Spinal cord and peripheral nerves Flashcards
What makes up a spinal nerve?
Anterior and posterior root
Where are ventral and dorsal rami?
On diagram, before dorsal and ventral roots meet.
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there for each division?
Cervical- 8 Thoracic-12 Lumbar-5 Sacral-5 Coccygeal-1
When making an M in the arm, what is most lateral to medial nerves?
Musculocutaneous, median, ulnar
When finding the nerves in the armpit, how to you identify them?
Axillary is on top, radial is underneath.
What is the T12 nerve called?
subcostal nerve
What are the 8 nerves in the leg you must know?
Femoral, sciatic(breaks into tibial and common fibular nerve), obturator, pudendal(skin of genetalia), inferior gluteal, superior gluteal.
What is the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli?
On picture on desktop
What is the diaphragma sellae?
Membrane that surrounds the pituitary stock
What are the bumps and bellies of the brain called?
Gyrus and sulcus
What sulcus splits the frontal and parietal lobe?
Central sulcus
What sulcus splits the temporal lobe from the frontal and parietal lobe?
lateral sulcus
What is the horseshoe shaped part of brain?
Corpus callosum
What is the membrane called that covers ventricles?
septum pellecidum
What makes cerebral spinal fluid?
Choroid plexus
What cuts brain into left and right?
longitudinal cerebral fissure
What cuts brain into left and right?
longitudinal cerebral fissure
What are the 5 vesicles of the brain and where are they located?
Telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon. Picture on computer.
What is the little piece that comes off the posterior end of the thalamus (very small)
pineal gland
What is the structure below the corpus callosum?
Thalamus, hypothalamus
What is the mark on the thalamus?
Interthalamic adhesion
What is the little piece that comes off the anterior part of the hypothalamus?
pituitary gland
What connects the pituitary gland to the brain?
What is the bump on the bottom part of the thalamus?
Mammilary bodies
Where the does optic nerve make an X
Optic chiasm
What bumps are responsible for vision and hearing?
superior and inferior colliculi
What is the white part of the cerebellum?
Arbor vitae
What is the medial part of the cerebellum called?
What part of the structure is under the pons
medulla oblongata
What structure is directly above the pons
Cerebellar peduncles