
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Gov + (lil Eco and Cultural emancepation)
Milyutin’s Plan 1864
• Exile 100’s Polish nobility to Siberia, Estates given to Russ officials who take over their duties
• 700k Polish households emancipated with more favorable terms than Russia got:
– freehold rights to allotted Lands paid with reformed tax system:
– all landowners pay tax not just peasants
– OG owners Compensated
(A lil Eco here and Cultural)
• rural District Council similar to zemsvas created w/ members from all sectors of Polish Society
• Poland absorbed into Russia and is known as the Vistula region ▼ Nationalism
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Culture + Religion
milyutin’s plan 1864
• Russian = official language of administration + governance + taught in schools
(cultural, Russification)
• Catholic Church Banned from communicating with Vatican = ▼ authority as Bishops may have been rebel sympathisers
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Golden prayer Book 1866
• 1866 the Golden prayer book of The Golden Alter which is Catholic is translated into Russian
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Finnland gov [+ culture + eco]
1863 and 1865
1863 Aii gave Finnland it’s own Government, The Finnish Diet
1865 Aii gives Finnland own Constitution and encorages The Finnish Language
Tsar deals woth Finnish affairs in Russia only not in fin so Mutual satisfaction
Due to Finn and Baltics = Russ access to Gulf of Finnland from St. P
Good Militarily and Economicaly
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Religion Finnland
Lutharian Church
Lutharian Churches in Finnland Left alone and not Orthodoxised like other churches were
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Eco Baltic + Cul + gov
Migration for raw matireals
The Baltic nations are close to St. P and full of raw materials and resorces and good paying jobs and buissness
– Baltic sea access = trade important + military navy
(Eco + gov)
Due to Russ migration = ▲ influence of russ, e.g Encoragment of Russ Language
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Religious + cultural Baltic
Lutheruan church
The Lutheran protestant church see German culture to be better than russian one but are loyal to the tsar
need Tsar’s permision to build any Lutherian churches
After the 1863 Polish revolt, the Lutherian church was alienated by Russia
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Y important
• Ukraine = important because grain production
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Ukr [Cul]
Publications to stop nationalism 1863 1876 (+Russification)
Ukrainians developed nationalism with art and Literature
in response A II made a decree in 1863 + 1876 to forbid books be published in Ukrainian
76 = Ukr lang × from open print
Reinforced this with schools, law system, literature, etc being done in Russian
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Ukr [Eco]
Eco reasons why Ukr is important
• ukraine’s often described as a bread basket of Russia as there is a lot of Agriculture in the black earth region of Ukraine
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Ukr [cul]
Valuev circular 1866 little russia
• the valuev Circular 1866:
Refers to Ukraine as “little Russia” and denies that there ever was or ever will be the separate little Russian language
× Ukr Identity = × Ukr Nationalism
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Cauc [rel + cul]
Religious divisions in the Caucuses + Russification
• religious divisions in the Caucasus region pre-date even the period in the course
• Armenia and Georgia are Christian
• Azeris, Chechans, Ossetians abd Abkhazians = muslim
• also in the region was very low literacy rates
= very easy risification w/ ▲ Russian language in all sectors of the government and Society + orthodoxisation
Alexander II [1855-1881]
Pale of settlment already exists
• The Pale of Settlement already exists by the time of Alexander II
place where the Jews are confined to within the Russian Empire
been like this since Catherine the Great as a follow-up after an attempt to remove them
Alexander II [1855-1881]
far east expansion
• Russia developed their influence in the Far East due to an increase in development of Transport and communication along with industrialization
including the Trans-Siberian Railway from st. Petersburg to vladivostock established 1860
it was the base of Russia’s Pacific Fleet