Limitations Flashcards
Power Plant
Turbomeca Arriel 2D - MTOP 937 shp MCP 856 shp
5 Modules
axial compressor, gas generator, power turbine, reduction g/b, accessory GB/Trans Shaft
Main Rotor Starflex System
clockwise rotation, no lube, 3 glass resin blades, flapping thru star arms, lead lag & pitch thru elastomeric components
Tail Rotor Fenestron
10 blades shrouded, clockwise rotation viewed from LH
Chip detectors
1 eng, 1 trans gb, t/r gb,
Overall Length
VEMD Prohibited flight
flt with VEMD completely shut off
Max Internal GW
5512 lbs
Min Internal GW
3307 lbs
Max Rear Cabin Floor
1091 lbs @ 62.5 psf
Max Load Rear Hold
176 lbs @ 30 psf
Max Altitude
23,000 Hp
Min ops temp
-40 °C ISA
Slopes (Landing & m/r stop limits)Nose UpNose DownSideways
6 °6 °8 °
VNE Power On (doors closed)
155 Kts @ 0 Hp - 3 kts/1000’
VNE All Doors Removed (√ config AFM)
100 kts or VNE all doors closed (lowest value)
VNE Doors Removed (√ config AFM) sliding doors
70-110 kts or VNE all doors closed (lowest value)
FLt with doors off/open
secure loose objects &belts/remove seat cushions
0 Fuel/Gross/Long C of G in Reduced VNE
area of Long C of G,
red VNE power on limit effective for entire flight
VNE Power Off Autorotation Max
125 Kts @ 0 Hp -3kt/1000’
Glide Distance in Autorotation
.54 nm/1000 ft @ 65 kts &Nr 410 rpm
Best Rate of Climb Speed (Vy) above 100 ft
70 kts at SL -1 kt/1000’
Fast Cruise Speed
airspeed of first limit (start of FLI amber area)(Tq,N1,TOT)(underlined value)
Best Approach Speed
65 kts -70 kts -1 kt/1000’
M/R Nominal Rotor Speed
386 rpm
T/R Nominal Rotor Speed
3568 rpm
M/R Power On Caution Ranges
320-375 rpm
M/R Power Off - Autorotation Min/Max
320-430 rpm
High Aural Rotor Horn 310 Hz - Intermittent
Nr Above 410 rpm
increase collective to mtn Nr in green
check engine parameters
Rotor Brake Max - high wind rotor speed Rotor Brake
170 rpm with engine shut down
FLI Max Cont Rating
TQ Max Cont
81.3% Tq
N1 Min Stabilized
TOT Max Cont Start
750 °C
N2 Min
367 rpm
FUEL Capacity
100%/540 L/941 lbs
FUEL Types Normal (-40 to +50 C)
Jet A, A1, JP5, JP8
Hdy System - RH circuit
RH belt driven by engine power drive shaft close to the MGB power input
Engine Oil Max temp
C of G Longitudinal Datum
133.8” fwd of m/r head centerline
Electrical Voltage Range
26-29 V sys 2
150 Amp Cont/200 Amp continuous
Take Off Profile
5’ HIGE CofG Check to 10’ @ 40 kts to 20’ @ 50 kts,
then >100’ @ 65 kts
Winds > 30 kts
park into wind/brake on with 1 blade to front, use tiedowns
Noise Level
81.1 dB @ .9 Vh (129 kts TAS)
Sand Filter must be OFF
in visible moisture and temp
Altitudes and Airspeeds
Hp and IAS Land
Flight Forbidden(3) weather related(1) twist grip related(1) vemd related(1) flight related
no start with snow/ice in or around engine air intake
no flight in falling snow without sand filter installed
no flight in freezing rain or icing conditions
no inflight engine power reduction using twist grip except for eng fail trg, emerg procedures requiring it, or maint check procedures
no flight with VEMD shut offno aerobatics
Limitation Exceedance
Each time an operating limitation is exceeded, an appropriate entry shall be made in the logbook (helicopter, engine, etc.). The entry shall state which limit was exceeded, the duration, the extreme valueattained, and any additional information essential in determining the maintenance action required.
