What is the five functions of the media
- inform
- interpret
- educate
- entertain
- advertise
How many followers do Man Utd have on instagram
63 million
Three benefits of social media (fans)
- interact with performers
- news about teams
- enter competitions eg win tickets
Four impacts social media has on sports
- can promote sports / teams
- more access to fans
- must govern social media (PR manager)
- provide social media training for performers
Three positive impact of social media on performers
- promotion of brand (sponsors)
- interact with fans (boost popularity)
- express opinions (role models)
Two negative impact of social media on performers
- Interact with fans (increased pressure / can’t escape)
- express personal opinion (negative opinion lead to bans etc)
What is commercialisation
managing or exploiting something in order to make a profit
when did televised sport occur
how much is team viewer paying Man Utd over five years
235 million
how much did sky pay the premier league and for how many games
4 billion for 126 games
List five characteristics of commercial sports
- professional
- sponsership
- entertaining
- contracts
- large audience
List five benefits of commercialisation
- athletes earn income (train full-time)
- improved facilities
- more events / competition
- more role models
- increased participation
List three reason why sport relies on the media
- ticket sales / revenue
- pay performer wages
- high quality facilities
List five disadvantages of commercialisation
- “win at all costs’ attitude
- unequal funding
- increase cost per view
- increase in ‘armchair’ spectators
- sport looses control
how much did air Jordan make in one year
6.5 billion