english quiz 2 Flashcards
interdiction meaning and synonym
probibiting, forbidden,
outlaw, ban
interdiction DICT
latin, to speak
egress meaning and synonym
going out
egress GHREDH
PIE, to walk, go
irksome meaning and synonym
annoying, disruptive,
tedious, wearisome
irksome YRKJA
icelandic, to make/do
flout meaning and synonym
to treat with conteptous disregard
scorn disdain
middle english, to play the flute
credo meaning and synonym
a guiding belief or principle,
creed, cult
credo KERD
PIE, heart
indolent meaning and synonym
showing an inclanation to,
slothful, idle, lazy
indolent IN
latin, living easily
indolent DOLENTEM
latin, slothful
sere meaning and synonym
dry out, withered
arid, thirsty
sere SAUS
PIE, dry
perfunctory meaning and synonym
characterized by routine
apathetic, casual
perfunctory PER
PIE, forward
perfunctory FUNGI
PIE, perform
precipitous meaning and synonym
steep, dangerous,
perilous, blash
latin rushing
primordial meaning and synonym
from beginning,
first, original
primordial PRIMUS
latin, first