five core values of sport
- cooperation
- team work
- leadership
- respect for rules
- discipline
Indivudual benefits of rasing partipation
- improved physical health
- achieve healthy weight
- improved skill level
- improved social health
- improved mental health
six government benefits of mass participation
- healthier population
- economic regeneration
- showcase talent
- boost national pride
- respect for rules & authority
- red and circus theory
three personal factors that affect process to elite
- skill levels
- determination to succeed
- willing to self sacrifice
three social factors that affect process to elite
- support from family
- access to facilities
- structured levels to compete in
what is the four main things UK SPORT do
- distribute national lottery funding for elite performer development
- research innvative approach to coaching & training \
- keep sport clean
- organise major sporting events
describe the world class performance program
funded by national lottery
level one - realistic podium in 4 years
eg Dina Asher Smith
level two - realistic podium in 8 years
eg Lizzie bird
what is the gold event series
uk sport worka with partner agencies to bid to host major sporting events in the uk
- 100 targeted in the last ten years
eg Glasgow cycling 2023
what is the three objectives of the gold event series
- stimulate economic growth
- create high profile oppertunities to stimulate interest
- improve coverage of successful perfromances
DISCUSS - devoloping elite performers should take priority over increasing mass paricipation
> boosts national pride
red and circus theory
economic benefits
creation of role models
success increases participation
DISCUSS - devoloping elite performers should take priority over increasing mass paricipation
< 100mil a year cant be justified
< £ could be better spent elsewhere
< too elitest
< win at all costs attitude
< investing in masses reduces crime
what are the qualities of a TALENT ID program
testing facities of high quality
analysis of perfomance
links to other organisations
equal oppertunity to apply
national development squads
talent sporting
support services available
what is uk sport instutite
1) owned by Uk sport
2) provice support to british olympians
what services do uk sport instutute offer
- biomechanics
- nuitrition
- physiotherapy
- sportd medicine
what do national governing bodies do
- decide who should recieve funding
- promote participation
- provide structured ;eve