spine - cervicle Flashcards
cervical rotation muscles
- semispinalis cervices
- multifidus
- scalenus anterior
- spienius cervices and capitus
- sternocleidomastoid
- obliquus capitus/ inferior oblique
- rectus capitus
side flexion of cervical vertebra, muscles
- scalenus anterior, medius and posterior
- levator scapulae
- sternocleidomastoid
- splenius capitis
- trapezius
- erector spinae
- rectus capitus
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action (unilaterally &bilaterally)
1) manubrium sternum and medial clavicle
2) mastoid process of temporal bone and superior nuchal line of the occiput
3) unilaterally - tilts head to the same side (ipsilateral) and rotates head towards opposite side (contralaterally)
bilaterally - flex the neck, raise the sternum and assist in forced expiration
scalenus anterior
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action (unilaterally & bilaterally)
1) anterior tubercles of transverse processes of C3-C6
2) scalene tubercle on medial border of first rib
3) unilaterally - lateral flexion & slight contralateral rotation
bilaterally - flex and rotates the neck, elevates and steadies first rib during respiration
scalenus Medius
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C2 - C7
2) upper surface of the first rib
3) lateral flexion, elevates first rib during respiration and rotates neck
scalenus posterior
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) posterior tubercles of transverse processes C4-C6
2) outer surface of second rib
3) lateral flexion, assists in steadying the second rib during respiration and rotates neck
levator scapulae
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action (unilaterally &bilaterally)
1) transverse processes of C1-C3
2) superior part of medial border of scapula between superior angle and base of the spine
3) unilaterally -lateral flexion of the neck, elevation and medial rotation of scapula
bilateral - will extend the neck
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, medial 1/3 of superior nuchal line, spinous processes of C7 to T12 and supraspinous ligament
2) lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
3) neck extension and side flexion
multifidus (cervical)
1) origin ( deep, middle & superficial layers)
2) insertion
3) action
1) deep - spine of vertebrae above
middle - spine of 2 or 3 vertebrae above
superficial - spine of 3 or 4 vertebrae above
2) lower 4-5 cervical articular processes
3) rotation/ stabilisation of cervical vertebrae
longus colli action
neck flexion & rotation
longus capitis action (unilaterally & bilaterally)
unilaterally - rotate and tilt cervical vertebrae and head to the ipsilateral side
bilaterally - weak flexor of the head and cervical vertebrae
rectus capitis anterior action
flexion of head and neck
rectus capitis lateralis action
stabilises head, weak lateral flexor of the head
obliquus capitis superior action (unilaterally & bilaterally)
unilaterally - ipsilateral flexion
bilaterally - extends the head
obliquus capitis inferior action
ipsilateral rotation of atlantoaxial joint
spinalis cervicis action (unilaterally & bilaterally)
unilaterally - laterally flex and ipsilaterally rotate spine
bilaterally - extend the spine
spinalis capitis action
extension of vertebral column and head
splenius cervicis action (unilaterally & bilaterally)
unilaterally - laterally flex and rotate the head and neck to the same side
bilaterally - extend the neck
iliocostalis cervicis action
extends vertebral column and laterally flexes to the same side
longissimus cervicis action (unilaterally & bilaterally)
unilaterally - laterally flexes neck to the same side
bilaterally - extends neck
longissimus capitis action (unilaterally & bilaterally)
unilaterally - flexes and rotates head ipsilaterally
bilaterally - extends neck