SPM Flashcards
Ethics training will be provided to all employees at least
All employees before assuming their BSO duties will be required to sign what
An oath in accordance with Statute 876.05
Knowingly aiding, abetting, assisting, or soliciting another employee in any way to violate a rule, order, or directive
Being an accessory to a disciplinary offense
New hire employees will complete the following
NeoGov onboarding
New hire orientation
Department orientation
Employees must notify their supervisor at least ____ if they are unable to report for work
1 hour
If sick leave abuse is suspected or excessive sick leave occurs, what may the employee need to do
Provide a doctor’s note for reason of absence
An arbitrary and illegitimate exercise of authority intended to benefit the employee and harm the rights of others
Abuse of authority
Exercise of authority that is intended to induce an unjust advantage that is otherwise not permitted or afforded
Misuse of authority
Employees sued as a result of an incident arising outside of employment must notify who
Supervisor, risk management, and office of general counsel
The only approved text on BSO business card will be the following
Employees rank, title, name
Department name
Department address, phone number
Email and mobile number optional
Any person or entity engaged in or carrying on a business enterprise with an employee as a partner
Business associate
Any corporation, partnership, limited partnership, proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association, self-employed individual, or trust, doing business with this agency
Business entity
A situation in which regard for a private interest tends to lead to disregard of a public duty or interest
Conflict of interest
Any person who, for compensation, seeks to influence governmental decision making or encourage passage, defeat, or modification of any proposal, action, or recommendation by the employee or his or her agency
An order which employees should reasonably believe to be in keeping with the performance of their duties
Lawful order
This will include disobeying a lawful order and conduct directed at a supervisor which is disrespectful, mutinous, insolent, or abusive
Employees changing their address and/or telephone will be required to do so through MyBSO within
24 hours of change
This will be used for all internal correspondence
BSO memorandum
This will be used for all external correspondence
BSO letterhead
Tracking method for specified tested materials and substances that maintains control and accountability from initial collection to final disposition
Chain of custody
What is the confirmation test used for alcohol
Gas chromatography
Initial alcohol tests use
Enzyme oxidation methodology
Initial drug tests use
FDA immunoassay procedures
Body tissues or products revealing the presence of alcohol or drugs of their metabolites
Anabolic steroids are contained under schedule of drug classification
Schedule III
This mandates employers to develop, implement, and post a policy regarding smoking and nonsmoking areas
Florida Clean Indoor Air Act
Employees hired on or after _____ are prohibited from what?
January 1, 2011
Using any tobacco products
No smoking area signs will be posted in the following places
Entrances to BSO facilities
Visitors’ lobbies
Employees lounges
Employment process that does not necessarily intend to exclude people in a protected class, but its practices have the effect of doing so
Adverse impact
Different treatment of a person or group based on a protected class
Intentional discrimination in which employment decisions are determined based on an individual’s race or any other protected class
Disparate treatment
Who performs the initial processing of all complaints of discrimination or harassment
If EEO cannot resolve a matter of discrimination or harassment, who does the matter get forwarded to
Internal Affairs
Any sworn DLE or detention personnel with the rank of Captain, and any sworn Fire Rescue personnel with the rank of BC and above is considered
Senior level employee
Any employee, partner, officer, or director of a potential vendor
Vendor’s representative
Hair will not extend more than ___ from the scalp and will not cover more than ____ of the ear from the top and part of the collar
3 inches
1 inch
Mustaches may be worn but will not extend ____ beyond the corners of the mouth or over upper lip
1/2 inch
Fingernail shall not extend beyond ____ for males or exceed more than ____ for females
1/4 inch from end of finger
Excessive is defined as any tattoos that exceed ____ of the exposed body part
Employees will receive full pay during the first ___ they are out of work
60 working days
If an employees lost time reaches 60 continuous days working days, BSO’s disability carrier will; what is the percentage paid
Start workers comp payments, 95% gross salary
Employees having automobile accidents where seat belts were not used may receive
25% reduction in their benefits
