Special Tests Flashcards
Which test/sign used for Supraspinatus impingement/rotator cuff tendinitis?
Hawkins Impingement Sign
What is a positive Hawkins Impingement Sign?
Pain when flexion of elbow and internal rotation or arm.
How to do Hawkins Impingement test?
Flex shoulder and eblow to 90 degrees with palm down. Rotate arm internally to compress greater tuberosity against suprasinatus tendon and coracoacromial ligament.
Which sign is pain when shoulder and eblow to flexed 90 degrees, palm down, and arm rotated internally?
Hawkins Impingement Sign for rotator cuff.
Wich test used to assess for Carpan Tunnel Syndrome?
Phalen’s Test
What is a positive Phalen’s Test?
Numbness and tingling in the median nerve distribution.
Which test results in numbness and tingling in the median nerve distribution?
Phalen’s Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
How to do Phalen’s Test? (2 ways)
- Hold wrists in flexion w/eblows fully extended for 60 seconds
- Backs of hands at right angles for 60 seconds
What does Phalen’s Test compress?
Median nerve
Wrists in flexion or backs of hands at right angles which cause numbness and tingling is which test?
Phalen’s Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrom
Which test checks for ACL tear?
Lachman’s Test
What does Lachman’s Test check for?
ACL tear
What is positive finding in Lachman’s Test?
Significant forward excursion
How to perform Lachman’s Test?
Place knee in 15 degree flexion and external rotation. Grasp lateral femur and medial tibia with thumb of tibial hand on join line. Simultaneously pull tibia forward and femur back. Estimate forward excursion.
Which test places knee in 15 degree flexion and external rotation. Grasp lateral femur and medial tibia with thumb of tibial hand on join line and simultaneously pull tibia forward and femur back?
Lachman’s Test for ACL tear
Which test for inflammation to abductor pollicus longus and extensor pollicus brevis tendons, and tendon sheath?
Finkelstein’s Test
Finkelstein’s Test checks for what?
De Quervain Tenosynovitis.
Inflammation to abductor pollicus longus and extensor pollicus brevis tendons, and tendon sheath.
De Quervain Tenosynovitis is inflammation of which tendons?
Inflammation to abductor pollicus longus and extensor pollicus brevis tendons, and tendon sheath.
Finkelstein’s Test
How to do Finkelstein’s Test?
Grasp thumb against palm and move toward midline in ulnar deviation.
Which test to check for Achilles Tendon rupture?
Thompson’s Test
Thompson’s Test checks for what?
Achilles tendon rupture
How to perform Thompson’s Test?
PT prone on table with feet sticking off. Squeeze calf muscles (gastrocnemius-soleus complex) and check for foot plantar flexion.
What does a positive Thompson’s Test look like?
No plantar flexion of foot
Which meniscus does McMurray’s Test check?
Posterior portion of Medical Meniscus for a tear
Which test to check posterior portion of medial meniscus for a tear?
McMurray’s Test
Positive McMurray’s Test?
Click or pop along medial or lateral joint line
What can full extension of knee cause in McMurray’s Test?
“Locking” due to dislacement of meniscal tissue
How to perform McMurray’s Test?
PT supine. Grap heel and flex with one hand over knee joint. Externally rotate from heel then push on lateral side to apply valgus stress on medial side of joint, slowly extend lower leg.
McMurray’s Test puts which kind of stress on the medial side of the joint?
Valgus stress
What does Adson’s Test check for?
Subclavian artery compression by extra cervical rib or tight saclenus muscle
Which test to check for subclavian artery compression by extra cervical rib or tight scalenus muscle?
Adson’s Test
Positive Adson’s Test when?
Diminution or absence of radial pulse
How to perform Adson’s Test?
Feel radial pulse, abduct + extend + externally rotate arm, take deep breath and turn head toward tested arm
Which test is feel radial pulse, abduct + extend + externally rotate arm, take deep breath and turn head toward tested arm?
Adson’s Test (for compressed subclavian artery)
What does Gaenslen’s Test check for?
Sacroiliac joint lesion/inflammation
Which test to use for sacroiliac joint inflammation?
Gaenslen’s Test
Positive Gaenslen’s Test?
Normal reproduction of pain
How to perform Gaenslen’s Test?
Supine with bad leg at edge of table. Flex good leg and PT holds it at knee. Put downward pressure and hyperextension bad leg off table. Simultaneous flexion counterforce on good leg.
