Hip Flashcards
Abductors and medial rotators of the hip
- gluteus medius
- gluteus minimus
- tensor fascia latae
- quadratus femoris
- piriformis
- obturstor externus & internus
- gemellus superior & inferior
Hip adductors
3 ducks pecking grass
- adductor brevis
- adductor longus
- adductor magnus
- pectineus
- gracilis
Hip flexors
- iliopsoas
- Sartorius
- pectineus
- rectus femoris
Hip extensors
- gluteus maximus
- bicep femoris
- semimembranosis
- semitendinosis
Rectus femoris
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) AIIS & superior margin of acetabulum
2) patellar and tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
3) flexes thigh & extends knee
Quadratus femoris’ action
Rotates thigh laterally and stabilises hip joint
Piriformis’ action
Rotates extended thigh laterally
Obturator externus & internus’ action
Rotates extended thigh laterally
Gemellus superior & inferior’s action
Rotates extended thigh laterally
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) superior ramus of pubis
2) pectineal line
3) adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) iliac fossa
2) lesser trochanter
3) thigh flexion
Psoas major
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) bodies of vertebrae T12-L5
2) lesser trochanter
3) thigh flexion/lateral flexion of vertebral column
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
2) winds around medial aspect of knee and inserts into medial aspect of proximal tibia
3) flexes, abducts and laterally rotates thigh and flexes leg
Adductor brevis
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) inferior ramus of pubis
2) medial lip of linea aspera
3) adducts and medially rotates thigh
Adductor longus
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) pubic tubercle
2) linea aspera
3) adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
Adductor Magnus
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) ischial tuberosity & ischial and pubic ramus
2) linea aspera, medial supracondylar line and adductor tubercle
3) anterior- adducts, medically rotates and flexes thigh
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) inferior ramus and body of pubis and ischial ramus
2) medial surface of tibial just inferior to its medial condyle
3) adducts thigh, flexes and medically rotates leg
Gluteus maximus
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) dorsal ilium, sacrum and coccyx
2) iliotibial tract
3) major extensor of thigh
Bicep femoris
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) LH: ischial tuberosity SH: linea aspera, lateral supracondylar line
2) head of fibula
3) extends thigh and flexes leg
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) ischial tuberosity
2) medial condyle of tibia
3) extends thigh and flexes leg
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) ischial tuberosity
2) medial aspect of upper tibial shaft
3) extends thigh and flex leg
Gluteus medius
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) between anterior and posterior gluteal lines on posterior ilium
2) lateral greater trochanter
3) abducts and medically rotates thigh
Gluteus minimus
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) between anterior and inferior gluteal lines on posterior side of the ilium
2) greater trochanter
3) abductor and medically rotates thigh
Tensor fasciae late
1) origin
2) insertion
3) action
1) iliac crest and ASIS
2) iliotibial tract
3) abducts and medically rotates thigh
3 muscles in pes anserinus
- Gracilis
- satorius
- semitendinosus
lateral rotators
- Glut Max
- Piriformis
- Obturator Internus and Externus
- Gemellus Inferior and Superior
- Quadratus femoris