stable coronary artery disease Flashcards
largest risk factor for CAD
risk for CAD returns to baseline after how many years of quitting smoking?
2-3 years
Characteristics that point away from angina include
- localized to one finger tip
- middle/lower abdo
- radiates into lower extremities
pain that is reproduced by movment or palpation is
NOT angina
pain that is very brief or constant for many hours
IS NOT angina
angina walked for > 2 blocks or 1 flight of stairs is which class?
Class 2
typical angina is relieved by
Rest and nitroglycerin
3 ways to assess functional heart activity
- stress test
- nuclear test
- stress ECHO
2 ways to assess structural heart
- coronary angio
3 ways to stress the heart
- Exercise
- vasodilators - persantine, adenosine
- Dobutamine
what % of stenosis before you get discomfort
the treadmill test is accurate for what % of severely narrowed arteries
65% accurate
accuracy of the nuclear test
a reversible defect in perfusion suggests
a fixed defect implies
a prior infarct
how much does normal heart muscle thicken when it contracts?
eCHO testing is how accurate?
Wall motion abnormalities are
abnormal heart thickening
Gold standard test to assess heart structure
Coronary angiography
anti-anginals to treat STABLE CAD
- beta blockers
Ca channel blockers