Stage 13 coniūrātiō Flashcards
Vārica rem nārrāvit:
Varica told them the story:
“nōs apud Cantiacōs erāmus, quod Salvius metallum novum vīsitābat.
“We were among the Cantiaci because Salvius was visiting the new mine.
“hospes noster erat Pompēius Optātus, vir benignus.
“Our host was Pompeius Optatus, a kind man.
“in metallō labōrābant multī servī.
“Many slaves were working in the mine.
“Quamquam servī multum ferrum ē terrā effodiēbant, Salvius nōn erat contentus.
“Although the slaves were digging a lot of iron out of the ground, Salvius was not satisfied.
“Salvius servōs ad sē vocāvit et īnspexit.
“Salvius called the slaves to him and inspected them.
“ūnus servus aeger erat.
“One slave was sick.
“Salvius servum aegrum ex ōrdinibus trāxit et clāmāvit,
“Salvius dragged the sick slave out of the rows and shouted,
” ‘servus aeger est inūtilis. ego servōs inūtilēs retinēre nōlō.’
” ‘A sick slave is useless. I do not want to keep useless slaves.’
“postquam hoc dīxit, Salvius carnificibus servum trādidit.
“After Salvius said this, he handed the slave over to the executioners.
“carnificēs eum statim interfēcērunt.
“The executioners killed him immediately.
“hic servus tamen fīlium habēbat; nōmen erat Alātor.
“This slave, however, had a son; his name was Alator.
“Alātor patrem suum vindicāre voluit.
Alator wanted to avenge his father.
“itaque, ubi cēterī dormiēbant, Alātor pugiōnem cēpit.
“And so, when the others were sleeping, Alator took a dagger.
“postquam custōdēs ēlūsit, cubiculum intrāvit.
“After he slipped past the guards, he entered a bedroom.
“in hōc cubiculō Salvius dormiēbat.
“Salvius was sleeping in this bedroom.