SPOC week 2 AI generated Flashcards
Describe the different types of diabetes mentioned in the content.
The types of diabetes include Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes, and various rare types associated with genetic disorders or other diseases.
What are the major organs involved in the regulation of blood glucose levels?
The major organs involved are the liver, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, intestine, and pancreas.
Define insulin resistance in the context of diabetes.
Insulin resistance occurs when cells do not respond effectively to insulin, leading to difficulties in glucose uptake.
How does insulin help control blood glucose levels after a meal?
Insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose in skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissue, while suppressing glucose output from the liver.
Describe the pathogenesis of diabetes focusing on insulin action and Beta-cell function.
The key features are Insulin resistance, where cells do not respond well to insulin, and Beta-cell failure, where the pancreas is unable to secrete adequate insulin.
Explain the development of Type 2 diabetes according to the content.
Type 2 diabetes develops slowly over time, preceded by a period of disturbed blood glucose regulation, eventually leading to insulin resistance and Beta-cell failure.
Describe pre-diabetes and its two subtypes.
Pre-diabetes is the phase before diabetes where there are elevated glucose levels. The two subtypes are impaired fasting glucose (elevated fasting glucose levels) and impaired glucose tolerance (elevated glucose levels after meals).
Explain the difference between impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT).
IFG has elevated fasting glucose levels but normal 2-hour glucose levels, while IGT has non-diabetic fasting glucose levels and elevated 2-hour glucose levels.
Define adipose tissue and mention its two major locations in the body.
Adipose tissue is body fat. It is found just beneath the skin (subcutaneous) and in the abdominal cavity around organs (visceral).
How does the location of adipose tissue affect metabolic risk in individuals?
Adipose tissue above the waistline (apple-like shape) poses higher metabolic risk, while adipose tissue at the gluteal region (pear-like shape) is associated with lower cardiometabolic risk.
What is ectopic lipid deposition and what can it lead to?
Ectopic lipid deposition is the storage of fat in non-adipose tissues. When lipid storage exceeds cell capacity, it can lead to ‘lipotoxicity’, interfering with normal cell function.
Describe how an unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity contribute to adipose tissue dysfunction.
An unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity lead to a positive energy balance, causing excess energy to be stored in adipose tissue. This can stress fat cells, leading to dysfunction, especially in visceral adipose tissue.
Describe the process by which fat cells contribute to a low-grade inflammatory state in the body.
Fat cells release factors like cytokines and adipokines, attracting macrophages and inducing more cytokine release, leading to inflammation. This can result in insulin resistance and increased fatty acid release.
Define insulin resistance and its impact on the body.
Insulin resistance is decreased sensitivity to insulin, leading to reduced activity in insulin signalling pathways. It can result in impaired glucose uptake, glycogen synthesis, and other metabolic functions.
How does insulin function in the body to regulate glucose levels?
Insulin binds to insulin receptors on cell walls, triggering insulin signalling pathways that stimulate glucose uptake into cells, particularly in skeletal muscle and fat cells. It also promotes glycogen synthesis and inhibits processes like gluconeogenesis and lipolysis.
Describe the role of skeletal muscles in glucose homeostasis.
Skeletal muscles are important insulin-sensitive organs that receive 80% of ingested glucose during a meal. They play a crucial role in glucose uptake and storage, contributing to overall glucose balance in the body.
What are the key features of the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes?
The key features include insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and the liver, as well as impaired Beta-cell function with reduced insulin secretion in the pancreas. These factors contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.
Explain the impact of insulin resistance on insulin signalling pathways.
In individuals with insulin resistance, the activity of insulin signalling pathways is reduced, leading to decreased sensitivity to insulin. This can disrupt glucose uptake, glycogen synthesis, and other metabolic processes in the body.
Describe the role of lipid accumulation inside the cell in relation to insulin signaling and glucose metabolism.
Lipid accumulation exceeding utilization can interfere with insulin signaling, impair GLUT 4 translocation, reduce glucose uptake after meals, and lead to postprandial hyperglycemia.
Define the function of the pancreas in regulating blood glucose levels.
