Cranial Nerves Continued Flashcards
General Somatic Efferent: motor fibers to skeletal musculature (VOLUNTARY)
General Somatic Efferent: motor fibers to skeletal musculature (VOLUNTARY)
General Visceral Efferent: motor fibers to smooth muscle, glands, and viscera (INVOLUNTARY)
General Visceral Afferent: fibers that carry visceral sensation
Branchial Efferent/Special Visceral Efferent: motor fibers to skeletal, voluntary muscles that developed from branchial (pharyngeal) arches
Special Visceral Afferent: taste & smell
Special Somatic Afferent: vision, hearing & balance
Parasympathetic GVE fibers reside ONLY in what nerves? And what are their associated ganglion?
CN III: Oculomotor
CN VII: Facial
CN IX: Glossopharyngeal
CN X: Vagus
CN III = Ciliary Ganglion
CN VII = Pterygopalatine & Submandibular Ganglion
CN IX = Otic Ganglion
CN X = Various ganglia near visceral organs
Branchial Motor (BE/SVE) fibers reside ONLY in nerves associated with what? What are they?
(see chart on slide 7)
pharyngeal (branchial) arches
I –> CN V3 (mastication)
II –> CN VII (facial expression)
III –> CN IX (?)
IV –> CN X (pharyngeal constrictors- swallowing to move bolus to esophagus)
VI –> CN X (larynx muscles - voice box)
CN V - trigeminal nerve pathway:
Begins at pons and travels superiorly/anteriorly towards face
Splits into three terminal divisions at “trigeminal ganglion” in middle cranial fossa
V1 = Ophthalmic (upper face)
V2 = Maxillary (mid face)
V3 = Mandibular (lower face)
Each terminal branch exits the skull via a different foramen and innervates a different region of the face
BE/SVE Modality
Arch 1
Muscles of mastication
What are the 3 Trigeminal Sensory Nuclei and what are their actions?
1.) Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve: Pain the Tem & light touch.
2.) Chief or principal nucleus or main sensory nucleus: discriminative sensation and light touch as well as conscious proprioception.
3.) Mesencephalic nucleus: proprioception
CN V1= Ophthalmic pathway
Pathway: Ophthalmic division passes through the cavernous sinus, exits via superior orbital fissure, & has many additional branches from there
Foramina: Superior orbital fissure
Function: GSA Modality
General sensory to:
anterior scalp
upper eyelid
tip of the nose
anterior nasal cavity
frontal & ethmoidal sinuses
dura mater of anterior cranial fossa
How do you test CN V1?
Test sensation of forehead
CN V1 – corneal reflex
V2 = maxillary pathway:
Pathway: passes through the cavernous sinus, exits skull via foramen rotundum to innervate face
Foramina: Rotundum
Function: GSA Modality
General sensory to:
the sides of the nose
lower eyelids
upper lip
posterior nasal cavity
teeth of the upper jaw
maxillary sinus
dura of the middle cranial fossa
What is the function of CN V2?
Test sensation of lateral nose, cheek and upper jaw
CN V3 = mandibular pathway (lower face):
Pathway: not associated with cavernous sinus, exits skull via foramen ovale to innervate lower face
Foramina: Ovale
Function: GSA Modality
General sensory to:
lower lip
lower face & cheek
anterior external ear
teeth of mandible
mucous membranes of cheek
anterior 2/3 of tongue
dura in the middle cranial fossa