spiers chapter 20 Flashcards
Nicolaus Copernicus
Astronomer - said solar system was heliocentric not geocentric (didn’t publish work - feared the church)
Tycho Brahe
studied movements of heavenly bodies
Used Brahe’s date and higher math to confirm Copernicus’s hypotheses
orbits were elliptical not circular
speed of orbit wasn’t constant
Wasn’t afraid of church because he was a protestant
Built telescope
discovered moons of Jupiter and rings of Saturn
Believed world was heliocentric - the church didn’t agree
Published ideas and recanted after threatened by church
worked on physics in pendulum and inertia
developed the scientific method
Scientific Method
observation, hypothesis, experiment, repeat experiment to be considered scientific law, conclusion
principles of analytical geometry
everything based on reason and logic
questioned everything except existence - “I think therefor I am”
Credited scientist
developed calculus
explained gravity
first to work on optics - behavior of light
explained mechanics - F=MA
Tried to explain the world in one scientific theory
fought with Leibniz over who discovered calculus
developed theory of monads basic work on Quantum Mechanics
contributions in many fields
how the human body works - dissected dogs
was wrong in a lot of things
Ex: liver digested food into blood
dissected human bodies
explained circulatory system
Robert Hooke
Discovered cells
rejected ideas of alchemists
Joseph Priestley
discovered oxygen and how to make carbonated drinks
A Lavoisier
worked on combustion and physical chemistry
M Lavoisier
assistant to husband
illustrated his books
translated books for him
Student of the Lavoisier
fled France to US founding the DuPont Company
Charles II created
Royal Society in London
Louis XIV started
French Academy of Science
wrote Leviathan - people with no gov
violence were natural- order was needed
People need to give freedom and live obediently to ruler
Social Contract
right to rule rested in people
against divine right of kings
people have natural rights
people can overthrow if they are being mistreated
Natural Law
rights belonging to all humans at birth, includes “Life, liberty, and property”
based everything on natural law
applied reason and method to law and life
God made perfect world and then let it run according to laws he made
enlightenment thinkers who spread new ideas, believed in Locke and Newton, disapproved of religious opposition
Madame Pompadour
This mistress to Louis XV and host of popular salon
The Encyclopedia
contained all information - edited by Denis Diderot
Baron de Montesquieu
Wrote The Spirit of Laws
separate powers of gov into branches
influenced structure of american gov
used sarcasm to point out failings of world
frequent visitor of Bastille Prison
2nd time was exiled to England :)
Role of Women
Led Salons
Ran homes
Mary Wollstonecraft
advocated equal opportunity for education
Enlightened Despots
rulers who were enlightened
Fredrick the Great of Prussia
abolished torture, established schools, promoted agriculture and industry
Catherine the Great
reformed law and gov
Maria Theresa
freed serfs, setup schools
A return to the ideals of Greece and Rome in intellectual thought, art and architecture
Jacques-Louis David
used primary colors to give strength of message to painting
English authors
Dryden, Pope, Milton
French authors
Moliere, Racine, Corneille
violin and piano being perfected
Bach, Handel, Hayden, Mozart
opposed excessive use of reason
blamed for the idea of the picnic
natural rights of man part of social contract but should be done for common good
submit to will if majority
idea of noble savage
Noble Savage
natural state of man until corrupted by society
reason can not explain god or faith
believed in Metaphysics
there exists a physical reality and separate spiritual reality
Moravian Brethren
- emotional and mystical side of christianity
England-Wesley-personal religious experience
France religion
Catholic revival
promoted mystical and religious zeal instead of ritual spread among jews