Emergencies Flashcards
Engine Flame Out in Cruise Flight
Lower collective to mtn Nr in green arc airspeed 70 KIASautorotate if relight impossible or loss of t/r thrust Twist Grip to idle Into Wind landing, flare at 70' once on ground, collective full down rotor brake apply below 170 Nr
Engine Flame Out in Hover - IGE
maintain collective
control yaw with pedals
use collective tocushion landing
Engine Flame Out in Hover OGE safe autorotative landing cannot be ensured if inside HV diagram or in confined area
collective full down
when Nr stops decreasing:
cyclic forward to gain airspeed if height allows
apply autorotative procedure
In Flight Relight
auto relight will occur after N1 Less than 10%
Engine start selector - OFF GENE - OFF Fuel Pump - ON Engine start selector - ON After Start: GENE ON, Fuel Pump OFF
Engine Oil Temp Over Limit
Airspeed 80 KIAS
If temp reduces, land ASAPL check fan operation
If temp not reducing, land ASAP
Hot Start
Engine Start Selector - OFF
Crank - press for 10 seconds
Engine oil Pressure LOW on VEMD
CWP - Check Eng P light on or off
ENG P light ON -autorotate & shutdown
ENG P light OFF -press CWP light test
ENG P light ON - land ASAPL
Eng P light OFF - autorotate & shutdown
Drive Shaft Failure
low Nr and low Rpm Hornwith high Np
enter autorotation
do not shut down engine to maintain t/r
GEN Over Voltage >31.5 V
GENE OFF monitor for BATT Temp Unnecessary equipment OFF monitor Ubus on VEMD Land ASAPL
GEN Under Voltage
Probable cause of such a failureis a generator defect that doesnot make GENE light come on.
check U bus on VEMD
if > 26vcontinue flight
GEN Current Overlimit
(flashing red underline)
After engine starting on battery, a temporary high generatorcurrent is normal because the battery is being recharged.During this phase, avoid using high electrical loadconsumers.
Unnecessary equipment OFF
Continue Flight
Smoke in Cabin/Cargo - Source Not Identified
When [BATT] is set to “EMER SHED” position,the VEMD goes off.
After DC had been switched-off and on in flight,GOV light will remain on until the next normal full engine and battery switch-off on the ground.
NR is constant at 394 rpm.
SOURCE NOT IDENTIFIED Heating, Demisting, ECS off If smoke clears continue flight If smoke does not clear BATT in Emergency SHED GENE OFF AVIONICS OFF Vent Cabin
When smoke clears all consumers OFF
BATT ON - check DC Parameters
GEN ON - check DC Parameters
If smoke persists - LAND ASAP
If smoke clearscheck DC parameters
DC Parameters not correct
DC Parameters correct Avionics ON min consumers ON one by one if smoke returns, switch off consumer Continue flight
Tail Rotor Failure In HOVER IGE or OGE in HV Diagram (LH Yaw)
Twist Grip - IDLE
Cushion Landing with collective
Tail Rotor Failure In HOVER (out of HV Diagram) (LH Yaw)
Lower Collective if altitude permits
Cyclic FWD to gain airspeed 70 KIAS or higher
adjust collective for min sideslip angle
Land ASAPautorotate
Tail Rotor Failure In FLIGHT
Maintain airspeed 70 KIAS or higher adjust collective for min sideslip angle LAND ASAP twist grip idle autorotate
Loss of Tail Rotor Control
loss of pedal effectiveness
go around impossible with IAS
Airspeed to 70 KIAS in level flight Find suitable run on landing area Land with RH wind component shallow approach with left sideslip run on landing sideslip willreduce with reduced airspeed apply collective to cushion landing
NR Indication Failure
Collective MAINTAIN TRQ > 10 %.
NR reading is given by N2 pointer.
N2 indication Failure
The N2 value can be read on the VEMD screen.
Press [SELECT],then [+] as many times as required to display the parameter in the rectangular window at the bottom of the FLI or 3-data screen.
EBCAU may not be available
NR indication CHECK in green range with TRQ > 0.
N1 indicator failure
When a parameter is off line, the parameter value is not displayed onthe VEMD upper screen and the parameter scale symbology isdisplayed in yellow.The First Limitation Indicator (FLI) is replaced by the 3 datasymbology (N1/N1, TOT and TRQ) and a failure message isdisplayed.
Comply with max TRQ value and TOT limit of 836°C.
