Specs Flashcards
Airspace Class B
IFR/Controlled VFR
ATC Clearance and Instructions
A/C Separation
12,500 - 18,000 ASL
VFR 2 way rdo, nav eq, trspdr & apare, listening watch, position reports, and vmc ops
Airspace Class C
ATC Clearance required
A/C seperation only to avoid conflicts
C becomes E when ATC closed
VFR 2 way rdo, nav eq, trspdr & apare, listening watch
Nordo with PP entry
Airspace Class D
VFR establish 2 way comm with ATC prior to entry
Traffic Info provided
D become E when ATC closed
VFR 2 way rdo, listening watch, trspdr & apare in designated trspdr airspace
nordo with PP entry
Airspace Class E
designated where operational need exists
includes low level airways, extensions, transitions or CZ without tower ops
VFR trspdr & apare in designated trspdr airspace
Airspace Class F
Special Use Airspace
Advisory, Restricted, or Danger A,F,H,M,P,S,T
NO entry without PP
Airspace Class G
Control Zones
surface to 3000 ft AAE
3, 5, or 7 nm
military 10 nm capped at 6000 ft AAE
2200 AGL to 18,000 ASL
Min Alt over Aerodromes, Fur or Poultry Farms, Herds, Parks
2000 ft AGL
Min alt over forest fire area
> 3000 ft AGL > 5 nm
Min Alt over Built up area
1000 ft abv highest obstacle within 500 ft of track
except police, life saving, firefighting, air ambulance, fisheries, national parks admin, flight inspection, aerial application, traffic patrol, photography, external load, or flight training
Cruising Alt SDA (Magnetic Track)
Cruising Alt NDA (True Track)
> 3000 ft AGL
0-179 degrees VFR odd + 500 ft
180-359 degrees VFR even + 500 ft
VFR Wx Min Control Zones/Aerodrome Traffic Zones
1 mi Horiz from cloud
500 ft AGL, 500 below cloud
3 mi Vis
VFR Wx Min Control Areas/Controlled Airspace
1 mi Horiz from cloud
500 ft AGL
3 mi Vis
VFR Wx Min Uncontrolled Airspace abv 1000 ft AGL
1 mi Vis
500 ft AGL
2000 ft Horiz from cloud
VFR Wx Min Uncontrolled Airspace blw 1000 ft AGL
1 mi vis
clear of cloud
Special VFR Controlled Airspace
1/2 mi vis
clear of cloud
reduced airspeed
Reduced Vis Uncontrolled Airspace
1/2 mi vis
clear of cloud
reduced airspeed
(ops Spec 05/42)
Ops Spec 05/42 ops in reduced vis
Day VFR 1/2 mile
OPS at reduced Airspeed
pilot 500 pic, current trg, PDM
pilot look at route, wx, terrain, obstacles, diversion routes, alternates, fuel required
pilot consider heli gw, wind & wx, daylight hrs remaining, enroute communication, potential for whiteout
Transponder Requirement
A,B,C or D,E if classified in Designated A/S Handbook
E btwn 10,000-12,500 ASL in radar coverage as in DAH
Flight Time Limits CARS
60 hrs in 7 consecutive days
120 hrs in 30 consecutive days
300 hrs in 90 consecutive days
1200 hrs in 360 consecutive days
Flight Time Limits Ops Spec 92
60 hrs in 7 consecutive days 150 hrs in 30 consecutive days 210 hrs in 42 consecutive days 450 hrs in 90 consecutive days 900 hrs in 180 consecutive days 1200 hrs in 360 consecutive days
over 120 hours anytime reduce to 8 hrs/day flt time
OPS 24 requires 5 days off before or after 42 days beyond the 27th day of tasking
Max Flight Duty Times
CARS Max 14 hrs in any 24 hr period
OPS 93 Max 15 hrs in any 24 hr period followed by 9 hours rest and 8 hrs flight time
6 non overlapping 30 consecutive days
Days OFF
Days Off
CARS 3 consecutive 24 hrs in 30 consecutive days
CARS 13 consecutive 24 hrs in 90 consecutive days
OPS 94 5 consecutive 24 hrs in 42 consecutive days
Passenger Standard Weights
Male (12+ yrs) Summer: 200 lbs Winter: 206 lbs
Female (12+ yrs) Summer: 165 lbs Winter: Female 171 lbs
Children (2-11 yrs) Summer: 75 lbs Winter: Children 75 lbs
Infants (0-2 yrs) Summer: 30 lbs Winter: Infants 30 lbs
External Loads
Class A Cannot move freely or be jettisoned & does not extend below gear
Class B Jettisonable & not in contact with Land/water during ops
Class C Jettisonable & remains in contact with Land/water during ops
Class D Person carried externally or anything not A,B,C
Documents on Board
7 helicopter related
4 operations related
3 pilot related
C of A, C of I, C of R, JLB, ARL, AFM, W&B
Pressure Altitude
Density Altitude (Pa corrected for Temp)
ICAO Standard Day
Alt shown with alt set to 29.92
Pa + (100x(actual T° - standard T°))
15°C at SL (-2°/1000’)
Standard Weights Water Oil Jet A Jet B
Water 8.31 lbs/US gal
Oil 7.38 lbs/US gal
Jet A 6.8 lbs/US gal
Jet B 6.4 lbs/US gal
Radio requirements
Radio actions
Radio requirements B,C,D Mandatory E not required
Clearance B,C ATC req D prior contact E not req
Radio actions B rdo/nav, listen watch, pos reports
C,D 2 way comm, listen watch
E n/r
Transponder B,C mandatory tspdr & APARE
D,E only in design tspdr areas or E
btwn 10,000-12,500 in radar areas
Weather Minimums
Controlled Airspace (153)
Control Zone (1553)
Special VFR
Uncontrolled Airspace (152) above 1000’ AGL
below 1000’ AGL
Controlled Airspace (153) 1 mi 500 ft 3 mi vis
Control Zone (1553) 1 mi 500ft 500ft 3 mi vis
Special VFR ½ mi vis clear of cloud
Uncontrolled Airspace (152)
above 1000’ AGL 1 mi vis 500ft 2000ft
below 1000’ AGL 1 mi vis clear of cloud