SPOG Contract Flashcards
Who are the negotiating reps with the city?
President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer
Board of Directors
Who are the liaisons between the bargaining unit and SPD?
President, Vice President, and Secretary Treasurer
When will the guild president be returned to duty?
Periodically to maintain certs
What is percentage split for who pays the guild president?
City pays 78
Guild pays 22
Who appoints a neutral party if city and guild can’t decide on an arbitrator?
How much notice will the guild give when the president is to return to duty?
30 days
The guild pays for a leave of absence for guild duty. The city will allow this much time
10 consecutive days
No more than 120 total
How much notification should an officer give to get no-pay time to attend guild meetings?
1 day
What are the alternatives to joining the guild?
Pay to charity or Agency fee to guild
What is the standard for termination cases?
Elevated standard of review (more than preponderance)
What is the penalty for dishonesty?
How long can a suspension be for investigation?
No more than 30 days
When can an investigation suspension go over 30 days?
Felonies, Misd with moral turpitude / sex / bias
What will happen if you get exonerated for gross misd?
Back pay
Can you use accrued leave for unpaid suspension?
7 or less days? yes you can.
8 or more? No you cant
If unpaid suspension were to affect your benefits, what can you do?
Take the suspension non-consecutive
How long does the chief have to notify you of a hearing after a sustained finding?
10 days
After the investigations file has been provided to the guild, when will the hearing day be?
30 days
Who can attend the discipline hearing?
Officer, Lawyer, Guild Rep, Friend (dept employee) Chief, Hr Director Deputy or Assistant Chief IG, Attorney from city OPA (rep for under 8, director for more)
If more evidence is provided in a discipline hearing, how much more time does OPA get to investigate?
60 days
When does an OPA notification happen?
Within 5 days
When will OPA provide more detailed complaint information?
30 days after preliminary investigation
If an OPA complaint is submitted to prosecutor, what is the discipline timeline?
Within 30 days of verdict or decline
What pauses the OPA clock?
Can’t id suspect after 60 days
prosecutor review
When can OPA ask for an extension
When they’ve been investigating in good faith, can’t find witnesses
What procedures are followed if another city agency is conducting an investigation?
Same as OPA
Who pays for the stenographer?
Whomever requests it
When is there no discipline in OPA investigation?
4 years have passed
180 timeline not met
What exempts the no discipline rules?
Criminal allegations
Concealing acts of misconduct
Adverse civil litigation results
How long are OPA records retained?
Sustained: Employment plus 6 years
Not sustained: current year plus 3
How long to send a frontline to OPA?
28 days
What happens if a complainant backs out of mediation that an officer has agreed to?
No discipline
What may you request within 5 days of receipt of an OPA complaint?
Rapid Adjudication
How long to get rehired and pick up where you left off?
2 years
What is the minimum in service training the city will provide?
32 hours
What training subjects will be covered every year?
Firearms, UoF, First Aid
What 4 training topics are covered every other year?
New Technology
What do you do if you haven’t been trained by Dec 1?
Notify CoC. Dept has 60 days to remedy
What is the Joint Labor Management Committee?
Chief, City Director of Labor Relations, 2 other city folk
Guild Pres, 3 guild members
What does the Joint Labor Management Committee talk about?
Work shit. Clothing allowances, 72 hour notice, firearm quals, work shifts, etc
What does the Joint Labor Management Committee do if they want something investigated, like new shifts?
Start and Employee Involvement Committee to research and recommend.
How long does a sergeant position have to be vacant before getting filled with a permanent promotion?
60 days
What kind of bullshit schedule does comms have?
6 on 2 off.
What is the order for staffing Seafair?
5 on 2 off
2nd watch / 3rd watch
1st watch
What must be done before restricting time off for an event?
Ask for volunteers
What is the max for Comp time?
40 max, 27 for patrol
How much is on call pay?
10% of straight time
How much will an employee be paid if they are placed on call for a large scale incident?
Who is eligible for vacation call-back pay?
