spinal cord Flashcards
anterior/ventral funiculus
mostly motor functions
lateral funiculus
mostly motor some sensory
posterior/dorsal funiculus
only sensory
fasiciculus gracilis at all cord levels
fasiciculus cuneatus from c1-t6
central process enters
spinal cord gray matter
then synapse on cells in dorsal horn or ascend to other levels
anterior horn cells
innervate skeletal muscle
lateral horn cells
innervate postglanglionic neurons that control cardiac and smooth muscle and glands
dorsal root ganglion neurons give rise to
peripheral process that innervates dermatome
central process entering spinal cord to bring info to CNS
descending motor pathways in lateral funiculus
descending motor pathways in medial funiculus
trunk and axial musculature
local circuits in spinal cord
___ are the receptors for stretch reflex
muscle spindles
____ are main muscle contractors that generate force/movement and innervated by ____
extrafusal fibers and alpha motor neurons
____are special sensory organs within muscles that detect muscle length
intrafusal fibers
golgi tendon organ innervated by
1b fibers
it senses force generated by muscle
stretch reflex afferent
stretch reflex efferent
alpha motor neurons
withdrawal reflex
flexors stimulated extensors inhibited
withdrawal reflex with crossed support
on opposite side
extensors activated flexors inhibited