Spinal cord Flashcards
What does the spinal cord occupy?
C1- L1/L2 (vertebrae NOT segment)
Cervical enlargement?
Contains nerve fibers for the upper limbs
Lumbar enlargement?
Contains nerve fibers for the lower limbs
What is the purpose of the enlargements in the spinal cord?
There are more neurons
Conus medullaris?
Tapered terminal end of the spinal cord
Anterior median fissure?
Posterior medial sulcus?
Which is deeper
Anterior spinal artery is located in the anterior median fissure
PMS- not as deep on the post. side of spinal cord
anterior median fissure is deeper
What are rootlets?
The post. rootlets join together to form the post. root
The ant. rootlets join together to form the ant. root
Anterior roots and anterior rootlets contain what?
Axons of motor neurons
Post. roots and post. rootlets contain what?
Axons of sensory neurons
The post. and ant. roots join together to form what?
mixed spinal nerve –> post/ant. rami
Where is the dorsal root/ spinal ganglion found?
dorsal/post. side
The anterior root innervates what?
All muscles except intrinsic back muscles and skin of back which is the posterior/dorsal rami.
The post. root innervates what?
somatic sensory of skin
What is a spinal cord segment?
A piece of the spinal cord associated with a pair of spinal nerves
How many sacral spinal nerves? Thoracic nerves? Lumbar nerves?
1.) 8 cervical
2.) 12 thoracic
3.) 5 lumbar
4.) 5 sacral
5.) 1 coccygeal
Which section of the vertebrae is there not a plexus? Why?
Thoracic, no room between ribs for the IC nerves
Gray matter has what 2 horns and what do they house?
Post./dorsal horn- cell body of sensory neuron
Ant./ventral horn- cell body of motor neuron
What does the lateral horn house? Where is it found?
T1-L1/2- cell body of the sympathetic motor neurons
S2-S4 - cell body of parasympathetic motor neurons
What 3 columns is the white matter divided into?
1.) Dorsal column
2.) Lateral column
3.) Ant. column
mylinated nerve fibers
Ant. white commissure?
bundle nerve fibers which cross the midline of the spinal cord just ant. to the gray commissure.