Which test supine with bad leg at edge of table. Flex good leg and PT holds it at knee. Put downward pressure and hyperextension bad leg off table. Simultaneous flexion counterforce on good leg.
Gaenslen’s Test
Yeragson’s Test check for what?
Bicep tendon stability
Which test checks for bicep tendon stability?
Yeragson’s Test
Positive Yeragson’s Test?
Biceps tendon pops out of bicipital groove and PT has pain
How to perform Yeragson’s Test?
Flex elbow, hold elbow and wrist, externally rotation arm and pull down on elbow as PT resists.
Which test is flex elbow, hold elbow and wrist, externally rotation arm and pull down on elbow as PT resists.
Yeragson’s Test
What are the two Meningsus Signs?
- Brudzinski’s Sign
2. Kerning’s Sign
What do the meningeal signs indicate in the meninges?
Inflammation in the subarachnoid space. Causes resistance to movements that stretch the spinal nerves.
What does inflammation in the subarachnoid space do to the spinal nerves?
Cause resistance to stretching movement of spinal neves
Which nerve is tested with Brudzinski’s Sign?
Femoral nerve
Femoral nerve testing in the presence of meningitis is which sign?
Brudzinski’s Sign
What is a positive Brudzinski’s Sign?
Flexing neck causes flexed hips and knees.
D/T inflammated subarachnoid space which resists stretching of spinal nerves.
Flexing neck causes flexed hips and knees is which sign?
Brudzinski’s Sign
Which nerve is involved in the Kerning Sign?
Sciatic nerve
The sciatic nerve and meningitis is which sign?
Kerning Sign
What is a positive Kerning Sign?
Pain and increased resistance to knee extension
How to perform Kerning Sign?
Flex leg and knee then slowly straighten.
Positive=pain and inc resistance to knee extension
Which test is flex leg and knee then slowly straighten which causes pain and inc resistance to knee extension?
When is the Splenic Percussion Sign positive?
When percussion goes from tympanic to dull.
Where to do the Splenic Percussion Sign?
Lowest interspace in Left Anterior Axillary Line.
How to do Splenic Percussion Sign?
Palpate lowest interspace at Left Ant Axillary Line and hear tympanic. Have PT take deep breath and percuss again. If dull then spleen is enlarged.
Percussion sound going from tympanic to dull in Splenic Percussion Sign means what?
Enlarged spleen
If reflexes appear hyperactive which test to do?
Ankle Clonus Assessment
Ankle Clonus Assessment positive when?
Rhythmic oscillations between dorsiflexion and plantar flexion
What is a positive Ankle Clonus Assessment due to?
CNS disease
How to perform Ankle Clonus Assessment?
Support knee in partially flexed position, dorsiflex and plantar flex foot a few times, as PT to relax, then sharply dorsiflex foot and maintain that position
What must be present for reflex to be Grade 4?
What is Pronator Drift Test due to?
Lesion of corticospinal tract in contralateral hemisphere
2 positives Pronator Drift Test?
- Downward drift of arm w/fingers in flexion
2. Forearm and palm turn in and down
How to do Pronator Drift Test?
Stand for 20-30 sec with eyes closed, arms help stright out, tap arms briskly down. Should return to normal horizontal position.
What does the Straight-leg Raise Test check for in the spine?
Herniated disc causing compression of spinal nerve root passing through vetebral foramen. L4-L5 and L5-S1 most common.
Positive Straight-leg Raise Test?
Pain radiating down ipsilateral leg
How to perform Straight-leg Raise Test?
PT supine. Raise relaxes and straight leg, flex at thigh and hip.
Lower back pain down the thigh and leg is commonly called what?
Lumbrosacral radiculopathy aka
Mitral Regurg is a systolic or diastolic murmur?
Mitral Regurg increases when PT does what?
Hand grip
When in systole is Mitral Regurg murmur? Radiates?
Holo/pansystolic murmur. Radiates to axilla.
Where does Mitral Regurg murmur radiate to?
PT position and where to listen for Mitral Regurg murmur?
Left lateral decubitus position. Listen at apex with diaphragm. Increases with hand grip.
Mitral Stenosis is a systolic or diastolic murmur?
What does Mitral Stenosis sound like?
Opening snap, mid-diastolic rumble
When in the diastolic phase is rumble heard in Mitral Stenosis?
Mid-diastolic rumble
PT position and where to listen for Mitral Stenosis?
Left lateral decubitus. Listen at apex with bell.