SPSS Surviving Manual: Getting Started Flashcards
3 Main Types of Validity
- Content Validity
- Criterion Validity
- Construct Validity
It refers to the adequacy with which a measure or scale has sampled from the intended universe or domain of content.
Content Validity
It concerns the relationship between scale scores and some specifies, measurable criterion.
Criterion Validity
It involves testing scale against a single criterion but in terms of theoretically derived hypotheses concerning the nature of the underlying variable or construct.
Construct Validity
2 types of Construct Validity
- Convergent Validity (Related)
- Discriminant Validity (Unrelated)
2 indicators of Reliability
- Test-Retest Reliability
- Internal Consistency
Also referred to as temporal stability and is assessed by administering it to the same people on two different occasion calculating the correlation between the two scores obtained.
Test-Retest Reliability
The degree to which the items that make up the scale are all measuring the underlying attribute.
Internal Consistency
The most commonly used statistic where it provides an indication of the averages correlation among all of the items that make up the scale.
Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha
The summary of the instructions you will use to convert the information obtained from each subject or case into a format that SPSS can understand.
5 Main Windows of SPSS
- Data Editor
- Viewer
- Table Editor
- Chart Editor
- Syntax Editor
It displays the contents of your data fi le, and in this window
you can open, save and close existing data fi les, create a new data fi le, enter data, make
changes to the existing data fi le, and run statistical analyses.
Data Editor
This window displays the results of the analyses you have conducted, including tables and charts.
2 Parts of Viewer
- Outline/Navigation Pane
- Results of the Analyses
This editor is used to change the look of your table, the size, the fonts used and the dimensions of the columns.
Pivot Table Editor