spiderman into the spiderverse Flashcards
why is spiderman a popular film
how is spiderman relatable
personal issues
not perfect but never gives up
miles Morales personal traits
milses hero abilities
spiderman powers
milses expectation
he has a lot of expectation in and out of school and in his hero endeavors which correlates to the assignment he was given called great expectations
positive traits (miles)
negative traits
gwen stacy
smart and quick witted
sharp sense of humor and natural leader
peter b parker
reluctant mentor
years of fails took a toll on his body
miles gives him new sense of meaning
wilson fisk
he will do anything to get what he wants
what are the 3 stages of a heros journey
1 normal life interrupted
overcome challenges
retune home transformed
directors of the film
peter ramsey
bob perichetti
rodney rothman
2 types of key plot scenes
story scenes
fight scenes
fight scenes
focus on where character discovers themselves
story scenes
focuses on plot
key character scenes
focus on character
characters development
why character deals with stuff the way that they do
key moments
intro of miles
death of peter
leap of faith
miles and dad reconciliation
intro to miles
loves art and music
is a popular kid
alone at least in this universe
alone after peters death has to fill his shoes an become the next spiderman wasn’t ready to be thrust into this didn’t ask for it cant tell parents doesn’t have new friends cant contact uncle aaron alone at the start of journey
trying to be the perfect spiderman
peter was the epitome of a perfect spiderman attempting classic spiderman look goes into comic book store to get suit It always fits eventually said by stan lee just like miles will eventually fits in his role as spiderman
appearances can be deceiving
Aaron cool uncle
sympathetic ear for miles
the two brothers are estranged
his villainous reveal is a shocking reveal to miles
aaron was his hero
turned his world upside-down
doesnt have time to fully process truth
5 key character moments in the movie
miles creating graffiti with uncle aaron
miles does shoulder touch on fisk
miles hand getting stuck in gwens hair
leap of faith
tied to chair while talking to father
5 key plot moments in the movie
fisks collider turned on for first time
miles being bitten
miles going to new school
peter parker dies
miles defeats fisk
thats all it is miles a leap of faith
most memorable scene
miles accepts truth becomes the person he is meant to be
still afraid doesn’t have full control still does it
doing it despite his fear
key themes
what is resilience
adapt to adversity
bounce back after failure
dealing with challenge
strong mentality
standing up for yourself
ressilance in spiderman
get up an keep fighting
freidship in spiderman
core theme in film
miles goes from popular to outcast and back to popularity
miles understands true meaning of friendship
stronger together
a reminder that we are not alone and are stronger together
miles and peter B
miles gets his powers and peter offers to help but was then killed by kingpin then another peter shows up reluctant to teach him but miles grows on him
miles and gwen
the only freindship more endeering than peter and miles
she showed up as a new girl at milses new school
laughed at his joke
flirted with him in the hallways
heartbreaking to see them seperate
she was from other dimention
family in the spiderverse
family as insperation
father discourages milses tagging aaron encourages
the real miles comin outta hidin
fractured family
fractured at beginning
miles and father didnt get along
his father and uncle not talking
his family still faling apart
finally achives full powers
father aproches him about aarons death
encourages him to suceed
miles cant stop putting so much pressure on himself
father tryes to help
reaches his potential finally
with great power comes great responsibility
common theme
hilighted by mj in public euligy speech
we all have powers of our own and in our own way we are all spiderman
resisting the call
yet when he is presented with just such an oppertunity to become truly great hesitates tries to dismiss weird body changes
peter resisting children with mj
all it takes is a leap of faith
milses choice to be free embraced what life has thrown his way choose to dance with his weirdness of his reality
milses key moment
leap of faith
tied to chair
kingpin key moment
losing family
seeing family fighting miles
peter b key moments
back to mj
mentoring miles
gwen key moments
freinds with miles
lending a hand to miles
spiderman over the years
scince 1962
morales first apperanc in 2011
release date
brooklin new york current day
what is a multiverse
uneverses that exist alongside youre own not yet been proven exists
miles morales
young teenager brooklin native
bright kid trust into new school
hard time ajusting
help of freinds miles unlocks full potential