Stages of child development. Physical characteristics of children. Flashcards
what are the major milestones from 1-1.5 months ?
motor :
turns head side to side when on tummy
cannot hold head up or in line with body
speech : babbles at people known
vision and hearing :
focus on parents
reaches out for hanging toys - 1 months
1 1/2 months following moving objects and the face turns
socia: loves looking at new faces
smile to parents
startled by sudden noise
what are the major milestones in 1.6-2 months ?
motor : rolls from side to back
in ventral suspension - head maintained in the same place as the rest of the body
speech :vocalises
vision/hearing : focus on objects
smiles - 2 months
what are the major milestones from 2.1-2.5 months
rolls from tummy to side
rest on elbows and lift head at 90 degrees , legs fully extended - LANDAU REFLEX
sits propped up with hands and head steady for short time
speech : verbalising eeh-aah
deep belly laughs
vision hearing : eye to hand coordination
colour vision adult like
what are the major milestones in 3 month ?
motor : head held up for prolonged periods
in ventral suspension head maintained beyond the plane f the rest of the body
no grasp reflex
speech - vowel rises and vocalises
vision / hearing : BINOCULAR VISION
turns around to sound
eye to object coordination
social : recognises mother
what are the major milestones in 4- 5 months ?
motor :holds head steady
*head control *
goes for objects with both hands and puts into the mouth
sits alone without support and holding the head erect and arms forward for the support
palmar grasp
vision / hearing : reach hanging objects
notice colors
what re the major milestones when 6-7 months months old ?
transfer of objects from one hand to another
sits erect WITHOUT support - with a round back
rolls tummy to back
speech : polysyllables : ba , da - 7months
babbles consonant and voel combo
vision / hearing: localises the sound within 45cm from ear
20/20 vision
pectoral depth cues
*reaches for objects seen with one hand * ( 6months)
social : stranger anxiety
social - stranger anxiety
what are the major milestones of 9-10 months old ?
motor : crawling
sits erect without support
transfer objects (9 months)
with a straight back
(9 months)
pincer grasp on objects seizing with hand
standing with support
(10 months )
speech : bisyllables -dada ,mama
baubles tunefully
baubles constantly - 10 months
vision/ hearing : looks for toys dropped
social - stranger anxiety
what are the major milestones for 1 years olds ?
*stand without support *
pincer grip
can walk unsteadily , hands apart and broad gait without support
drinks from a cup with both hands
speech : baubles 2 or 3 words with meaning “dink”
social - cooperates with dressing
waving goodbye
understand simple commands
what are the major milestones in 18 months ?
motor :* walk alone* and steadily (start at 12 month - 18 month is the limit) picks up stuff without falling over stair climbing holding rails jumping *feeding self with spoon* tower of 3 blocks makes marks with crayon
speech : jargon words of 8 and 10
saying 6 words with meaning
shows two parts of the body when asked such as “where is your nose” baby poi’s to it
hearing and vision : recognise favourite songs and join in
social :copies parents tasks
what are the major milestones in 2 years old ?
,motor : run stair climbing with two feet on one step tower of 6 blocks ca draw a line
speech : able to repeat words heard
joins 2 or three words to make a simple sentence
using pronouns such as i , me , you “give me teddy”
vision hearing : recognise words
social : day time bladder control
symbol playing such as feeding the teddy bear
what are the major milestones in 3 years old ?
stair climbing with one foot but downstair two foot draws man on request pronate grasping tower of 9 blocks copies circle makes a bridge with blocks
speech :constantly asks questions
speak in sentences
3 word sentences
social : shares toys - interactive playing
known name and gender
what are the major milestones in 4 years old ?
motor : stair climbing up and down with one feet per step skips on one foot between 4-6 tripod grip develops copies cross / square forms a step with blocks
speech : says songs or poems
social : goes to toilet alone
what are the major milestones in 5 years old ?
skips on both feet
control and balance attained
control gravitational forces in walking
copies triangle
speech : fluent with few infantile sub ,
asks meaning of new words
social : dresses and undresses alone
what are the major milestones in 6 years old ?
till age 7 muscle walking activation pattern complete
head control , trunk coordination while walking until 8
copies a diamond
knows right from left
which reflex disappears in 4-8 months ?
moro reflex