SSS Law Flashcards
The provisions of the social security law are to be liberally construed in favor of ___________________
those seeking its benefits
It is the implementing arm of the social security act. It is a corporate body with a personality separate and distinct from the government, directed and controlled by the social security commission
social security system
True or false. The sss can sue and be sued
True or false. The inclusion of religious organizations under the coverage of the social security law violates the constitutional prohibition against the application of public funds for the use, benefit or support of any priest who may be employed by the church
false. The funds belong to the members and are merely held in trust by the government. The funds contributed to the sss or not public funds
Any person, natural or juridical, who carries on in the philippines any business of any kind and uses the services often other person who is under his orders as regards the employment
employer; self-employed person shall be both employee and employer at the same time
A child is a dependent if he has not yet reached age of ______ or maybe beyond such year if he is congenitally or while still a minor has been permanently incapacitated and incapable of self support
In the computation of benefits, the maximum monthly salary credit to be considered shall be _____________ until adjusted
Two or false. Employment includes service performed in the employee of the philippine government or instrumentality or age and thereof
The dependent illegitimate children shall be entitled to _______ of the share of the legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted children
The average monthly salary credit is the result of 10 by dividing the sum of the last ____ monthly salary credit immediately preceding the semester of contingency by ______; or the result obtained by dividing the sum of all the monthly salary credits paid prior to the semester of contingency by the number of monthly contributions paid in the same period whichever is greater
60; 60
It is equal to net income before income taxes + non-cash charges such as depreciation and depletion appearing in the regular financial statement of the issuing for assuming institution
net earnings
True or false. Employees not over 60 years of age or compulsory coverage of social security law
This persons will be covered by the sss on a voluntary basis, unless they are engaged in a vocation or employment which is subject to mandatory coverage
spouses who devote full time to managing the household and family affairs
True or false. Coverage in the sss shall be compulsory upon all employees including kasambahays or domestic workers not over 60 years of age and their employers
True or false. Compulsory coverage of the employers, employees and self-employed persons shall take effect on the ______________
first day of engagement
True or false. If the self employed member realizes no income in any given month, he shall still be required to pay contributions for that month
false; not required but allowed
The monthly pension shall be the highest of the following amounts
- The sum of ________ plus ______ of the average monthly salary credit plus ____ of the average monthly salary credit for each credited year of service in excess of 10 years
- _______ of the average monthly salary credit
- __________ provided that the monthly pension shall in no case be paid for an aggregate amount of less than 60 months
300; 20%; 2%
Notwithstanding the highest monthly pension, the minimum pension shall be __________ 4 members with at least 10 credit years of service and ________ for those with 20 years of credited service
1200; 2400
An additional monthly benefit allowance amounting to ________ shall be given to all retirement, death, and disability pensioners receiving pensions in or after january 2017
Where monthly pension is payable on account of death, permanent total disability or retirement, dependents pension equivalent to ______ of the monthly pension or ______ whichever is higher shall also be paid for each dependent child conceived on or before the date of contingency pathetic sitting five
10%; 250
A member who has paid at least ______ monthly contributions prior to the semester of retirement and who has reached the age of _______ and is already separated from employment or has ceased to be self-employed; or has reached the age of _______ shall be entitled for as long as he lives to the monthly pension provided that he will have the option to receive his first 18 multiples in lump-sum discounted at preferential rate of interest to be determined by the sss
120; 60; 65
A covered member who is ______ at retirement and who does not qualify for pension benefits under the previous card shall be entitled to a lump sum benefit equal to the total contributions by the him on his behalf
The monthly pension shall be suspended of underemployment or resumption of self-employment of a retired member who is less than _______ years old
Upon the death of a member who has paid at least _______ monthly contributions prior to the the semester of death, his primary beneficiary shall be entitled to the monthly pension
A funeral grant equivalent to __________ shall be paid in cash or in kind to help defray the cost of funeral expenses upon the death of a member including permanently totally disabled member or retiree; however the irr of social security law provides that a federal benefit is from the range of _______________
12,000; 20,000 to 40,000
Whoever shall obtain or receive any money or check under this act or an agreement there on there, without being and title thereto with intent to defraud any member, employer or the sss, shall be fined __________ and imprisonment for ______________
5000 to 20000; 6 years and 1 day to 12 years
Sickness benefit is ______ of the average daily salary credit to be paid in advance by the employers subject to reimbursement but sss. It can be availed of if they have paid at least ______ monthly contribution in the 12-month period immediately preceding the semester of sickness or injury; been confined of more than three days in hospital; exhausted there paid company sick leave benefit; notify their employer that he is sick within 5 days after the start of his confinement
90%; three
The sickness cannot be paid for more than _______ in one calendar year; it cannot be paid for more than 240 days on account of the same confinement
unused portion of the sickness benefit cannot be carried forward
In case of permanent total disability benefit; the lump sum benefit is available for sss members who have not paid _______ monthly contributions
Employees who are separated from the service due to retrenchment or closure of establishment or entitled to separation benefits in the form of cash payment equivalent to _______ of the average monthly salary credit for a maximum of 2 months
Unemployment or involuntary separate benefit can be claimed once every _______ and is available to sss members who have paid at least _______ monthly contributions, 12 months of which should be in the 18 18-month period immediately preceding the involuntary unemployment and separation and or not over 60 years old
3 years; 36