Specialists Flashcards
Bone ID, body reconstruction -remains often decomposed/fragmented Anthropologist can ID: -Human/animal -age band -elements present/absent -minimum n.o. of individuals -age,sex,stature,race -identifying features - surgery/dental -reconstruct remains
Body & trace evidence recovery, search
Trace evidence
Enviroprofiling, trace evidence, duration, search advice
Insects to ID duration
- Flies, insects & beetles colonise corpse at various, known times after death
- Time to complete life cycle dependent on temperature
Cause of death
Non accidental?
Fragment/trace evidence not consistent with site of accident may suggest body moved to site therefore non accidentla
Soil Scientist
Trace evidence What makes Soil identifiable? -Mineralogy of the area -Geo-chemical composition -Structure -Stone content -organic content -Inclusions (eg coal spores) -Stratigraphy
Timing of death, stomach contents- food remains
- Stomach acid means contents unchanged until toro decays (weeks or months)
- Digestive erosion &volume of food helps ID time since consuption
Pollen and spores
-control samples vital for comparison
Macroplant ID
whole plants and ‘bits’
- plants have preferred habitats & life stages
- plants and fragments can help ID seasonality&minimum deposition time
Soils and sediment
History of Crime scene investigation
- Hans Gross (development of detection of poisons)
- Edmond Locard (Every contact leaves a trace)
FOA- First officer attending
Assess, protect and communicate
- cordon off area
- take log of people entering/leaving
- call for senior assistance
Scientific support officers (SSO’s)
- check cordons (inner/outer)
- assess personnel/equipment
- photography
- protective clothing
Common approach pathway
- stepping plates
- least disturbance to body
- placement of tent surrounding area
- CSM,SIO, Forensic pathologist enter
Major Crime Investigation
- Senior Investigating Officer (DS or DCI)
- Scientific support supervisor
- crime scene manager
Forensic Pathologist
- determine cause and manner of death
- examine wounds and injuries
- extract specimens
- legal role (expert witness)
Forensic Odontologist
- Access
- Ante-mortem & post-mortem data
- Comparison
- Report i.e. expert witness
- dental features
- age estimation: (+/- 7 yrs for adult, +/- 6 months for child, +/- days for fetus
- DNA analysis
Forensic Anthropologist
- Human v Animal
- N.o. of people
- Age, sex, stature
- Identifying features