Those with an approved vacation request 30 days prior to call-back
What are the pay options for vacation callback?
Straight time plus a vacation day
Greater of:
3 hours at 1.5x
Double time for time worked
What pay and benefits does canine receive?
Hour off early
45 minutes comp time on furloughs (or kennel)
When must a canine be kenneled?
When a canine officer is out for 4+ days
When is a clothing allowance provided?
18 months from hire date.
What units can be shifted to avoid OT use?
Mounted, traffic, motors
Intel, gangs
If hours are shifted, how much break do officers need between shifts?
8 hours
What events does the hours shifting policy not apply?
Baseball / Football
How much notice must be provided to change a shift for training?
7 days
What is an employee provided (in time and options) when invol transferred?
Pay period of notice
Given list of all qualified open spots
How does a transfer due to EEO / OPA investigation work?
Given list of options and can pick.
Employee may return if no misconduct found.
How long are you given to correct issues that could lead to performance transfer?
30-90 days.
Who approves performance transfers?
Bureau commander, HR Director
How long can the department take your gun for a psych eval?
10 days
Where does SPOG get bulletin boards?
Pct, Ops Bureau, Investigations Bureau
What is release time provided for?
Family sick emergency, 2 days (more if approved)
How much notice must be provided for 30 day transfers?
4 days
What is the path for challenges to performance appraisal?
Supervisor’s commander
HR Director
Who reviews Performance Appraisal challenges if it goes to HR?
PAS Review board
3 guild
3 dept
How many holiday days?
How are personal holidays earned?
On pay prior to Oct 1, 1 holiday.
On pay prior to Feb 12, another.
Who approves vacation use for sick time if you’re out?
What happens if you get sick or injured while on vacation?
Can use sick time instead
When are vacation requests approved?
By Feb 14
What percentage of insurance do employees pay?
5% medical
100% dental
50% ortho up to 3k
What is the incentive sick leave schedule?
No sick: 16 hours sick leave next year
2 sick: 12 hours sick next year
4 sick: 8 hours next year
What are the two types of grievances?
Discipline / Contract
How to submit a contract grievance at step 1.
When do you need to submit by?
In writing to LT
within 30 days of violation
How to submit a contract grievance at step 2?
Employee submit to guild.
Guild submit to chief
How to submit a contract grievance at step 3?
Submit to chief / director of labor relations
What is step 4 of a contract grievance?
What step do discipline grievances start at?
Step 3
How to submit a discipline grievance at step 3?
Submit to HR director / Labor Relations
Within 30 days of city action
Who pays for an arbitrator?
Contract: Loser pays
Discipline: Split pay
When will an arbitration take place?
Within 30 days of the arbitrator giving dates
How many arbitrators does the city / guild provide for selection?
10 each
How many arbitrators can each party strike from the list?
What can be used instead of arbitration?
What happens if the city fails a grievance on time?
Guild wins
How are probation employees disciplined?
Public Safety Civil Service Commission
What is paramount except where it conflicts with the agreement?
City Ordinance
What is the savings clause of the contract?
If one part found invalid, rest remains
How much training ammo can you get in a 60 day period?
2 months
What types of body armor will be issued?
2 or 3a
Can an acting sergeant be assigned to OPA?
Yes, for 3 months, only for intake and assistance
How does OPA pick sergeants?
They get a list of 10.
OPA picks or sergeants volunteer
Who is on the CPC?
7 from Mayor
7 from Council
7 from CPC
How much does long term disability pay?
60% of salary, max 4k per month
What positions did the contract civilianize?
2 OPA spots
What are the limits for dispatch taking reports?
Car Prowl: 1500
Theft: 500
What can storefront volunteers do?
Handles losses under 500
Who screens an off-duty phone call?
A lieutenant
What is the phone call length triger for pay?
8 minutes is an hour of OT
What are the lateral qualifications?
24 months service continuous w/i 36 months Academy grad Civil Service Exam 80% 4 week post blea 8 week fto
SPD uses scuba.
Suck it SFD