What is the maximum total amount of time for payments of workers compentsation
15 months
During the 15 month period for workers comp, the following benefits remain in force
Health insurance
Life insurance
Dental insurance
Disability insurance
What form must be submitted to risk management/workers comp within ___ hours
Notice of injury or illness form
24 hours
Employees will not be placed on light-duty assignments for more than ____ except determined at the Sheriff’s discretion
60 working days
What form must employees seeking light-duty first provide
Return to work authorization form (BSO A#92
Positions reclassified to higher pay ranges are increased to the step closest to ____ or _____
5% or higher pay range’s minimum, whichever is greatest
Employees assigned to work out of class for a vacancy occurring less than _____ must complete what form
12 weeks, temporary out of classification form
Salary range schedules providing a minimum and maximum salary range for each existing classification
Pay plan
What are the 2 types of job announcements
Open competitive and in-house
Job announcements will be posted for how long
At least 5 days
Eligibility lists for other positions will remain active for
1 year
Employees will not serve or be appointed, promoted, or transferred to any position where they would
Directly or indirectly supervise a family member or other relationship
How are employees evaluated
Utilizing an employee performance evaluation form
New probationary employees are evaluated how often
Promoted employees, subject to probation, will be evaluated how often
What are the 2 performance evaluation forms and where are they available
-Employee performance evaluation
-Supervisory/Managerial performance evaluation
Found on PowerDMS
During an appeal process, only performance criteria measured as ______ can be appealed
Needs improvement
Annual increases will be made in conjunction with
Employees anniversary date
Defined as the date one year from the effective date of what
-Anniversary dates
-Last annual increase, demotion, promotion, or reclassification
Annual increases are contingent upon funding by
Broward county board of commissioners
Employees at the max of their pay range for one year are entitled to an annual lump sum of
3% of their base salary on their anniversary date
Employees promoted to a higher classification will be increased to
Minimum pay rate of higher class
A resignation with no charges pending and a minimum 2 weeks notification
Good standing
Employees wanting to retire should complete and submit
Separation form at least 2 weeks prior
Individual who provides expert opinions, analysis, and recommendations to organizations or individuals, based on their expertise
The BSO RP#45 off duty employment request form expires
Annually on December 31
Employees will not work more than a combined total of ____ hours of overtime per week
52 hours
A week is defined as
Beginning 12 am Saturday and ending 11:59 pm Friday
What are the ways an employee can be referred to EAP
Voluntary, command recommended, command directed
If an employees conduct or use of force results in death or critical injury, the employee is placed on admin leave for a minimum of
72 hours
The CISD team will consist of at least
20 members
Employees will submit to random drug tests and the process will be as follows
-HR randomly selects employees CCN
-Employees informed of selection no more than 24 hours prior
-Employees only scheduled on duty
Part time employees whose weekly work schedule exceeds ____ will be eligible for
30 hours
Health benefits
Any dispute or disagreement relating to a term or condition of employment
Employees who believe the were aggrieved will present a written grievance within
10 calendar days
All BSO traffic crash investigations involving BSO vehicles will require what
Florida crash report long form
All escort details require a minimum of
2 marked vehicles for the first 20 vehicles escorted
1 additional marked vehicle will be added to the escort detail for every
10 additional vehicles escorted
What are the only 2 ways we can accept a gift
Government rate
Offered to everyone
How wide can hair braids be
1/2 inch
If you forfeit your light duty assignment what happens
Lose disability
Lose sick leave
On duty fire rescue employees must carry what on them at all times?
Driver’s license
Medic Cert
EMT card
ISO mandates the following minimum training annually to maintain ISO rating
- 18 hours at a facility
- 12 hours officer training
- 60 hours for new D/E
- 12 hours training for current D/E
- 16 hours company training
OSHA mandates the following minimum training annually
- 8 hours HAZMAT training
- 6 hours HAZMAT incident command
- 4 hours confined space
- 24 hours HAZMAT training for each member of HAZMAT
Who is responsible for in-service training of companies and what are the minimum requirements
Company officers
Minimum 2 hour fire related training per shift, or 16 hours total for month
The orientation training program will consist of
Mandatory minimum 8 weeks of fire/paramedic training