Mandatory Audio
2 headsets (1 for pilot & spare to monitor ICS System)
When starting selector switch on check (4)
Ng increasingTOT within limits
Rotor turning by 25%EOP increasing
Autorotation Trg Engine Power Loss Indications
RH yaw, red warnings, gong, Nr decay, HighNR continuous audio
flashing yellow GOV at idle, start/stop seq, no effect on eng control, redunancy loss
Overall Height
Main Rotor Diameter (3 Bladed Starflex)
Tail Rotor Diameter (10 blade Fenestron)
High Skid Width
High Skid Length
VEMD Red Line
safety limit or takeoff limitation
VEMD Green line
normal ops range
VEMD Red with white hatching
VNE power off
VEMD Yellow line
caution or takeoff rating range
VEMD White Triangle
equipment ops limit
VEMD Red Triangle
Transient limit
VEMD YELLOW underlined
parameter is in caution or MTOP range
VEMD RED underlined and flashing
parameter at or above safety limit or MTOP range
VEMD At N1 > 60%
VEMD upper screen switches to FLI display
VEMD operating time
counted from Ng > 60% until Ng
VEMD At end of flight check advisory messages
failure or overlimit detected
Max Forward Cabin Floor
893 lbs @ 62.5 psf
Max Left Cargo Hold
342 lbs @ 62.5 psf
Max Right Cargo Hold
287 lbs @ 62.5 psf
Max ops temp
+35 °C limited to +50 °C
Economic Cruise Speed
set Tq to 10% less than MCP Tq
Turbulence Airspeed
reduce IAS in turbulence
M/R Power On Normal ops range
375-405 rpm
M/R Power On Caution Ranges
405-430 rpm
High Aural Rotor Horn 310 Hz - Continuous
Nr Below 360 rpm
decrease collective to mtn Nr in green
check engine parameters
Low Aural Rotor Horn 285 Hz - Continuous
after 1.5 sec if power remains in transient range
immediately when transient power limits are exceeded
immediately when max transient rating is or will be exceeded during fast power increase
decrease collective to mtn pwr in limits
check engine parameters
Rotor Brake - normal rotor speed
140 rpm with engine shut down
Min time between R/B application
5 min
FLI Takeoff Power Rating
8.2 - 10
FLI Max Takeoff Rating
FLI Max Transient (max 5 sec)
10.4 max 5 sec
FLI Use of heat/demist authorized
up to max Take off power
TQ Takeoff Power (Airspeed
81.3% - 100% Tq
Takeoff Power (Airspeed
30 min continuous use max 60 min per flight
Heating and demisting authorized
up to max TOP
TQ Max Takeoff Rating
100% Tq
TQ Transient
104% max 5 sec
598 kW @ 386 Nr
Tq on power up
Tq indicates 89.5% for 2 sec then 0
N1 Max Cont
∆N1 = -4%
N1 Take Off Power Range
∆N1 = -4% to 0%
N1 Max Take Off Power Rating
∆N1 = 0%
N1 Max Transient (20 sec)
∆N1 = +1% max 20 sec
100% N1 corresponding Ng rpm
52100 rpm
TOT Max Transient Start (10 sec)
840 °C / 10 sec
TOT Max Cont Flight
905 °C
TOT Max Cont Take Off Power Range
905-949 °C
TOT Max Take Off
949 °C
TOT Max Transient (20 sec)
981 °C max 20 sec
N2 Normal ops
367-413 rpm
N2 Max cont max
413 rpm
N2 Transient max 20 sec
440 rpm max 20 sec
Nr of 385.8 rpm corresponding N2 speed
39158 rpm
FUEL Useable (indicated by 10 on fuel guage)
99.6%/538 L/937 lbs
FUEL Unusable (0 on guage)
0.4%/2 L/2.2 lbs
FUEL Consumption
33%/Hr; 180 Lph
Low Level Fuel Warning (yellow line)
11%/104 lbs/60 L
Low Level Fuel Warning (yellow line) Time
15 min @ MCP at start of this range
Anti-ice additive mandatory
freezing inhibitor required below -20 C
Fuel Types Replacement (
Jet B, JP4
Fuel Mixing
most restrictive limitation applies
Hdy System - LH circuit
LH driven by MGB front accessory mechanical output
Engine Oil Min oil temp for ops
0°C (oil 5 cSt) or -10 °C (oil 3.9 cSt)
Engine Oil Warmup
eng run with coll full down, twist grip in idle or flight
Engine Oil Cooldown
30 sec
C of G LateralDatum
in the plane of symmetry of the helicopter
Electrical VoltageMax
31.5 V
Electrical Voltage Max Current
150 Amp Cont (200 amp if OP-3821 installed)
Electrical Voltage Min on Start
15 V 22?
Electrical Voltage Emerg Shed
all DC pwr off except NR/N2 ind, map/com lites, fadec start/stop switch, intercom, trspdr, radios, Inst lite
Ground Power Unit
28 Vdc max 600A
Winds > 40 kts
heli must be tied down
In windy conditions on start
add little cyclic into windandwhen N1>67%, twist grip to FLIGHT position
In windy conditions on shutdown
cool eng with twist grip in FLIGHT position
failure to follow procedure could cause injury or loss life
failure to follow procedure could cause damage to heli
ops procedure essential to highlight
procedure is mandatory
procedure is recommended
procedure is optional
indicates future event or action (not mandatory)
Land Immediately Land
Land Immediately
Urgent - Land at the nearest landing siteat which a safe landing can be made
Non-Urgent - proceed to the nearest airfield where assistance can be expected
Continue Flight
continue flight
Audio Intercom Fail Safe in case of ICS failure
pilots headset and mic defaults to COM 1 audio warnings available through pilot headset only
Co Pilot Seat Belts
must be fastened at all times
RH Inner Knob on ICS
RH Inner Knob in is pilot ics volume,
pull out for passenger ics volume
At Ng > 60% VEMD upper screen
switches to FLI display
Autorotation TrgTwist Grip idle to flight
idle to flight at any time for any Nr value
Autorotation Trg shall be conducted within
gliding distance of a suitable running landing area
Autorotation Trg Procedure
at 70 ft with Nr in the Green
at 20 ft
Reduce Collective,
Twist to Idle (gong & eng audio@ 68% N1 idle)
Twist grip to flight, mtn Nr in Green, flare
inc coll to reduce r of d and fwd speed
cyclic slight fwd in ldg attitude, pedal & Coll as req
steady Red GOV, degraded eng controlor backup system out of neutral position,eng control & monitoring may be degraded
total FADEC FAIL,FADEC metering valve frozen at last computed value, backup system activated,auto start impossible
backup gov takes control of engine fuel flow
EBCAU controls N2 between 388 &400 rpm
Emergency conditions are urgent and require landing at the nearest landing site at which a safe landing can be made.
Emergency conditions are less urgent and in the pilot’s judgment, he may proceed to the nearest airfield where he can expect appropriate assistance.
CONTINUE FLIGHT Continue flight as planned.Repair at the destination according to the maintenance manual.
LAND IMMEDIATELY Self explanatory.