SS World History Flashcards
A man made object representing a culture or group. An artifact may be a tool, weapon, a piece of pottery or art. An artifact can provide clues about the nature of its culture.
Corono liga
A chronology is an arrangement of events in order of occurrence.
B.C. - B.C. means ‘Before Christ’.
A.D. - ‘Anno Domini’. AD. is a Latin phrase meaning ‘In the year of the Lord’.
B.C.E. - ‘Before Common .Era’. B.C.E. means the same as ‘B.C.’. and Is expected to replace B.C.
C.E. - ‘Common Era’. C.E. means the same as A.D. and is expected to replace AD.
C. - ‘Circa’ is Latin for ‘about’. Use C. before an approximate date.
Century - Century refers the period of 100 years. “19th Century” is from 1800 to 1899. “20th
Century” is from 1900 to 1999.
Prehistory is the period before writing was developed.
Domestication of Plants
Domestication of Plants
About 10,000 years ago, people began to produce some of their ownfoqd,
instead of simply gathering what they found growing. This domestication of plants required that people stay in one place in order to farm their crops; As a result, groups of people sometimes had more food than they needed immediately. They had food surpluses. Food surpluses made it possible for some community members to specialize in activities besides farming. These workers became skilled at producing, art, or weapons, or jewelry, goods which could be traded with other groups of people. Early farming societies formed settlements that eventually led to more complex economies.
A civilization is a complex society with a government, religion, writing, and learning. The earliest civilizations were in the area of the Fertile Crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in what is now Iraq and Syria.
Monotheism is the belief iii one Supreme Being.
Polytheism is the belief in many gods.
Rosetta Stone
Rosetta Stone
The Rosetta Stone is a large black stone that was found in Egypt. It contained a message
in three different kinds of writing: Greek, Egyptian script, and Egyptian hieroglyphics. Using the Greek as a guide, the Egyptian script and hieroglyphics were decoded enabling archeologists to read the recorded history of the ancient Egyptians.
Civil War
A civil war is a war in which groups of people from the same place or country fight each
other. The American Civ~ War was fought between 1860 and 1865.
Magna Charta
Magna Charta
Magna Charta means ‘Great Charter’ and it was signed by King John of England in 1215. It
established the precedent that the king recognized the rights of his nobles. The Magna Charta kept the
power of the English king from becoming ‘absolute’.
Therefore, his power was ‘limited’. Parts of the Magna
Charta later became the basis for laws in England.
The Renaissance is the time from c.14001600
When Europe experienced a rebirth in philosophy,
Learning, art, and science. Artists from this period include
Michel angeló and Leonardo da Vinci. Scientists from this
Period include Copernicus, who showed that the earth
Revolves around the sun, and Galileo, who invented the
Johan Gutenberg
Johan Gutenberg invented the printing press that used moveable type, which allowed the printing process to become faster and easier. Following the invention of the printing press, books could be printed in large numbers; they became less expensive, which allowed more people to buy
them. Because more people could afford to own them, new Ideas spread more
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton was a mathematician and physicist who developed the Idea of using scientific methods to answer questions and solve problems. His Principia Mathematica. published in 1687,-described laws of motion and of gravity which govern the universe. The Principia is considered one of the most important scientific books ever published
Nationalism is a sense of belonging to a nation. During the 19th century, many nations in
Europe experienced a rise in n:;llionalism when citizens began to feel they were part of the country in which they lived; rather than feeling a part of their own town; city, or region: Until this time, this sense of loyalty to a country did not exist.
Imperialism is when the interests of a dominant nation subjugate the interests of another
Nation. Imperialism occurred during the empire building of the 19’“‘century when countries of Europe Colonized and controlled vasts areas of Africa and Asia.
Conscription means the draft of young men to serve in the military.
Cold War
The Cold War was the time period after World War II when the United Stales and the Soviet
Union prepared for war. The two countries did not meet face to face, but they both wanted the most powerful weapons. The Cold War lasted from the end of World War II, in 1945, until the end of the Soviet Union, in 1991.