Stage 14 Model Sentences Flashcards
multae amphorae sunt in plaustrō.
Many wine jars are in the cart.
Vārica: Phile! portā hanc amphoram in vīllam!
Varica: Pilius! Carry this wine jar into the house!
Philius: amphora magna est. difficile est mihi magnam amphoram portāre.
Philus: The wine jar is big. It is difficult for me to carry a big wine-jar.
Vārica: cūr?
Varica: Why?
Philius: quod ego sum senex.
Philius: Because I am an old man.
Vārica geminōs in āreā cōnspicit.
Varica catches sight of the twins in the courtyard.
Vārica: Loquāx! Anti-Loquāx! portāte hanc amphoram in vīllam!
Varica: Loquax! Anti-Loquax! Carry this wine jar into the house!
Loquāx: amphora gravis est. difficile est nōbīs amphoram gravem portāre.
Loquax: The wine jar is heavy. It is difficult for us to carry a heavy wine jar.
Vārica: cūr?
Varica: Why?
Loquāx: quod nōs sumus puerī.
Loquax: Because we are boys.
Bregāns prō amphorīs stat.
Bregans is standing in front of the wine jars.
Vārica: Bregāns! portā hās amphorās in vīllam!
Varica: Bregans! Carry these wine jars into the house!
Bregāns: amphorae gravēs sunt. difficile est mihi amphorās gravēs portāre.
Bregans: The wine jars are heavy. It is difficult for me to carry heavy wine jars.
Vārica: sed necesse est!
Varica: But it’s necessary!
Bregāns: cūr?
Bregans: Why?
Vārica: necesse est tibi amphorās portāre quod Philus est senex, quod Loquāx et frāter sunt puerī, et …
Varica: It’s necessary for you to carry the wine jars because Philius is an old man, because Loquax and his brother are boys, and …
Bregāns: quod tū es vīlicus!
Bregans: Because you are the overseer!