Stages of Motor Development Locomotor Flashcards
Initial Galloping
resembles rhythmically uneven running, trail leg crosses in front of lead leg during air borne phase, lead leg remains in front at contact, arms of little use
Elementary Galloping
slow-moderate temp, choppy, rhythm, trail leg stiff, hips often oriented sideways, vertical component exaggerated
Mature Galloping
smooth, rhythmical pattern, moderate temp, feet remain close to ground, hips oriented forward
Sliding Initial
choppy run, resembles rhythmically uneven run, trail leg crosses in front o f lead leg during airborne phase, remains in front at contact, little arm action
Elementary Sliding
stiff back/trail leg, slow/moderate temp, choppy rhythm, hips oriented sideways, vertical component exaggerated
Mature Sliding
smooth (rhythmical pattern, moderate tempo), feet remain close to ground, hips oriented forward, moving sideways while facing direction of movement
Initial Skipping
ineffective arm pattern, slow (deliberate movement), broken skip pattern or irregular rhythm
Elementary Skipping
rhythmical skip pattern, arms provide body lift, excessive vertical component
Mature Skipping
Arm action reduced/hands below shoulders, easy (rhythmical movement), support foot near surface on hop
Initial Horizontal Jumping
eyes focused forward, bends knees “crouch”, large vertical component “short jump”, legs not extended n flights, arms act as breaks, body weight is backwards at landing, may be difficult using both feet
Elementary 2 Horizontal Jumping
bends knees in prep for jump, eyes focused forward, arms in circular motion, winged arms, vertical component on take off, body in flight near extension, body weight is forward at landing
Elementary 3 Horizontal Jumping
bends knees in prep for jump, take off angle above 45 degrees, legs often extended, arms swing to head and continue moving in a forward direction, lands on 2 feet w/ body weight forward
Mature Horizontal Jumping
arms extend to head before take off, arms wing in a backwards direction, complete extension of arms and legs at take off (sets apart from 3), thighs parallel to surface or contact for landing, body weight moves forward throughout jump
Initial Leaping
child appears confused in attempts, inability to push off and gain distance and elevation, each attempt looks like another running step, inconsistent use of take off leg, arms ineffective
Elementary 2 Leaping
appears to be thinking through the action, attempt looks like elongated run, little elevation above supporting surface, little forward trunk lean