TOT Indicator Failure
When a parameter is off line, the parameter value is not displayed onthe VEMD upper screen and the parameter scale symbology isdisplayed in yellow.The First Limitation Indicator (FLI) is replaced by the 3 datasymbology (N1/N1, TOT and TRQ) and a failure message isdisplayed.
Respect N1 & TRQ limitations
heating, demisting, ECS OFF
on grounddo not try restart
VEMD both screen failure
Nr constant at 394 rpm
to avoid power overlimit
max 100 KIAS (-2/1000’)
Land ASAPL no hover landing
Bleed Valve Failure
flag appears when bleed valve is open
flag disappears when bleed valve is closed
The bleed valve is normally open when then the engine is shut down, during starting and at low power settings.
If the flag does not disappear at high power settings (i.e. near MCP or above), the maximum available engine power is reduced, specifically in cold weather.
If the flag does not reappear at low power settings, the engine may surge.
Avoid abrupt changes in power settings.
Bleed valve failure results in YELLOW GOV
Smoke in Cabin/Cargo - Source Identified
When [BATT] is set to “EMER SHED” position, the VEMD goes off.
After DC had been switched-off and on in flight, GOV light will remain on until the next normal full engine and battery switch-off on the ground.
NR is constant at 394 rpm.
Source Identified
Corresponding system off
vent cabin
continue flight
VEMD failure of one screen
OFF1 or OFF2 - off
read available info on other screen
use scroll on VEMD or collif top screen fails
3 eng parameters will display on lower screen
VEMD caution messages
when parameter offline, value not displayed and parameter scale in yellow
comply with caution message (no light - no action)
Overlimit Detected
This message appears as soon as a parameter overlimit is recorded in theVEMD and will be displayed on the FLI or engine page until 40 % N1 during the next engine start.After the flight, check the recorded overlimit data and perform theassociated maintenance actions.
GEN OverVoltage 29.0V
monitor Ubus Voltage
continue flight
Engine Fire in Hover, Takeoff, Final
Land Immediately no-hover powered landing eng start selector OFF emergency fuel shutoff handle AFT Fuel Pump OFF Crank for 10 sec Batt OFF Rotor brake apply evacuate and fight fire
eng fail on start
return start selector to OFF
wait 30 sec
eng crank prior to next start
To abort start
turn starting selector off
fuel pump off
Engine Crank Procedure
(max 20 sec)
crank with EFSO valve closed could damage engine high pressure fuel pump
Start OFF
Emerg Fuel Shut off Lever FORWARD
Loss of N1 andTrq
When a parameter is off line, the parameter value is not displayed onthe VEMD upper screen and the parameter scale symbology isdisplayed in yellow.The First Limitation Indicator (FLI) is replaced by the 3 datasymbology (N1/N1, TOT and TRQ) and a failure message isdisplayed.
GOVcan induce loss of N1 & Tq
comply with N1 limitations and TOT limit of 836C
Audio Gong
Red Warning appears on CWP
Audio Continuous Tone @ 310 HzNr below 360 rpm
reduce collective to maintain NR or power within limits
check engine parameters
Audio Intermittent Tone @ 310 HzNr above 410 rpm
increase collective to maintain Nr in green arc
Audio Continuous Tone @ 285 Hz
- after 1.5 sec if power remains in transient range
- immediately when transient power limits are exceeded
- immediately when max transient rating is or will be exceeded during fast power increase
reduce collective to maintain NR or power within limits
check engine parameters
Rotor stopping with wind blowing:
Park aircraft INTO WIND
Cyclic stick slightly INTO WIND.
ICS inop
VHF communications remain available for the pilot only via COM 1 transceiver.
Audio warnings remain available only for the pilot.
check ICS ON
checkCOM 1 on & volume up
AVCS fail or on continuously
3/rev vibration level increases significantly at high airspeeds when AVCS is off.
turn avcs OFF
after 30 sec avcs ON
fail light off - continue flt
fail light on - avcs OFF - continue flight
Stuck Left Pedal
Decrease Collective or Increased Speed - nose right
Increase Collective or Decreased Speed - nose left
shallow approach - keep speed up - land strait with speed
or autorotate
or quickstop - as nose swings left throttle to idle
Stuck Right Pedal
Decrease Collective or Increased Speed - nose right
Increase Collective or Decreased Speed - nose left
shallow approach to 6 ft @ 40-50 knots
approach to land with RH wind component