sports core Flashcards
T/F core stability training for healthy population has been questioned
true - and for athletes too
T/F there is a clear agreement on what anatomical structures comprise the core
false - there is not
T/F core is preferred term over trunk
trunk is preferred
T/F core stability and strength are the same
core stability
control position and motion of trunk
T/f muscles of the core are designed to create movement
false - to stop motion
proposed effects of deficient core
poor gait mechanism poor postural alignment poor transfer of forces inability to acc/decc inability to withstand Ext forces
do core exercises effect performance
Difficult to study with the different definitions of core exercise
core stability helps what injury
example of global stabilizers
glute med
example of local stabilizers
TA, multifidus, pelvic floor mm, diaphragm
psoas major
global mobilizers
multi joint mm, non weight bearing
connection of myofascial systems
store release and transfer energy
posterior oblique sling
lat dorsi
contralateral glue max
connect via thoracolumbar fascia
anterior oblique sling
external oblique
anterior abdominal fascia
contralateral IO
contralateral hip adductors
posterior or deep longitundal sling
tib ant, fib longus, Bicep femoris, sacrotuberous ligament, erector spinal all on same side
lateral sling
glue med/min
ipslateral adductors
contralateral stabilizersrs of QL
__ is the reason for joint mobilzations
joint centration
joint centration
ensures ideal path for centre of rotation
low threshold strategy
slow tonic, local stabilizers
for joint centration
high threshold strategy
fast, phasic prime movers, global mobilizers
for strength/ performance
__ must occurs prior to __ to stabilize and centrate the body
low threshold
high threshold
how to assess threshold strategy
assess breathing, posture, alignment
___ breathing used in low threshold strategies
___ breathing used in high threshold strategies
valsalva / breath holding
work on mobility or stability first
mobility then stability
bracing concept
activating all ab mm at once
Global stabilization tests
bridge with knee extended bird dog planks (side and front) flexor enduranace back extensor endurance
how to assess core movement
real time US
movement screen
BP cuff
Core X movements
drop step, cross step, cross fire, core nation
T/f Core x greater multifid and glue med and glute max activation than tradtional
for athlete, is core mm endurance or strength more important
Mcgill core exercises
curl ups
side bridge
bird dog
8-10 s holds daily
Two purposes for strengthening the core
stabilization injury prevention (focus on endurance)
enhance energy transfer from core to extremities (performance)