The pancreas secretes enzymes to break down food and produces hormones like insulin and glucagon to control blood glucose levels.
How do Alpha and Beta cells in the pancreas contribute to glucose regulation?
Alpha cells produce glucagon to raise blood glucose levels when they are low, while Beta cells produce insulin to lower blood glucose levels.
Describe the process of insulin release from Beta cells in response to increased blood glucose levels.
When glucose levels rise, Beta cells take up glucose, triggering a series of actions leading to calcium influx, insulin release, and increased insulin levels in the blood.
Explain the consequences of impaired glucose tolerance due to lipid accumulation and insulin resistance.
Impaired glucose tolerance prolongs the time to return to normal glucose levels, increases fatty acid release from adipose tissue, and leads to ectopic lipid accumulation.
Define the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in terms of Beta-cell function.
In Type 1 diabetes, Beta-cells are completely destroyed, while in Type 2 diabetes, there is impaired insulin secretion and/or insulin resistance.
Describe the role of insulin in type 1 diabetes.
In type 1 diabetes, no insulin is produced, leading to the need for insulin injections to regulate glucose metabolism.
Explain the cause of beta-cell destruction in type 1 diabetes.
Beta-cell destruction in type 1 diabetes is caused by an autoimmune response where the immune system attacks and kills healthy pancreatic beta cells.
Define the term ‘lipotoxicity’ in relation to diabetes development.
Lipotoxicity refers to the interference of glucose-induced insulin secretion by lipid accumulation inside beta cells, contributing to beta-cell failure and insulin resistance.
How does the HOMA index measure insulin resistance?
The HOMA index calculates insulin resistance indirectly by multiplying fasting insulin and fasting blood glucose levels, then dividing the result by 22.5.
Describe the role of genes in the development of type 1 diabetes.
Genes play a role in type 1 diabetes susceptibility, with certain genes making individuals more prone to developing the condition.
Explain the impact of lipid accumulation in the pancreas on beta-cell function in type 2 diabetes.
Increased lipid accumulation in the pancreas, often seen in obese type 2 diabetic patients, can lead to beta-cell failure and exhaustion, affecting insulin secretion.
What is the significance of measuring blood glucose levels in assessing insulin resistance?
Measuring blood glucose levels can indicate hyperglycemia or glucose intolerance, which are often associated with insulin resistance in individuals.
Define ‘amyloid deposition’ in the context of beta-cell function.
Amyloid deposition refers to the accumulation of a peptide called amyloid in beta cells, which can compromise their function and contribute to diabetes development.
How does fasting glucose levels change with the development of insulin resistance?
Fasting glucose levels start to change only when a certain degree of insulin resistance has already developed, as they are well controlled by increased insulin secretion initially.
Describe the HOMA-IR index.
A value above 1 indicates some insulin resistance, with higher values indicating more insulin resistance. It is a quick, easy, and relatively cheap estimation of insulin resistance, but not a direct quantification of insulin action.
What does OGTT stand for and how is it used?
OGTT stands for oral glucose tolerance test. It measures the glucose response in the blood up to two hours after ingesting 75 grams of sugar to assess the body’s efficiency in disposing of glucose.
Define the ‘clamp’ technique.
The ‘clamp’ technique, also known as the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp, involves infusing insulin at a fixed high rate to create hyperinsulinemic conditions and simultaneously infusing glucose to maintain stable blood glucose levels.
How does the ‘clamp’ technique determine insulin sensitivity?
By adjusting the glucose infusion rate to maintain stable blood glucose levels, the ‘clamp’ technique quantifies insulin sensitivity based on the amount of glucose required to achieve euglycemia.
Describe the advantages of using the OGTT.
The OGTT is easy to apply, provides more information than fasting glucose levels alone, and helps assess insulin resistance. However, it requires more time and effort compared to simpler measures.
How does measuring insulin levels enhance the estimation of insulin resistance during an OGTT?
Measuring insulin levels during an OGTT provides a more precise estimation of insulin resistance by correlating glucose response with insulin levels, offering insights into insulin sensitivity or resistance.