Spelling 1 Flashcards
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The gaurd kept watch.
The guard kept watch
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Wich one should I choose?
Which one should I choose?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
It’s realy hot.
It’s really hot.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
He whent to far.
He went too far.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Wat do you want?
What do you want?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The rabbit dissapeared.
The rabbit disappeared.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I looked at the calender.
I looked at the calendar.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I definately saw him.
I definitely saw him.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I finaly finished the book.
I finally finished the book.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
She is my best freind.
She is my best friend.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
What have you acheved?
What have you achieved?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I looked accross the table.
I looked across the table.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Basicly, I think you are rong.
Basically, I think you are wrong.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
That is completly ridiculus
That is completely ridiculous.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Curiousity killed the cat.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Sorry too dissapoint you.
Sorry to disappoint you.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Wat is so embarassing about vat?
What is so embarrassing about that?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
My farther is fourty free years old.
My father is forty-three years old.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Wat happend?
What happened?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
He left four home imediatly.
He left for home immediately.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The angrey man was very hostel toowards me.
The angry man was very hostile towards me.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The cat wated for it’s oner.
The cat waited for its owner.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Id love sum peace and quiet.
I’d love some peace and quiet.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Do you eat meet?
Do you eat meat?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The to men wer to tired too werk any longer.
The two men were too tired to work any longer.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
He took a kan of beens of the shelf.
He took a can of beans off the shelf.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The wind blue the bote acros the blew see.
The wind blew the boat across the blue sea.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Do you right wiv yur left hand or your write?
Do you write with your left hand or your right?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The furst won passed the post one the race.
The first one past the post won the race.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I cud do wiv a brake after all this werk.
I could do with a break after all this work.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I woodnt do that if I were you.
I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I like to have plentey of milk on my serial.
I like to have plenty of milk on my cereal.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I have to buy a new tire four the car.
I have to buy a new tyre for the car.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I need a new pear of genes.
I need a new pair of jeans.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I like to eat a pair after lunch.
I like to eat a pear after lunch.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
He died the shirt a diffrent color.
He dyed the shirt a different colour.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The spider krawled acros the sealing.
The spider crawled across the ceiling.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I’ll sea you next weak.
I’ll see you next week.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The old man was week and feable.
The old man was weak and feeble.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Wear did you fined it?
Where did you find it?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Theirs enough light in the room too sea them.
There’s enough light in the room to see them.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I looked accross the street.
I looked across the street.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I dont belive it.
I don’t believe it.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
She lucked very glamourous.
She looked very glamorous.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I want to get a tatu.
I want to get a tattoo.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I truley beleve it.
I truly believe it.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Wich way shud we go?
Which way should we go?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
That was so wierd.
That was so weird.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Don’t stik your tong out at me!
Don’t stick your tongue out at me!
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I don’t like suprises.
I don’t like surprises.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Cornflakes are my favorite breakfast serial.
Cornflakes are my favorite breakfast cereal.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
He dosent agree with me.
He doesn’t agree with me.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Dose you’re cat like to run around the garden?
Does your cat like to run around the garden?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Cats like to play out at knight.
Cats like to play out at night.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I wood like to go to the fare.
I would like to go to the fair
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I dont no wat to do.
I don’t know what to do.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I like the smell of those flours in the garden.
I like the smell of those flowers in the garden.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
You make cakes with egs, shugar and flower.
You make cakes with eggs, sugar and flour.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Who is vat present four?
Who is that present for?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
My fut prest down hard on the break pedal.
My foot pressed down hard on the brake pedal.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The night road around on his horse.
The knight rode around on his horse.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
he doesnt no wat too do.
He doesn’t know what to do.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I like to eat serial for brekfast.
I like to eat cereal for breakfast.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I here the fur trees hear are orsome.
I hear the fir trees here are awesome.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I dont think people should ware fir coats.
I don’t think people should wear fur coats.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The made fell in the whole and was stuck their four an our.
The maid fell in the hole and was stuck there for an hour.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I hope vat cut heels up qwickly.
I hope that cut heals up quickly.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The be stung the bare.
The bee stung the bear.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Its so unfare!
It’s so unfair!
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Ill sea ewe hear next weak.
I’ll see you here next week.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Its as plane as the knows on your face.
It’s as plain as the nose on your face.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Isent this car for sail?
Isn’t this car for sale?
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I am shore off it.
I am sure of it.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
He tryed to steel my book.
He tried to steal my book.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Sumthing is rong.
Something is wrong.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Weight there please.
Wait there please.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
To cooks put two many cakes in the oven to soon.
Two cooks put too many cakes in the oven too soon.
Dont tell me you cant answer vat question!
Don’t tell me you can’t answer that question!
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I feel week.
I feel weak.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Their they are!
There they are!
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I wood of fort so.
I would have thought so.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
It is not convinient.
It is not convenient.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
He dissappeared.
He disappeared.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
I didnt get their in time four the begining.
I didn’t get there in time for the beginning.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Familes welcome.
Families welcome.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
Ill sea you tommorrow.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
They are seperete issues.
They are separate issues.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
The twelth day of Christmas.
The twelfth day of Christmas.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
That sine is definitly rong.
That sign is definitely wrong.
Correct the spelling in the sentence below:
What wood you reccommend?
What would you recommend?
Which is the correct spelling?
Which is the correct spelling?
Which is the correct spelling?
Which is the correct spelling?
Which is the correct spelling?
Which is the correct spelling?
Which is the correct spelling?
Which is the correct spelling?
Which is the correct spelling?
Which is the correct spelling?